Saturday, March 21, 2015


hello america!!! please, hate me for being practical---i want the senate repubs to institute the 'nuclear option' for all future bills &, i can only hope that the bills will be meaningful, i.e; create jobs; ease the financial tax burden on the majority of our citizens; stop the growth of our gov't; restore the effectiveness of our constitution; restore our military might & abilities; enforce our immigration laws & borders; protect our 'unborn' children; restore our 'space programs' to the best in the world; ensure better care & benefits for our veterans & elders; restore trust & respect to our flag; restrengthen our relationships with our allies & define who our enemies are & act accordingly; reduce our national debt; &, probably most of all, restore our trust in our congress;...

yes, i could continue but, hopefully, you got the message...the repubs are in an ideal position to restore the 'greatness' to our country regardless of what obama may or may not do &, i strongly suggest they do so...