Tuesday, February 26, 2019


hello america!!! i've so many different thoughts in my head as to what to write about that it's difficult to focus on the message i'm trying to impart to you---so, please, forgive me if i ramble all over the place...

first & foremost is my totally complete dissatisfaction with the present 'people-of-color' politicians---more specifically, i'm pointing the finger at the those dem politicians that call themselves everything but white---all of them should be ashamed & re-called to be voted out of office---every single one of them...

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you don't need to keep more of your hard-earned dollars??? 

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you don't need the doubling of your child tax credit???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you don't need the tax credit for paying for the care of your child (13 or under) or paying for the care of a disabled dependent (of any age)???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you don't need all the various benefits the new tax law has allowed businesses to give you???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you that having the lowest unemployment rates for blacks, hispanics & orientals (in our history) is bad for you???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that ridding your communities of drugs, gangs & violence is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that urban-revitalization is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that removing your child from an under-performing school & enrolling that child in a school of your choice is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that the 'first step act' is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that the continuous economic growth of our country is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that the continuous rise of our stock-markets is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that making america's interests first is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that taking care of our military & vets is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that trying to get north korea to denuclearize???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that trying to work out a peace-deal with the taliban is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that trying to work out an israel & palestine peace-deal is wrong??? 

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that making america self-dependent on energy is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that ensuring that our borders are safe is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell that you only need to complete a 4-year college course to be successful?

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that trying to pursue the 'american dream' is wrong???

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that you were better of 2 plus years ago???

although there are many, many questions i could ask, please allow me to ask this last one...

who among them can look you in the eye & tell you that 'people-of-color' don't/didn't benefit from any of the above??????????????????????????????????????????

PEOPLE-OF-COLOR please, wake up---do not be deceived by those wishing the trumpster to fail &/or are calling for his impeachment---this one man has done wonders for all of us &, if the dem elected 'people-of-color' would support him, we, as a people, would be able to progress even more...

facts are facts although they get continuously mangled dependent upon who's using them---america is far better off today (for all of her citizens) then it was 2 years ago...

Monday, February 25, 2019


hello america!!! here's your chance to finally put all of those nasty names you've been calling me a chance to come to life...

1.....congress gave the president the power to declare 'national emergencies' (national emergencies act of 1976)---
2.....they also gave themselves the power to pass a resolution striking it down---
3.....they also gave the president the power to veto that resolution---
4.....they also gave themselves the power to 'over-ride' that veto with 2/3's of the house & senate voting to 'over-ride' that veto---

those are the facts as they pertain to the law---PERIOD!!!

what in the hell is the problem??? i'm here to tell you what the problem is---the dems (& far too many repubs) don't like the trumpster's way of getting things done---he's shown the whole world that the 'old way of doing business' in washington was/is a sham---&, more importantly, he's achieving extremely positive results for the american people & that alone threatens the way they used to do business which renders them expendable...

good people, our immigration laws are outdated & have created far too many 'loop-holes' that foster continued illegal immigration---for eons we've been fighting one another on the 'rights' & 'wrongs' of who enters our country & how---all presidents (to include the trumpster) have pledged, promised, campaigned on fixing our broken border laws with several main objectives...
1...to keep americams safe
2...to know who's enter our country
3...to know why they're entering our country
4...to know there where-abouts while they're here
5...to know how long they will be here

from obama on back, they all 'talked' a good game, however, once they had time to match action to their mouth, they all faltered big-time---hell, obama went around the country telling everyone that he didn't have the 'power' to correct our southern border problems & then, he went an issued an 'exectutive order' on 'daca' & 'catch & release' in favor of 'illegal immigration' (& worse, in favor for his political party)...

look, let's keep it real---you're not going to allow homeless people to set up camp in your backyard---nor are you going to allow the down-trodden to do the same---& hey, you're definitely not going to allow those fleeing from the chicago's of our land to do so either---we have established ways for people to come to our homes wishing entry---quit being so politically correct & tell me who among those groups can illegally enter your property, set up home &, while being there illegally, demand you to provide for their every need???

