Wednesday, April 22, 2009


hello america! obama is very slick &, i don't mean in a good way. he's now saying 'let's move forward' after opening the door about the torture tactics used at gitmo. he got the ball rolling by releasing the memos & now wants to sit on the side lines as a good guy that doesn't want to get caught up in the politics of an investigation. & yet, he & biden said during their campaign speeches that they were going to go after pres george can 'google' it or go here...

so now, the media is all over the upcoming investigation by ag william holder, &, it should never have gotten this far. common sense says that if the tactics used saved just one american life &/or the lives of our allies, then it was worth it. drop all this public window-dressing, rewrite the torture policy behind very closed doors &, move on.

if obama was as honest as he would like to dupe you into thinking, he would order his ag to investigate why the government dropped the ball on our economy. but, this won't happen because it would cost the democrats their seats---they allowed this to happen on their watch of which obama was a part of---don't swallow that 'we inherited this mess' crap. how can you inherited something you've been a part of for the last 2 plus years?

this going after pres bush & his administration is pure democrat takes the obama spending off the front page; it covers the failed bailout attempts; &, more importantly, it hides what a democrat controled house & senate failed to do for this country since 2006. but, don't get me wrong...there are plenty of republicans that need to be nailed to the wall also.