Thursday, February 4, 2016


hello america!!! far too many of you spend your time in a fantasy world where you can tune out the realities of life, however, there are some realities that can't (& shouldn't) be ignored---when i look at all the senseless homicides in chicago of people of color, i'm dumbfounded as to...

1...why there is no sensationalized media coverage about them???
2...why our 'so-called leaders' are so silent about them???
3...why the 'so-called civil rights groups' haven't demonstrated & protested against them like they've done for cop-killings???
4...why the individual communities & police won't work together to make their areas safer???
5...why 'black lives don't matter' when they're killed by one of their own???

just so you know, chicago had approximately 486 homicides in 2015 (depending on the source) & the vast majority of them were of people of color but, you didn't have the 'demonstrations' that occurred in ferguson, mo because of the death of michael brown nor did you have them in baltimore, md  because of the death of freddie gray & that should make you question 'why not?'

you should also be asking yourself this; why does it take a cop killing a person of color to gain national media attention & yet, so many others go unnoticed by that same media??? yes, what happened to freddie gray was a tragedy but, was his death more important than the baltimore killings of the 237 plus that occurred after his??? there were no protests; no demonstrations; no national media coverage; no 'so-called' leaders speaking out for them---hell, the demonstrations & protests for freddie gray were all over the news for days but you didn't hear SHIT about the 42 homicides that occurred in the month (may 2015) after them---why not???

if 'black lives matter' do matter, why has there been so much deafening silence about the 58 (out of approx 60) black & latino chicago homicides since jan 1st??? i'm saddened by the fact that 40 of them are 30 & younger & nobody's raising any hell about HOMICIDE WATCH CHICAGO...

while some of you may think that you are 'above' the life-style of being shot, i'm here to bust your bubble---in this day & age when a 12, 13, 14 year old kid can buy a 'street gun' faster than a law abiding citizen, nobody is immune to a bullet (whether intended or unintended)---those are facts &, for thinking otherwise, you're living in a 'fantasy world'---hell, it wasn't too long ago when some of you were thinking there were no drugs & gangs in your neighborhoods & never would be but, reality has set in & you're lost & won't face today as it is---to you who think like that i say this; it wasn't a 21 year old person of color flying that jet from columbia to here nor was it a group of them (as police) turning their backs on it reaching certain communities---our drug & gang problems were never 'EPIDEMIC' until they entered the rural areas of our cities...guns &a bullets are no different---here's a manufacturing LIST OF THEM & nothing screams out 'black/latino owned & operated'...

&, if you think 'more gun control' as demanded from obama & company is the answer, you're delusional---france has a stricter gun control policy than we do & you saw what happened there---hell, when guns are purchased legally & the gun owner snaps, the mayhem cannot be prevented &, not everybody shows signs of going on a killing spree---the flip-side of that is, if family, neighbors or co-workers were suspicious of others doing harm to others & called the police, the police would be so tied up checking those suspicions out that they wouldn't have time to spend on actual crime...please, do not get me wrong---i am all in favor of background checks, permits to carry, waiting periods, severe penalties for violators, etc; however, i am not in favor of anything that weakens my 2nd amendment...

what's occurring in many of our communities has nothing to do with gun control---even the dumbest criminal knows not to kill somebody (illegally) with his own legally purchased & owned gun (although there are cases where that happens)---most of the time, the guns are stolen or bought off the streets & i'm here to tell you that they are very easy to obtain if you have the cash...just so you know---i've been working on this for 2 days & since i started, 2 more chicago people have been killed by guns that you won't hear crap about...

all lives should matter regardless of race, religion or any other factors except when those lives are taken legally---obama & company should be promoting gun ownership instead of the opposite---imagine if somebody in that crowd in san bernardino were firing back at those 2 terrorists...i believe the terrorists would have been too busy ducking returning bullets & probably wouldn't have inflicted as much damage as they did...

by the way, i try to inform you with the truth as best that i can so, if you click HERE you'll see our state  gun laws & no, this isn't the BIBLE of gun laws...&, if you take the time to CLICK HERE you'll be able to get a time line of our mass shootings &, what should punch you in the eye is, chicago's nowhere on this list...

good people, there is something terribly wrong when we can overlook the killing of a person of color by a person of color while focusing solely on cops killings...