Thursday, September 17, 2020


hello america!!! just think, you see something negative about the trumpster & you can't wait to post it on your social media outlets without doing any personal research on the subject---& hey, that's your right to do so &, i support that right 100%...

what i don't support is your refusing to acknowledge that your 'hasty' reaction may have been wrong---especially when that 'wrongness' is proved...

case in media was flooded with 2 major medal newspapers denouncing the trumpsters claims about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine (the lancet & the new england journal of medicine) &, you ran with them to help bolster your argument that the trumpster was & is truly clueless...

what i haven't seen you post is the RETRACTIONS of those stories---now, i wonder why that is???

look, i get it---nobody likes to be proved wrong, however, when you do what our media has been doing, you are complicit in the division of our country...

here's the original writing from the lancet (*RETRACTED* in red is not me)---take the time to notice it's from the lancet's own website---

some of you may still be sceptical so, this also comes from the lancet in their own words explaining the retraction---

here's cnn on may 22nd---

&, a mere 13 days later we have this from cnn on june 4th---

my-my-my---total opposites & yet, you only posted the one while completely ignoring the other, however, the damage was done...

i'm not defending the trumpster, i'm trying to make you aware of the damage you & the media inflict on us with the rush to publish any & everything negative about the trumpster---hell, the fda pulled testing, the va & just about every other hospital in america stopped treatment using the drug &, at this point, nobody has proved whether the drug works or not...

so, please allow me to ask the following??? who in the hell do you think prescribed hydroxychloroquine for the president &/or allowed him to take it without knowing a hell of a lot more about it than we do??? let that sink in!!! also, think about this---the trumpster sees a lot of different people every day & most of the time you see him mask-less & yet, he seems immune to covid-19...

in TRUTH, there's no scientific proof if the drug works or not, however, it is to my understanding that if taken early enough, it seems to ward off the bad symptoms of the virus &, we have the following from usatoday---CLICK HERE---unfortunately, the dem party is going to censure this young lady for speaking out---READ IT HERE...

there have been others to come forward with very high praise for the drug &, on the flip-side, there have been others to come forward against it---nobody knows & hey, those 2 articles were released much to soon & some of the report was doctored in being against the drug...

those are the facts & hey, we have this from reuters

but, why stop there, we have abc asking questions right here---

i don't make this stuff up nor will i lie about it---we all need to slow down & at least taste the coffee before we tell the whole world it's no good...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


hello america!!! the homicides continue to occur unchecked all across our nation & hey, you just can't put that on the trumpster---they were occurring long before he even thought about running for office---just to piss you, one could even argue that he 'inherited this mess' from the previous administration...

for the 6 communities i've been following, here's the updates...

chicago---539 homicides (YTD)---406 of them black/82 of them hispanic/52 of them female/police killed at least 5 people---CLICK HERE...

baltimore---222 homicides (YTD)---78 of them black/1 of them hispanic/31 of them female---CLICK HERE...

la county---425 homicides (YTD)---142 of them black/217 of them hispanic/58 of them female/police killed at least 25 people---CLICK HERE...

jacksonville---103 homicides (YTD)---78 of them black/no hispanics reported/18 of them female---CLICK HERE...

milwaukee---119 homicides (YTD)---85 of them black/10 of them hispanic/26 of them female---CLICK HERE...

st louis---189 homicides (YTD)---172 of them black/2 of them hispanic/25 of them female---CLICK HERE...

all of the above totals to this...
1,597 homicides (YTD)---962 of them black/302 of them hispanic/210 of them female/police killed at 30 people...

look, you don't have to be a 'rocket-scientist' to add up the numbers & understand that police brutality & police racism is not our biggest problem or challenge---as i've been saying for years (& will continue saying), we are our biggest problem to & for one another---& hey, the media, the politicians &, the various groups that want you to take to the streets to protest just refuse to talk about our self-inflicted problems...

