Monday, May 11, 2015


hello america!!! i'm inviting you to my table so, please wipe your shoes off, wash your hands, sit down, shut the hell up & quietly read the menu---& pray you don't get what you so richly deserve...

all of the following (obama, our new attorney general loretta lynch, al sharpton, congressman elijah cummings, baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings, state attorney for baltimore marilyn j mosby, baltimore chief of police anthony batts) have two things in common...
1. they're all black (based solely on skin color)
2. they've been all over the news about the death of freddie gray, the riots, the down-trodden conditions of baltimore, racism &, the condemnation of the police force..............

what concerns me (as well as it should concern everybody else) is just how quickly they've disappeared from the headlines &, their MIA is even more obvious when you click HERE...

for that matter, where is the outrage by the media & the people of baltimore at??? where are those 'peaceful protestor's at??? where are the bloods & crips at??? where's that outspoken black pastor at??? where's heraldo rivera???

in a 2-week period you have 40 people shot & 25 killed & that's less important than the death of freddie gray??? wait a minute---40 people being shot doesn't fit the narrative that cops are bad & their policies need to be overhauled;;;black-on-black crime doesn't fit the narrative that cops are racist;;;25 homicides by gunshot doesn't warrant protests or media coverage...

on the flip-side, perhaps the cops have read the memo that reads, they are watching & judging everything so, if there are any questions, you'll have to prove your innocence first but, only after the 'powers that be' tarnish your reputation---SO, WHO COULD BLAME THE COPS IF THEY DECIDE TO ACT MORE CAUTIOUSLY OR, TURN A BLIND EYE???

good people, just keep allowing the 'powers that be' to push their narrative down your throat &, while you're gagging on it, ask yourself this:::which family member or friend of those 40/25 doesn't wish a cop had been close by to prevent the shootings???

yes, we have some cops that are racist &, some that are over-zealous but, by far, the majority of them do an outstanding job & we should focus on that...

when all is said & done, the city of baltimore will quietly revert back to what it was before freddie gray's death, however, if the authority can't convict the 'chosen 6' of some heavy crimes, the city will burn & you'll have the 'powers that be' to blame because of their 'liberalization policies'

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


hello america!!! i just saw a video of a young black female stomping on our american flag while it lay on the ground &, it's nauseating---& what's worse is, she has a right to do that without fear of criminal charges...i find it repulsive to think that her actions will go unpunished & that there are those who will seek her & her  video out to 'glorify' her & others like her...

her actions aren't a black, white, or latino thing---nor are they about economics or geographical locations---her actions are disrespectful, ungrateful, steeped in denial, self-serving &, completely un-needed...

look, if you don't like where you're living, go somewhere else &, while i know that finance plays a big role in relocating, that young lady could have spent that same time promoting a positive video for our youth---like, let's stop black-on-black crime; like, let's stop 'slingin' drugs in the hood; like, let's get together & become a more powerful political force & change our conditions; like, let's focus on a much-improved education system that caters to all; like, let's help the homeless & elderly; like, let's clean up our communities & make them cleaner & safer for all, etc; etc; etc---

there were a lot of positive things that young lady could have done instead of telling our veterans that their actions didn't matter & that she's not grateful for living in the freest country in the world that fought for her right to stomp our flag------

i will not post the video or name the young lady because i will not promote her actions....

Friday, May 1, 2015


hello america!!! as a repub, i love it when the 'left-wing-nuts' argue among themselves---case in point; obama called the baltimore looter's 'thugs' (as did the baltimore mayor) & now, you have all these others idiots trying to connect that one word to 'race'...obama's standing by it while the baltimore mayor is trying to walk it back---

look, what happened in baltimore this past monday night (rock-throwing; breaking, entering &, looting stores; starting fires; property destruction; etc...) was plain old 'thuggery' & race didn't have anything to do with it---whites, blacks &, latino's were all involved in that lawlessness...

i've never sided with obama, however, he was correct for calling it like it was (just wish he'd do that for all the scandals his admin's been involved in) &, if people would just take the time to think before they react, the whole world would be better off...

so, for the idiots that just like to move their jaws, here's merriam-webster's DEFINITION &, if you want to apply it to what Tupac said, check this out HERE...