let this roll around your mind for a while---under obama, why in the hell would we be advertising our food-stamps programs (etc,etc, etc)??? why were people from other countries being being given 'cards' as to what to tell the border patrol authorities what to say when caught by our border patrol people---let's go to the facts---far too many of them were told to cross illegally into our country & turn themselves in to our border authorities so as not to be deported---just think about that & hey, those are the facts...

in truth, the presidents prior to the trumpster didn't have the balls to buck a failing political system & that's the number one reason we're in the mess we're presently in---they were all 'talkers' & not 'doers'---the trumpster is a 'doer' & doesn't care about the political fallout for ruffling the feathers of those that don't/won't support common sense policies---&, he doesn't mind calling them out about it...

america, a well-constructed southern border wall will
1...greatly reduce the inflow of those trying to enter our country illegally by forcing them to find easier access crossing points where we can easily amass more border patrol agents & technology to apprehend them on the spot
2...greatly reduce the inflow of drugs & guns into our country thereby greatly helping our very own communities
3...greatly reduce the traffic of human smuggling
4...greatly reduce the chances of an american citizen being harmed
5...greatly reduce the financial strain illegal immigration places on us
6...greatly reduce the harm that those trying to illegally enter our country fall prey to
7...greatly reduce the chances of diseases crossing our border
i'm certain that you can add to the list &, i'm just as certain that you understand the benefits we all receive from a southern border wall because, in reality, there are no negatives...

the dems, rino's &, left-wing media called the trumpster out for saying, 'they are not sending us their best' &, many labels were attributed to him for that---but hey, it was/is the truth---while the majority of those illegally entering our country may seem like good people, where in the hell are the scientists, the doctors, the tech-savvy experts or engineers from these groups of people seeking entry??? we are not getting their best...

the other comment the trumpster made that was taken out of context & used against him was, 'why are we having all of these people from shit-hole countries coming here' & hey, while it may have been stated using 'nicer' words, it was the absolute truth---for far too many reasons, the countries the trumpster referred to (for the most part) are not very safe, economically secure or, very clean---they're just like our down-trodden, crime infested, drug infested, gang infested &, low-education level infected areas we have so many of right here & hey, we avoid them when we can because they're shit-hole areas---that's not a knock on the people, that's a knock on our local gov't powers not doing their best for their people &, a knock for the people continually voting & re-voting those same idiots into office---it should only take one election-cycle to know if a public official is helping you or not, PERIOD!!!

for your amusement &, to show you just how quickly rhetoric is useless, here's (former dem sen harry in 1993 SEE VIDEO HERE

&, here's pres bill clinton in 1995 CLICK HERE

&, here's obama in 2006 CLICK HERE

&, here's sen chuck shumer in 2009 CLICK HERE

so, what's changed??? the only thing that's changed is, the trumpster is the president & is all about action---those before him 'talked' about 'doing' & then, did nothing---the dems will never assist the trumpster because, when he's successful, his actions expose their faults---the other problem is, the dems are only using the southern border issues as a means to try & get the hispanic vote---they've abandoned their efforts trying to placate the black people of america until just before election time (i'm soon going to write all about that)...

good people, if building that wall would save just one person from harm or stop a shipment of drugs into our country, common sense says it's the correct thing to do regardless of your political affiliation because that next victim could be you or somebody close to you...

we inflict more than enough harm upon one another so why in the hell should we allow more of it to be imported???