whether you want to accept the reality of it or not, we allowed the drugs & gangs to infest our communities &, we've caught hell for that ever since---&, until we elect the people that will actually look out for interests by freeing of us of the drugs & gangs, we'll continue to have all of the problems associated with that infestation...

good people---i don't ever want to be associated with any 'so-called civil-rights group' that only focuses  on 'sensationalized homicides' PERIOD!!! had you of read my post 
you'd know where i'm coming from...

when i look at many of the videos that are so quickly released just to spark your ass up & compare them with a later released version, i can only wonder why you allow social media &, our major media networks to continue to add fuel to the fire---& hey, i've posted many of them with the differences in what they told us compared to what actually occurred...

america, if your community has been led by a certain party for decades & the homicide rate hasn't lessened, it's time to vote another party into office---quit listening to what they promise you they can do---electing one dem or repub over another will not solve anything---you have to elect people that will actually go about making your community safer & not just pay 'lip-service' to your concerns...

unfortunately, the above communities will experience even higher homicide numbers as the year finishes out & hey, other than blame the trumpster, the leaders of those communities are not doing jack-squat for your safety---&, i'm going to be the first one to tell you that covid-19 or lockdowns have nothing to do with people hell-bent on taking another's life...

Saturday, September 5, 2020


hello america!!! i'm going to start it off like this:::if the trumpster is guilty of any part &/or all of what he is now being accused of, i'll drop him like hot a skillet in my hands...

let's see if i got this right... late december (2019), former national security advisor john bolton (a self-admitted trump hater) gave the white house a copy of his manuscript for his book 'the room where it happened' for security clearance---the mamuscript was leaked & the dems & the media all hailed bolton as the new 'dethroner' of the trumpster...
2.....on june 19th (2020), pirated copies of the book appeared online...
3.....on june 23rd (2020), the book was finally publicly published...

i said all that to say this---bolton actually wrote about the trumpsters visit in france to the cemetery---you can read it here...

"Marine One's crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery," Bolton wrote. "The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit..."

Bolton later added: "The press turned canceling the cemetery visit into a story that Trump was afraid of the rain and took glee in pointing out that other world leaders traveled around during the day. Of course, none of them were the President of the United States, but the press didn't understand that rules for US Presidents are different from rules for 190 other leaders who don't command the world's greatest military forces."

the decision not to go to the cemetery was made by chief of staff John Kelly and his aide Zach Fuentes. Bolton further wrote that Kelly was the one who recommended the move, saying it was quite difficult for him to do because he is a Marine himself.

several other officials & people have come forward (that were present) to say that the trumpster never said the things he's accused of saying...

so, here's my train of thought---damn near 9 months ago, everybody knew what was in the book---hell, because of it, the dems were trying to get bolton to testify against the trumpster during his impeachment process &, our media was at that cemetery &, if anything like what they're accusing the trumpster of were even hinted at, they've have been 24/7 on the air...

so, since 2018 until just a few days ago, what they're accusing the trumpster of lay dormant within the 'souls' of those anonymous individuals that have just recently decided to come forward---GTFOOH...

are you asking me to believe that several different anonymous sources 'collectively' decided to contact the alantic & spill their guts within a week or so of each other without any previous publication of what the atlantic proposses???

something stinks here & hey, i'm here to tell you it's not the fish...

timing is the key to everything in this world & the timing for this 'news-worthy-issue' is extremely suspect because the gap in our presidential polls closed to within 2/4 points &, suddenly, we now have the trumpster playing defense because of what's been alleged just before our very first state votes for the highest office in the land---HMMM?

some of you all should really be ashamed of yourselves for being so damn gullible---i once told you that 'bulletin board material' is the downfall of any worker/person because even if you're not guilty, you just can't prove you're not---if you need examples, i can provide plenty of them...

good people---we react to quickly---why didn't the atlantic (or others) refute that part of story with what was written by bolton in his book??? why didn't the rest of the media look at the whole picture before they did their reporting???

