Thursday, November 5, 2015


hello america!!! our greatness is slowly eroding by our allowing 'stupidness' to dictate how we should live...we, as a country, were founded on many, many christian beliefs & that's what allowed us to become the country that all others wanted to enter & be a part of---

look, when you live in america, you live by our laws, rules & standards PERIOD!!!---it's stupidity to allow foreigners to enter our borders & change, don't get me wrong, i am sensitive to the needs & wants of others but hey, just because you don't eat pork, don't force me not to sell have the right not to enter my eatery & take your money elsewhere---YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE ME TO CHANGE MY MENU TO CATER TO YOUR DIETARY HABITS...

good people, we are sliding down the left-sided slope at a very perilous rate & when we hit bottom, we will be a country that's totally lost it's identity...since when was our gov't &/or courts designed to put the needs (& wants) of the few over the needs (& wants) of the many??? since when were our religious beliefs ignored in favor of other religious beliefs???

when our gov't can force a religious couple to either make a cake for a same-sex wedding or fine them for not baking it, i say we've lost our minds...the same people in favor of forcing that couple to bake that cake would never even entertain forcing a muslim bakery to bake a cake for the kkk...

there are those that want to remove all images of christianity from the publics view while at the same time saying it's ok for muslim women to wear a burka (burqa)---teachers can't wear their crosses exposed because it may offend somebody but muslim teachers can wear their burka's while teaching...HYMM??? just know that there are many that will force a christian pastor to perform a same-sex-wedding, not one of them would do the reverse...

we also have lost our minds when it comes to opening up our public bathrooms & showers to transgender's---while they may or not get the operation necessary to complete the process, certain urges are still there &, if you think pills are the answer, why do we continue to have such a very high rape rate??? i have nothing against the lgbt community but i draw the line when it comes to a male transgender in the same bathroom with my grandaughter...

we have lost our minds when we have our leaders & certain groups constantly harping on police brutality within our black communities & yet, they're like turds floating down the river (extremely quiet) when it comes to discussing black-on-black crime within those same communities---it's as if they go out of their way not to address that issue & it's a very big one...

we have lost our minds by allowing illegal immigrants to live within our borders (sanctuary cities) without fear of being rounded up, & what's even worse, allowing more to enter---who's paying for them to live here & what are they productively contributing to our way of life??? with all the technology & man-power at our disposal, nobody should be able to unlawfully enter our borders without being detected & apprehended...

we have lost our minds by not forcing everyone (immigrants & citizens alike) within our borders to have a gov't issued id---rather than debate this with you, just ask yourself this:::what can you legally do without valid, gov't issued id??? besides, with all the threats now facing us from abroad, we need to make this mandatory for our own internal security...

we have lost our minds when we have american companies folding up shop here & taking the jobs & businesses overseas & then exporting their products back to us---you could site a lot of reasons for this but, taxes, regulations, & obamacare will always be in the top three plus, unions have a lot to do with it also...

we have lost our mind when our so-called leaders get in front of cameras & call for the removal of the washington redskins name & logo & yet, not say a single word about the 'n-word' in our music---these very same people got you & the media all riled up over the confederate flag & never said a word about the kkk flag nor have they said anything about other team names in sports or their emblems (google the chicago blackhawks & see for yourself)...

we have lost our mind when we applaud those calling for women equality & fair pay & yet, we forget that they are continually doing business & accepting funds from countries that deny ANY rights to women...

we have lost our mind when it comes to our education standards & expectations for our youth---we tend to listen to those in charge & we usually defer to them (regardless of how distorted the facts may be)---most teachers & school staff actually do care & try to make a difference but, there's those that just go through the motions to collect a check &, because of unions, it's extremely hard to terminate them---

we have lost our mind when it comes to COLA (cost of living allowance) for our vets & seniors---this year, they won't get one for next year because the cost of gas is down (that's their excuse)---what kind of unhappy horse crap is that??? we can send money to foreign countries that hate us (some don't even need it) but, we can't provide for our vets & seniors---there is something terribly wrong with that picture...besides, what is our gov't doing with all the money from fines (from businesses) & taxes they took in???

my america, we have lost our mind by allowing babies to have babies & going out of our way to condone it;  by not having more constructive after-school activities for our youth; by allowing gang & criminal activity to flourish in our communities because we don't speak out until we are individually affected; by allowing our politicians to tell us what they will do instead of what they have done...etc; etc;etc...

i'm sure we could add to the above, however, i'm hoping that some of it sank in---all that is wrong with our great country is fixable with the right people in office---HINT!!!