Friday, February 15, 2019


hello america!!! the following link shows exactly what is wrong with the dem party (CLICK HERE)---simply put, they don't want you working because they would lose control over you...

do you think that this far-left, socialist dem, congress female ever gave thought to how much those 25,000 potential jobs would mean to those filling those positions??? since she's supposed to be for those that can't help themselves &/or are struggling to do so, i can only assume that she thought the extreme rich would be the only job-fillers---hell, in reality, the down-trodden would have sought employment there & hey, many of them probably would have been hired (even at minimum wage)---what in the hell is wrong with that???

plus, the city, state & fed gov't missed out on the taxes the workers would have paid---&, think of all the businesses that won't get to offer their goods to those that would have been employed---the effects are far more reaching & deadly than just objecting &/or prohibiting a corporation to come in & set up shop---

america, this should prove to you (once & for all) that the dems will do &/or say anything to keep you unemployed---they would prefer you were dependent upon them for some sort of gov't handout---&, you don't have to believe me but hey, had dem obama done what the trumpster did, millions of people would have never been unemployed & our welfare rolls would have never exploded...

facts are facts, however, the dem 'super-smart idiots' will all always argue against them---look at all the support they gave obama for his job-killing regulations/policies & now crucify the trumpster for eliminating them---the trumpsters actions & policies are working so well that obama & company now want to take credit for the economic success the trumpster has caused but, you'll never hear that from the dem-controlled media...

look, you may think whatever you wish to, however, you just have to stop ignoring the truth---just look at what the above female (aoc) has proposed with her 'geen new deal' resolution---you can read the whole 14 pages of it HERE---please bear in mind that some 2020 dem presidential candidates (as well as other dems) have already endorsed that resolution---here's the kicker, they think so highly of this resolution & yet, the senate majority leader wants to put it on the floor for a vote & yes, it's the dems objecting to it because their vote would be on the record---go figure that one out...

free college??? free healthcare??? a gov't paycheck for those that don't even want to work??? & your expecting only the very rich to pay for it is just plain stupid thinking---oh wait, they're talking about making a law to penalize the wealthy for trying to leave our country with their wealth (BUT TRUMP WAS CRAZY FOR SAYING THE SAME THING ABOUT OUR BUSINESSES LEAVING)...

history has proved that anytime the rich are forced to pay more, those below them are forced to pay more---those charges are passed down in higher prices for goods & services---&, for you that want to gloss over that fact, it's the poor people that will be negatively effected the most---it's a fact that many, many rich people do many good things on their own for those less fortunate & when you force them to do more, they actually do less...

regardless of how you may think, the dems are actually leaning 'socialist' more than ever & hey, that's not something this country should ever allow to occur---it just doesn't work & moreso because of our vast population...

when i think of this new green deal, i think of obamas 'greening' of america & hey, i'm here to tell you that that was a disaster---&, since you won't/don't believe me, i challenge you to educate me to his success with it---hell, i actually remember him trying to help promote the chevy volt & saying that he would get one one when he left office---here is a list of his 'green failures'---CLICK HERE---&, not to leave you with just that, there's this READ HERE...

america just won't be forced into 'greening'---it wasn't then & won't be now, however, if it's left up to the dems, that is exactly what they will do---force you into 'greenery' which will be a new way of controlling you...

don't get me wrong, we all want clean air & water, however, we want it on our terms & based on our needs---not what the gov't wants to force-feed us...

america, the writing is on the walls for all to see & hey, after seeing it, we're that fly on the wall &, if you believe in the future of this country, your vote, come 2020, will never be more important---& hey, i'm here to tell you the truth about that vote---your vote will only be for one of the following...

1...you'll vote for them to control you
2...you'll vote to control your own country

IT'S THAT SIMPLE no matter who else says differently...

Monday, February 11, 2019


hello america!!! this is for those that think the trumpster is wrong about our southern border problems & his insistence on building THE WALL...

so, let's start with this one from1995...

& then, we have this one...

& here...

can't leave out hillary...

this will show you the senate vote for & against the secure fence act of 2006...

if you took the time to watch all 5 videos, please, take the time to ask yourself this:::what's wrong with what trump is asking for concerning our southern border security???

it's amazing how the dems change their support &/or non-support so publicly & think that you will never catch on---they're fake & what they represent is not good for our country...