seeing what all the trumpster has done for our military & his efforts to bring them home, i have to question the veracity of the whole story which is something far too many of you have failed to do because of your strong opposition to him---hey, not trying to get in a pissing contest with you, however, i told you in the very beginning that anything the trumpster said or did would always be received as negative---hell, if the trumpster were walking down your street & passing out $100 bills to everybody he saw, you, the dems &, the media would find fault with it because a rational person would say, hey, why only give me $100 for one hand when you can see that i have two???

think about this---4 different anonymous people living apart can all come together at the same time to state their claims to the same magazine, at the same time, without coordination??? HMMM???

i leave you with this john bolton update &, remember, he wanted to testify against the trumpster--CLICK HERE...

Friday, August 28, 2020


hello america!!! at first glance, the cnn video you are about to see supports claims of police brutality---besides, what harm could an elderly man (armed with only a cell phone) pose to all of those police that were present??? SEE HERE...

i did say 'at first glance' & then, i discovered this CLICK HERE...

in truth, i believe the 2 officers arrested & charged will be found not guilty, however, nothing can absolve cnn (& others) of their promoting police brutality without doing their due diligence...

the first video (which led to more protests & claims of police brutality) was published 5 june & the second one (actually clarifies why the police acted as they did & was never picked up by msm) was published 6 june...

good people, could the police have acted differently---yes, but i didn't see 'malace' in their pushing the man away---hell, what would you do if somebody was trying to 'scan' your wallet or purse while breaking that 'personal-space' code??? &, another thing is, they didn't 'push' him to the ground---the pushes (there were 2 of them) were straight-arm & the man went backwards losing his balance because of those pushes...

why didn't cnn look at that video in their own video production lab before publishing it??? well, it wouldn't fit their narrative of police violence, however, they were sure it would inflame you---which it did---do not expect them to offer an apology for their quick posting of the incident nor should you expect an update from them...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


hello america!!! if the media outlets you follow were just half-ways honest, i wouldn't be writing this to dispel the following myths they've allowed to develop...

so let's start with the one where the media (& others) label the trumpster as racist & zenophobic for his calling the virus the 'chinese wuhan virus' & he caught hell for that---however, why don't you take the time to see what the media were calling it during the same time-frame---CLICK HERE & be amazed at how gullible you've become---the only difference here is, the trumpster has admitted to what he called it while the media not only has denied their calling it the same, they're the ones responsible for calling the trumpster the above names---besides, we name viruses & flu's (etc) from where they originated---hell, i was even called a liar today for posting facts that they never even bothered to find...

far too many of you blame the trumpster for not moving quick enough &/or not doing enough to keep us all safe from the virus, however, you got that from the dems & the media & yet, none of you arm-chair quarterbacks take into account that we were lied to & deceived by china---the main doctor on the task force said---CLICK HERE---it's extremely hard for anybody to react the way you expect them to when they're given the wrong info---here's the gov of cali---HERE---&, we have the gov of ny---HERE---&, just for the fun of it---HERE---please bear in mind that many of the gov's that praised the trumpster were dems that were/ & are totally against him...

even nancy pelosi got into the act of calling the trumpster names & ordered an investigation (by only dems) of his handling of the virus, however, she blocked any investigation of the chinese connection to the virus---HMMM???

look, i'll be the first to condemn the trumpster if i think he's wrong &, as i've said before, i worry about some of his rhetoric but hey, so far, the only one's saying he's wrong are the one's that want him out of office &, as of today, they'll not stop at anything until they get their wish---meaning, everything he does solicits negative responses from them---when was the last time you saw anything good about the trumpster in the media??? HMMM???

for all of you doubters, check this out---

also, i ask you this, just what in the hell were the dems doing to offer help about the virus??? that question also includes the media...

hey, do you remember that 11 year old boy from georgia that was said to have died from the virus??? i've got news for you RIGHT HERE---now how come you didn't know that???

