Sunday, March 15, 2009


hello america! 'GREED' ominous word at best. we usually use it in the same sentence with money. today, i will use outside of it's normal box...

obama & many others called the ceo's greedy & say that that's what led to this economic mess---for the record, i strongly disagree with that thinking---however, greed is what drives america & without it, we would be back in the stone age. &, before you get all upset, read the following...

you start a business to make a profit (& that's the bottom line) &, if you only make a little profit, you remain a little business---but, if you make a great deal of profit, you expand so you can make more. it's the american way. you can argue all you want with this thinking but, let's be real about it.

kfc, walmart, sears, home depot, your milk company, your egg company, your bank, your car dealer, your home builder, your airline company, just to name a few, all had one thing in common---THEY ALL STARTED SMALL. none of them started their business by opening hundreds of stores all at once. dominoes didn't start with hundreds of pizza shops & none of the rest of the others did either. they all started out with one store & it just kept getting better & bigger. &, i'm willing to bet that none of them had any idea that they would grow into what they are today. t-mobile, verizon, at&t, exon, kraft foods, ect; etc; etc. in fact, you name a business & i'll bet it didn't start out big. DON'T GET THIS CONFUSED WITH BUYOUTS & MERGERS.
another thing you don't hear about is how many of them had to struggle to get to where they are.

so, now that they are making millions of dollars of profit & can afford to eat dinner in parris & jet to la for a movie, we now call them greedy. are you stupid? really, are you? take your girl oprah. she didn't even know if her show would even be around six months after it first aired & look at her now. is she greedy? look at all the people she's employed & helped & don't forget her donantions to charities. but, she lives a lifestyle that many americans can't even afford to dream about.

there are all forms of greed. obama is very greedy but won't admit it & yet, his actions prove it. he wants to go down as the first president to have done so much within his first 100 days & he doesn't care who says what.

greed is those that lie about what they are doing in order to get more---those, that cook the books---those that decieve us & obama is right in the middle of this group.


hello america! we hear the term 'flip-flop' & we know it's applied to people that first support something & then, they don't support it. in this case, the word applies directly to obama &, i'll show you why.

you have to remember obama running around the country preaching his 'gloom & doom' crap about our economic situation. now he preaching about how strong it is & yet, nothing has are still being lost, loans are still not being issued, homes are still being foreclosed on. his sec of treasury is running around scared & continues to promise details of his bank bailout plan. the stock market has had a positive 4-day gain but it's still far from becoming secure. &, all the 'expert' economic forecasters predict times to become even worse---that is, we've not yet hit the bottom.

so, i ask, what gives obama? why the turn-around? is it just to appease china with the hopes they won't cash in their bonds? try telling the american people the truth---just one time.

you have to remember obama pumping up the bailout bill & the appropriations bill & now he's having misgivings about the amount of money in them & what it's going to. why now? this man cannot tell the truth---it would ruin his image.

america, it's hard to expect the truth to come out of the mouth of a man who's past is still shrouded in secrecy.


hello america! there is a bill called the "EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT" that is floating around congress & if passed, will cause the death of many of our small businesses. please google it & see for yourselves.

in a nutshell, it will permit workers to unionize more easily & openly &, the employer will be forced to abide by national labor board collective bargining or shut down.

obama strongly supports unionized labor & he strongly supports this bill. the following is an excert from

President Barack Obama supports the bill. An original co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act, Obama urged his Senate colleagues to pass the bill during a 2007 motion to proceed:
I support this bill because in order to restore a sense of shared prosperity and security, we need to help working Americans exercise their right to organize under a fair and free process and bargain for their fair share of the wealth our country creates.
The current process for organizing a workplace denies too many workers the ability to do so. The Employee Free Choice Act offers to make binding an alternative process under which a majority of employees can sign up to join a union. Currently, employers can choose to accept--but are not bound by law to accept--the signed decision of a majority of workers. That choice should be left up to workers and workers alone.
"I will make it the law of the land when I'm President of the United States", he told a labor federation meeting in April, 2008. While Obama didn't talk about this issue much before general audiences, it was his main promise when he spoke to unions.

obama even sent vp joe biden to the afl-cio's winter meeting in florida & the entire speech can be found on ::::read it for yourselves.

just think, a pizza shop could become unionized forcing the employer to the collective bargaining table for more money, more benifits, better conditions, & a guaranteed 40 hours a week. hope you can afford it.

small businesses, watch out. no matter what obama promises you, judge him by his actions &, by now, you have to know that his actions for you ain't been good. &, if you still don't believe me, google obamas executive orders concerning federal funded work.