Sunday, February 10, 2019


hello america!!! as promised, here are the 2019 homicide totals from the 6 communities i've been following...

chicago---32 total homicides of which 11 are black/2 hispanic/zere female/zero by police

baltimore---29 total homicides of which 14 are black/zero hispanic/2 female

la county---41 total homicides of which 14 are black/19 hispanic/3 female/1 by police

jacksonville---18 total homicides of which 11 are black/zero hispanic/3 female

milwaukee---6 total homicides of which 4 are black/1 hispanic/1 female

st louis---19 total homicides of which 16 are black/1 hispanic/1 female

128 total homicides of which 70 are black/23 hispanic/10 female/1 by police...

people of color, when you do the math across the board, it's extremely difficult to find that the police are our communities biggest problem---in fact, the evidence proves we are our own biggest problem & yet, you allow yourselves to get riled up by the dems & their controlled media whenever a cop kills a person of color (justified or not) but, you don't say crap about black-on-black crime &, they don't either---it's like they want you to ignore what we are doing to one another & then jump through their hoops when a cop kills one of us---sadly, you do just that---you burn down our own shit, destroy our own cars, destroy our own shopping establishments &, physically harm one another in the process...

far too many of you are so stuck on stupid that you can't recognize or accept somebody directly in front of you offering to help you regain control of your communities---what's so wrong about ridding our communities of drugs unless you're a drug dealer??? what's so wrong with ridding our communities of gangs unless you're a gang-banger??? what's so wrong about allowing more of our own people to gain legal employment unless you're one of those that make your money on the streets??? what's so wrong about urban revitalization unless you're one of those that prey on the down-trodden??? what's so wrong about rebuilding &/or fixing our infrastructure unless you're one of those on the mayors secret payroll??? what's so wrong about you enrolling your children in schools of your choice unless you're one of those that really don't care about the level of education they presently receive??? what's so wrong with allowing people to get off of our welfare rolls unless you're one of those lazy people that refuse to better your livelihood...

i've more questions than answers, however, the trumpster has tried to help you but meets with tremendous resistance at ever turn & hey, you fall in line with the dem leadership in that resistance---why??? you've been voting dem for eons & this is as far as you've gotten---obama didn't do crap for you & you re-elected him to do even less---you're an idiot if you continue to elect those to office that refuse help you improve your lives & hey, the dems have proved they will not stand for you or help you...

since you refuse to listen to me, look at the present facts---the trumpster is about doing while the dems are all about talking---answer me this, in the last 50 years, what have the dems done to try to elevate you up just one rung on the ladder of life??? & then, be honest with yourself & look at what the trumpster has accomplished in just 2 short years...

good people, look at it this way, not a single dem (in either chamber) voted for the tax act, not even the 'so-called' black ones you elected to represent you---that alone speaks volumes as to what they won't do for you & hey, there's no way in hell that they will lift a finger to even try & curtail the violence within our communities...

there's that saying---if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got...


hello america!!! sorry that this is just now getting posted---somehow it's my fault because i 'saved' it to 'draft' by mistake but, in this day & age, i should be able to find somebody else to blame it on...

these are 2018 total homicides for the 6 communities i've been following & my very next post will be the totals since 1/1/19...

chicago---589 total homicides of which 465 were black/79 hispanic/81 female/police killed 6 while wounding 15 per HEYJACKASS...
just think, a total of 2,962 people were actually shot---that's a lot of bullets & guns...

baltimore---309 total homicides of which 242 were black/5 were hispanic/33 were female per BALTIMORESUN...

la county---634 total homicides of which 178 were black/320 hispanic/116 female/police killed 37 per LATIMES...

jacksonville---109 total homicides of which 76 were black/no hispanics/25 were female per JAXSHERIFF...

milwaukee---101 total homicides of which 72 were black/5 were hispanic/21 were female per JSONLINE...

st louis---187 total homicides of which 120 were black/1 hispanic/23 female per SLMPD...

here the 2018 totals from those 6 communities...
1,929 homicides of which 1,153 were black/410 hispanic/299 female/police killed at least 43 people while wounding at least 6 others...