&, we have the death of a 6-week old child that the connecticut gov was so quick to link to the virus & yet, no determination of death has been established---HERE---this incident was brought to light by THIS LADY...

good people, i diligently do my own homework &, that's how i found this HERE...

&, i found this (feb 22 or 24) HERE---which led me to THIS...

i don't make this stuff up & nor do i lie about it---the info is out there for all to discern the truth for themselves but hey, in this modern age of technology, far too many rely on the headlines & never try to discover the TRUTH...

Saturday, August 15, 2020


hello america!!! did you know that there is $25 billion dollars for the usps included in the coronavirus relief package that's being held up because the dems want an additional $1trillion dollars (plus) to be included for the relief of some states that have been badly run financially---this part of the relief has nothing to do with the virus...

the second round of individual checks---$1200.00 plus---is also included in that package...

however, many of you blame the trumpster knowing damn well that it takes both chambers to pass a bill & submit it to him for his signature...

not surprising is, you also blame him for the removal of mail boxes, however, the post office has been removing those boxes from our streets for over the past 10 years---while it may seem like suspicious timing, the removal started under bush, continued under obama &, is continuing under the trumpster & yet, you all want to blame the trumpster for it---however, don't take my word for it, here's cbsnews to tell you the same thing---

at least here in allentown, the post office put several mailboxes outside of its 5th & hamilton st branch where you can drive up & drop off you letters without even getting out of the car...

&, there's this which probably won't make you feel any better---

this could be the way to solve the problem---

our gov't (with our money) has been propping up the usps for eons---they seen to always have a financial problem---

look, we can point the finger wherever we wish to but hey, we have those 3 fingers pointing back at us---the majority of us have replaced the post office with the internet---hell, which one of us doesn't go online & wish somebody a happy birthday instead of sending them a card??? & yes, there are those that do both...

modern technology is wonderful & time-saving, however, it does have its drawbacks---we get our bills online & pay them online & hey, that takes the usps entirely out of the equation---ergo, we help them remain in debt by not using them...

good people, for those that are worried about not getting their ballot in on time, fill it out & drop it off at your voting headquarters---i realize that that may be an inconvenience, however, you'll have the peace of mind knowing that your vote was turned in on time...

the other side of this problem is, by mailing in your ballot, you have no proof that your vote was counted &, i for one, am strongly in favor of voting-in-person---yes, i know, we still have this virus around us but hey, i work the polls & i have to be there from 6am until an hour or 2 after it closes...

america, fyi---we shut down our churches, schools & colleges beaches, businesses, certain gov't functions, funerals, bars, eateries &, hospital visits (etc) because of this virus & yet, blm & antifa are permitted to congregate in very large numbers---HMMM???

we should have the option of voting-in-person...

Friday, August 14, 2020


hello america!!! i recently had a conversation with a family loved one of mine while he was wearing a blm t-shirt---i also had another conversation with a loved one (the beautiful D.H.) who said she didn't think i supported blacks enough---both of them inspired me to write the following...

i can't support the black panther party because i believe their time has passed---i never see or hear of them in our communities unless there's a sensationalized police killing of a black man incident---i can only imagine that they do some good somewhere, however, i have no knowledge of where & what that might entail---i do recall them at voting precincts in intimidating fashion...

i can't support the congressional black caucus because they haven't done crap for the black race in what seems like eons---besides, they're all made up by dems & their agenda & mine is totally different---as an organization, they have out-lived their usefulness...

i can't support the nation of islam because i am 100% christian & have no wish to convert---besides, i've read the quran & it does preach violence &/or death---they also only seem to show up when there's a sensationalized police killing a black person---plus, they support the dem party...

i can't support the aclu simply because they are anti-repub everything & their history proves that...

i can't support the women's groups because they all support 'planned parenthood' & are 100% anti-repub---you'd think with all the female homicides over the last 5 years, they've have a reason to protest but hey, they have nothing to say about them nor have they anything to say about black-on-black crime...

