Thursday, September 20, 2018


hello america!!! before i go on, allow me to clear the air---NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO ENDURE UNWANTED/UNINVITED HARASSMENT OF ANY TYPE FROM ANYBODY, PERIOD!!!

while it's a fact that many women do not report rapes or other forms of harassment, many others do---& yes, even i can understand & accept their reasons for making &/or not making a claim---my problem is this:::women can now make claims (without any proof) that can damage a man's reputation, employment, bank account &, unfortunately, his life...

the present accusations by dr christine blasey ford against (supreme court nominee) judge brett kavanaugh is the latest example---this is a case of something that may or may not have occurred more then 35 years ago at a party &, the sad part of it all is, it's almost impossible to prove or disprove---so, we are left to make our own judgements based on what we read & hear about it & how well we believe the story-teller...

good people, this case smells of something that's not right & here's why...
1.....supposedly, dem sen dianne feinstein received a letter 6 weeks prior to kavanaugh's confirmation hearings & never uttered a word about it---she didn't question the judge about it in private meetings & never brought it up at the hearings---she finally revealed it last thursday ford's lawyer 'previously' (remember that word) stated that she was willing to confront the senate & tell her side of the story
3.....the repubs capitulated & scheduled a hearing for both parties to testify under oath to tell their side of the story
4.....kavanaugh (who has steadfastly denied the claims & of being at that party) said he is willing & ready to testify at the hearing
5.....the fbi had handed over a report to the white house & has said they will not pursue it any further because it is not a federal crime (feinstein didn't even alert the fbi about that letter)
6.....a man, mark judge (friend of kavanough) has been named in the letter as being a witness to the
event has said, "i did not ask to be in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved---the only reason i'm involved is because dr christine blasey ford remembers me as the other person in the room during the alleged assault---in fact, i have no memory of the alleged incident---brett kavanaugh & i were friends in high school but i do not recall the party described in dr ford's letter---more to the point, i never saw brett act in the manner dr ford describes"---mark judge wrote that in a letter to sen grassley ford's lawyer will now not allow her to testify (previously they said she would) & is now calling for an fbi investigation which would effectively postpone kavanaugh's confirmation until well after the mid-term elections which is what the dems have wanted to accomplish ever since trump first nominated him

what i find confusing is, when you ask for something (not expecting it to be given) & (after some 'tit-for-tat') the other side capitulates, you find another reason for asking (demanding) more knowing that your terms will never be met thus giving you an excuse not to do what you first said you would do...

in the mean time, a man's reputation hangs in the balance based on an allegation of an event that occurred 35 years ago but was never brought to the light of day until it so conveniently assists the dems in their quest to derail this supreme court confirmation...

please bear in mind that dem sen dianne feinstein sits on the senate judiciary committee (as the ranking member)---yes, that's the same committee that 'vets' nominees to fed courts & the supreme court---she had more than ample time to present her letter & have it entered into the record during kavanaugh's hearings but, willingly elected not to do so &, her bringing to the light today smells of pure crap---the timing alone makes it suspect &, her actions seem highly politicized...

besides, feinstein is the same lady that is so willing to criticize trump & his immigration policies & yet, she was so absent under obama on the very same issue CLICK HERE...

good people, i was not there when this allegation was supposed to have taken place so, i don't honestly know the truth about it---however, after 35 years of willful silence, how can we now allow it to destroy a persons life, especially when it can't be proved???