good people, what i find so appalling (concerning the above senseless murders) is the silence by all the various groups that supposedly represent us &, especially the all dem congressional black caucus (which is currently made up by 2 'so-called' black senators, 51 'so-called' black u.s. reps &, 2 'so-called' black non-voting delegates)---they are a sham & i say that for the following reasons...

they can get in front of a camera & tell you how bad the trumpster is for you, regardless of what he proposes or does &, the only time they talk about homicides are when they involve mass-shootings or a cop killing a person of color (justified or not) &, after calls to end police racism & stricter gun-control, they fade into the shadows just as quickly as they first appeared---hell, i.e; i can remember the baltimore md problems because of the death of freddie gray when rep elijah cummings & (then) st sen catherine pugh (at present, she is the mayor of balimore) marched arm-in-arm in protest---have you seen or heard of them marching for those 242 black people murdered last year??? by the way---of those 6 cops charged in freddie gray's death, 3 were acquitted & the charges against the other 3 were dropped...

the one conversation the 'so-called' black dems seem so willing to avoid is, the violence we inflict on our own kind & hey, it's called black-on-black crime & never gets the media coverage it definitely deserves---the dems refuse to acknowledge it or do anything to curtail it...

look, if the dem leadership refuses to find ways to combat america's self-inflicted violence & we elect dem 'so-called' people of color to office, guess what they're not going to address (unless it's voting time)???

while i know that many of you will continue to blindly support the dem party, when was the last time you heard or saw nancy pelosi of chuck shumer talking about the above 1,929 homicides??? & yet, every time they get a chance, they're denigrating the trumpster (for every & anything)---the extremely frustrating part of all of this is, the elected politicians echo that rhetoric---do you mean to tell me that they can't equate drugs, gangs & poverty directly to our country's violence??? are they that daft???

america, if we could collectively slow down the influx of drugs, disband the gangs & provide more jobs, the homicide numbers would drop drastically overnight---WAIT A MINUTE---that's exactly what the trumster proposed to do &, is trying to do, however, the dems just won't support him regardless of who they hurt because they'd have to admit he was right---shamefully, the 'so-called' black dem elected politicians are far too weak/scared/&/or non-caring to cross party lines & yet, they'll stand up strong for illegal aliens & sanctuary cities---make sure you re-elect them to continue to serve your best interests...

the above homicides coupled with the rest of our communities is more than a call for action & the dem-controlled media, our pro-sports organizations, the women's groups, the black groups, the hispanic groups are all collectively silent about the above & yet, they are all anti-trump & extremely quick to condemn the police---why aren't they protesting the violence within the communities it's occurring in???

i've said this before & it's worth repeating every day---our problem is not the police---our problem is the little regard we have for human life---&, people of color, you should know that between what we do to one another & planned parenthood, we're doing the work of the kkk while they sit back & laugh at our calls for equality...

Saturday, February 9, 2019


hello america!!! the following are just some of my own musings in regards to the dems...

1.....have you every taken the time to notice the dems (that are well off) telling you how damaging tax cuts are for you???
2.....have you ever taken the time to notice whenever the dems are at a loss to explain something, they use the race card???
3.....have you ever taken the time to notice how much the dems fight for abortions & yet, have nothing to say about the homicides we commit on one another???
4.....have you ever taken the time to notice how loudly the dems cry for gun-control whenever there's a mass shooting & yet, have nothing to say about the guns in the hoods of america???
5.....have you ever taken the time to notice how the dems regarded illegal immigration a few short years ago & compared it to what they're now saying about it???
6.....have you ever taken the time to notice how the dems campaigned on 'fixing' our va & yet, did nothing???
7.....have you ever taken the time to notice how the dems always talk about jobs growth & then do everything within their power to hinder it???
8.....have you ever taken the time to notice how the dems court the black & hispanic vote & then do absolutely nothing for them???
9.....have you ever taken the time to notice how the dems talk about climate control & yet, you never see them walking/biking/boating or car-pooling to get to their meetings???
10...have you ever taken the time to notice that the dems are quick to condemn white hate groups/people but have nothing to say about the hate groups of people of color???
11...have you ever taken the time to notice how loudly/quickly the dems denigrate an accused repub women abuser & yet, so quiet/slow to denounce one of their own???
12...have you ever taken the time to notice how many dem gov's & mayors have declared sanctuary city's & do nothing for those true americans living within them???
13...have you ever taken the time to notice how the dem controlled media refuses to credit the trumpster for anything positive & yet, who can honestly complain about where are today &/or about where we're heading???