i can't support the lgbtg politically, however, i do support their right to be who they are---i just ask them not to force their way of life on me---besides, they are 100% pro-dem & 100% anti-repub...

i can't support antifa because they are in opposition to everything i believe in---the dems allowed them to become the force they have become because they do the dems bidding & that hurts the black community greatly---they should be disbanded...

i can't support blm because they are sponsored by a white man (george soros) who's history is anti-america---they only show up when there's a sensationalized police killing of a black person---they incite violence, property destruction &, division---&, seemingly, they are controlled by the dem party---besides, as a 71 year old black american, i've never met one of them nor have they ever solicited me for a donation---HMMM???

good people, who i can & will support are those organizations that go into our down-trodden communities to try to quell the violence & crime that's so rampant---they'll invest their money & time to educate our youth to a better way of life---they'll work with the police & the community to rid them of the gangs & drugs that have so overwhelmingly plagued them---they'll work with businesses to hire & train unskilled workers---they'll work with the education system to provide training to our youth for tomorrow's jobs without having to attend a 4 year (or more) college---they'll work with the healthcare-providers to provide dentistry & healthcare at rock-bottom prices---they'll work with our youth to teach them the value of life & the hazards of taking a life (unjustifiably)---they'll teach our youth that a gun is not the answer---they'll try & teach all of our community to reach out & heal the wounds of a broken family---they'll work with our youth to try & get them to respect & help our elders & females---they'll teach them to become educated about who they cast their vote for---they'll walk our most dangerous neighborhoods with members of that community & the police to 'take back our streets'---they'll teach our communities to watch out for one another---they'll teach our youth that it's ok to be born the color you are & to never allow others to put limitations on you because of it---they'll teach our youth that GOD does exist &, in the end, we all must answer to him for our actions...

so no, i cannot & will not support any group that abstains from doing the above...


hello america!!! i looked at the black homicide figures for chicago & la county since 2015 & hey, i'm even more perplexed now because i see & hear of so many people caught up in this police 'racism/brutality' agenda, however, my research doesn't support the messaging---it fact, it supports just the opposite...

so, rather than argue with you, i'll just present the numbers & let you decide for yourselves...

here's the chicago breakdown---fyi---police killings of people by race was unavailable for chicago...

2020---457 homicides of which 348 were black---police killed 3 people
2019---519 homicides of which 415 were black---police killed 6 people
2018---591 homicides of which 465 were black---police killed 6 people
2017---685 homicides of which 527 were black---police killed 11 people
2016---808 homicides of which 626 were black---police killed 11 people
2015---512 homicides of which 401 were black---police killed 9 people

3,572 total homicides of which 2,782 were black---police killed a whopping total of 46 people (HMMM???) data obtained from HERE

here's the la county breakdown...
2020---349 homicides of which 117 were black---police killed 23 people of which 2 were black
2019---540 homicides of which 183 were black---police killed 34 people of which 12 were black
2018---640 homicides of which 179 were black---police killed 39 people of which 7 were black
2017---647 homicides of which 202 were black---police killed 48 people of which 6 were black
2016---701 homicides of which 234 were black---police killed 52 people of which 12 were black
2015---669 homicides of which 236 were black---police killed 47 people of which 10 were black

3,546 total homicides of which 1,151 were black---police killed 243 people of which 49 were black (HMMM???) data obtained from HERE

i chose chicago & la county because they have the highest homicides totals yearly & i felt they would provide a good indicator for the rest of america---while i'm not trained at what i've done here, i am confident in the power of numbers because TRUE MATH NEVER LIES &, if nothing else, i can count---besides, i don't know of any community where police killing people is greater than the people killing one another---DO YOU???

far too many black people get caught up in the dems/left-wing's agenda without giving much thought to why they would 'incite' us in the first place---&, they continually use those 20 second videos & their  media to galvanize us into actions we normally wouldn't undertake---yeah, i know, i'm full of crap but hey, which one of us (under normal times) would bust out a department store window, run inside & then, run outside with 5, 6 boxes of sneakers or a 60 inch tv knowing the cops were on both ends of the block??? under normal times, which one of us is dumb enough to set a cop car on fire or, spray-paint it or, overturn it knowing the cops are right there??? under normal times, which one of us is going to set fire to buildings with the cops are right there??? under normal times, who in their right mind is going to try & barricade cops in a building & set it on fire??? yeah, now tell me how my crap tastes!!!

the dems & the media play the 'police race/brutality-card' & we go crazy & hey, i'd be a liar if i said what happened to george floyd doesn't bother me but, in reality, IT WAS NOT RACIST &, if all of you had seen the cop-cam video which was kept from the public (until very recently), you'd have to agree---BRUTAL, HELL YES/RACIST, HELL NO!!!

while racism in america does exist & unfortunately, will contiue to exist, it does not exist to the magnitude the dems & their media are forcing down our throats because it suits their agenda of division & fear...

as for police brutality, just absorb the above numbers & then try & convince me that black lives matter is a true representative for all black lives...

look, there is a short video of the police killing of hakeem littleton in detroit that had people mobilized to throw rocks & bottles at the police within 30 minutes of it happening---all we got at first was the first 20 or so seconds of it at normal speed & that is what the people very foolishly reacted to---it's 1 min/21 sec long & you'll even get to see it in slow-mode---CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO...

good people, the dems & media don't hesitate to promote cops killing blacks but hey, they should at least wait until they have all the 'evidence' either for or against the killings---as is in this case, the police acted correctly & they did so without racism or brutality &, if you had the time to pull up many of the police killing a black, you find that the vast majority of the time, they acted correctly...


defunding &/or disbanding our police forces is about the dumbest thing i've ever heard & i truly pray that people quickly come to their senses because almost everybody seems afraid to talk about the real issues of violence plaguing our communities---black on black crime!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


hello america!!! we've had mandatory 'stay-at-home orders'---we've had 'essential-workers-only orders'---we've banned funerals & hospital visits & yet, those 6 communities i've been following must have never received those memos...

chicago---457 homicides (YTD)---348 of them black/71 of them hispanic/41 of them female/cops have killed 3 while wounding 5 others---CLICK HERE...

baltimore---196 homicides (YTD)---56 of them black/1 of them hispanic/25 of them female---CLICK HERE...

la county---349 homicides (YTD)---117 of them black/177 of them hispanic/51 of them female/cops killed 23 people of which 2 were black---CLICK HERE...

jacksonville---94 homicides (YTD)---72 of them black/zero of them hispanic/14 of them female---CLICK HERE...

milwaukee---100 homicides (YTD)---58 of them black/7 of them hispanic/21 of them female---CLICK HERE...

st louis---158 homicides (YTD)---142 of them black/2 of them hispanic/22 of them female---CLICK HERE...

TOTALS---1,354 homicides---793 of them black/258 of them hispanic/174 of them female/police killed at least 26 people...

no protests/no violent interactions with the police/no burning down buildings/no politicians/no civil-rights groups/no blm/no female groups/no religious groups/no sports groups/no tv coverage/no media coverage/& most importantly, no community outrage---WHY NOT???

good people, the sad news is, it's going to continue to worsen because we continue to elect/re-elect the same politicians that won't even address the issues that plague so many of our down-trodden communities & yet, they'll lecture all of us about 'gun-control' & 'climate change'...

as americans we need & deserve drug-free communities/gang-free communities/school choice/jobs galore &, a pathway to achieving the american dream...

how many times are you going to allow politicians to tell you one thing for your vote & then, do nothing for you???