i could add to this list but, hopefully, you got the point...


hello america!!! if you don't wake up & realize that we are at the crossroads as to what is good for us & that which isn't, come nov 2020 you're doomed to making the same voting mistake which will allow the dems to gain even more gov't power---quit listening to the left-wing media & the dems rhetoric & seek the facts for yourselves---in this day of instant info, there's no excuse not to...

in jan 2018, we added 304,000 new jobs which, to the laymen, is 304,000 more people gaining employment---nobody on either side of the isle predicted even half of that & yet, there are far too many of you that will never award the credit for that to the trumpster---his actions & policies have proved that he really does know what he's doing---&, before you get to disagreeing with me, obama & company want to take credit for our booming economy & yet, his/their actions & policies had an extremely adverse effect on our country's growth...

in truth, you don't have to like the trumpster or respect him, however, what all he's done for us in the short time he's been in office is extraordinary---bear in mind, he's been able to accomplish so much good for us despite the opposition from the media, the dems, the trump-hater's &, the rinos (repubs in name only)---nothing this man says or does gets positive exposure & yet, look at where we are compared to where we were---& hey, we were in that desolate place because of the dems policies & actions &/or non-actions...

i'm here to speak the absolute 'TRUTH' to you---everything the trumpster has done &/or has proposed to do for our country could have & should have been done by the so-called presidents before him but wasn't because of POLITICS/LACK OF BALLS/LACK OF KNOW HOW/LACK OF CARING---yes, there are those of you that will argue with any & everything that i say positive about the trumpster but hey, facts are facts---had obama (in his first 2 years) done what the trumpster has done, that alone would have propelled him to being the greatest president ever---however, the fact is, he did the opposite of what he should have done---obama gave us the disastrous obamacare, numerous crippling regulations, fed gov't over-reach, negative job growth, numerous invasions of illegal aliens, severe upward spikes in our 'welfare programs', foreign policies nobody ever understood or respected &, far too many lies & scandals for me to list here without getting off topic---with all that said, i do recognize obama for starting the 'war on police'...

let's start it off like this:::there's ignorance & then, there's willful ignorance

regardless of your political party affiliation, at some point, you have to accept the reality of 'what is' (based on actual evidence) & not 'what you're told it is' (based on negative rhetoric)---& hey, i'm here to tell you that you owe that to yourselves, your family &, your country...

look, we all hear & see the same things, however, far too many of you are all to willing to believe & follow those that distort, lie, distract, confuse, ignore, truncate, &/or denigrate the TRUTH & again, in this age of technology, there's no excuse for you not to be able to avail yourselves to all the facts...

far too many of you get caught up by the dem talking points so, i invite you to an opportunity to remove your blinders...

trump's been accused of being racist---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies hurting/harming/hindering/humiliating/harassing people of color???
trump's been accused of being misogynistic---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies hurting/harming/hindering/humiliating/harassing women???
trump's been accused of being islamophobic---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies hurting/harming/hindering/humiliating/harassing muslims???
trump's been accused of being a war-monger---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies leading us to war???
trump's been accused of anti-america---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies have done that???
trump's been accused of being a liar---which of you can provide specific evidence of his actions &/or policies proving that???

your answers will probably be the dem talking points (which the left-wing media is so willing & able to cram down your throats)...

those that are actually paying attention to what all the trumpster has done &/or proposed for our country may be offended with his blustery talking style but hey, there's no way they can ignore or deny his positive results...