Thursday, July 23, 2020


hello america!!! when you embolden people to do the 'wrong thing' without consequences, guess what, they will never surprise you by showing restraint...

look, let's keep it real---you have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe that the mayhem occurring in far too many of our communities is 'uncontrollable'---in truth, it's being allowed to occur by the elected officials in charge that lack the will & backbone to put a halt to it---they all have the means to put an end to it---what's even worse is, they blame everybody & anything else for their ineptitude...

when the police don't respond to violence, property destruction, looting &, attacks on police themselves, it's because they've been given 'stand-down' orders---those are the facts---couple all of that with communities refusing federal help from the trumpster while ordering their own police departments not to confront the mayhem only emboldens the perpetrators even more...

it's just a matter of time before our citizens confront this mayhem on their own &, when they do, those very same elected officials will be chomping at the bit to prosecute them---look at the couple in st louis that stood on their own property with guns to thwart the protesters from doing any destruction to their property---they've had their guns seized & are facing criminal charges---just for defending their own property (the governor has already pledged a full pardon if they are convicted)---but, NEWSFLASH!!! i told you this was coming a long time ago when the media & elected officials started blaming the gun for the violence & not the trigger-puller...

america, when ny bans large groups from public gatherings & then, exempts blm from that ban, that should tell you all you need to know about that political party & their media support---the same is true of those very same officials supporting all the protests (in all forms) & their medias sudden lack of covid-19 coverage during those protests---none of them were bitching about facemasks or social distancing during those protests...

another point of view is, several churches have been destroyed by fire with very little being said & yet, let a mosque get set on fire & the idiots in charge will be 'screaming' racism---&, there will be hell to pay if a planned parenthood building goes up in flames...

good people---i get it---what happened to george floyd was an atrocity &, as i've previously stated in other posts, those responsible should receive the harshest penalties allowed by law---&, therein lies the rub---yes, we have laws to prosecute those policemen, however, the present reforms that are being called for won't change crap one iota---if you want serious change, reform how convicted cops, politicians &, celebrities do their jail time---it's really simple---put them in general population instead of those 'country-club' type jails or 'protective custody'---when that message gets out, those police that are heavy-handed will reform themselves---& hey, we won't have to burn down crap to get to that point---besides, there's not one reform/regulation/law that we could collectively come up with to stop police racism/brutality---NOT A ONE!!!

something else you have to look at is, who's fanning the flames of racism??? the dems & their media---they are extremely quick to show you a 20 second video of what seems like police brutality while deliberately neglecting to show you the full 41 minute clip of the whole episode simply because they know you don't have the time to look it up for yourselves---unfortunately, you accept (as gospel & without question) what they tell you never knowing the full truth about how a 'seemingly innocent incident' escalated to a fatal one----for that, i fully blame us because if we collectively demanded more from our politicians & media, they would not be trying to cram their own agenda down our throats...

there's a TRUTH here that the dems & their controlled media willingly neglect to tell you---look at the communities that are having the most mayhem & you'll discover that they are dem-controlled & yes, that has a big impact on why their city's are in turmoil::::::
chicago---dem mayor lori lightfoot---428 homicides (YTD)
baltimore---dem mayor jack young---185 homicides (YTD)
la county---dem mayor eric garcetti---322 homicides (YTD)
st louis---dem mayor lyda krewson---135 homicides (YTD)
milwaukee---dem mayor tom barrett---97 homicides (YTD)
nyc---dem mayor bill de blasio---203 homicides (YTD)
detroit---dem mayor mike duggan---129 homicides (as of 6/18/2020)
washington dc---dem mayor muriel bowser---106 homicides (YTD)

that's a total of 1,605 homicides that those in control only pay 'lip-service' to---they've lacked the resolve to actually lower the homicide rates & yet, come election time, they'll feed you that bs about how they're the only one that can help you---OPEN YOUR EYES & MIND...

america, those mayors can/t/don't/ & won't lower their homicide rates in the best of times so, it's just about impossible for them to do so now---their very own 'liberalism' has rendered them incapable of providing the protection that far too many of their constituents actually need...

& yet, they'll denigrate the trumpster for even to suggest sending in the feds to restore normalcy---that's called 'stinkin-thinkin' &, more importantly, it leaves you defenseless &, if you don't believe me, just remember that homicide in the seattle 'chop-shop' zone that denied the police entrance to to investigate...

we are extremely quick to react to those 20 second videos & what the media constantly shows us without actually spending the time to wait for all the facts to develop...

cases in point!!!

the following video is very graphic concerning the shooting of 20 year old hakeem littleton who was shot & killed by the detroit police & within 30 minutes of that shooting, protesters were assembled & pelting the police with bricks, bottles & rocks---please, watch all of it---the first part of this video is the part the media loved showing us at normal speed---please, CLICK HERE...

&, who can forget how the police were treated for that appleton, wi shooting death of a bus rider---the whole thing was 39 minutes/52 seconds of video of which you only saw the very last of---CLICK HERE...

next we have the full video of rayshard brooks who was in that wendy's drive-thru lane asleep & ended up shot by the atlanta police---you be the judge because i already know you didn't see the full 43 minutes/1 second video so, see it HERE...

we also have 17 minutes/49 seconds of miciah lee in that sparks, ne police shooting---HERE...

&, we have the 15 minute/16 second video of the deadly police shooting of nash fiske in in wisconsin---HERE...

&, just for fun & to prove my point, we have an allentown, pa cop seemingly placing his knee on another person---wfmz continually showed us the 10 second clip in the beginning of its coverage which led to more local protests---see the full 9 minute/39 version HERE...

6 justified police reactions & yet, in each case, people were led to mobilize & confront the police based on the very first showings of the videos & hey, the media never said 'hey, we now have the full version'---they were, & are, so quick to jump on that 'police racism/police brutality' bandwagon at all costs & the hell with the facts...

there are three things that are vital to our well-being---life, lirberty &, the pursuit of happiness &, when our elected officials cannot provide that, it's way past time for them to go...

we are a nation of law & order & without that, we will never amount to much...

Saturday, June 20, 2020


hello america!!! let's see if i got all of the following correct...

black america--- faithfully follow & support the very same political party that fought a war to keep you enslaved??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that fought all the way to the supreme court to keep you from having rights to our welfare programs??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that fought against school desegregation??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that fought against school busing desegregation??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that voted against the tax cuts & jobs act that we all benefited from??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that has not done one single thing to advance the plight of people of color (& more so, the plight of black people)??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that has not done one single thing to improve our infrastructure, home values, education standards &, more importantly, reduce our community crime??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that promises you the moon (every election cycle) & then forgets you even exist when they get your vote??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that only acknowledges police killings of 'unarmed' black people while refusing to acknowledge 'black-on-black crime'??? faithfully follow & support the very same political party that has a presidential candidate that has his signature on every piece of legislature to ensure we get & stay locked up in prison???

these are but 10 things you repeatedly vote for & when the rubber meets the road, you turn around & ask how this could possibly happen to us---all the while conveniently ignoring the damage done to us, as a people, by planned parenthood...

whenever a 'so-called' race riot occurs, certain areas are allowed to be destroyed but, not the areas of the elites---now why is that??? "we gave the protesters room to vent"---what kind of bs is that??? &, more importantly, why do you accept it???


hello america!!! as the days go by, i see less & less media coverage on george floyd & what happened to him &, i see more & more coverage on the ineffective token symbolism that the dem party offers the black people...

one case in point---dem speaker of the house (nancy pelosi) has been in politics since 2/1981 & has just decided to remove paintings that have a pro-confederacy reference (that have been hanging in the capitol for eons)---yes, that should make black people stand up & feel liberated---good, bad, or ugly, the paintings reflect a part of our history...

we also have businesses removing certain images that 'reflect' slavery---good people, who in the hell ever purchased a box of aunt jemima's pancake mix thinking it represented slavery??? or, uncle ben's rice??? etc....

just maybe---you should look up the actual history of aunt jemima & who she really was before you fall into that 'the dems care for us trap'---her name is NANCY GREEN...

look, the george floyd protests & rioting have morphed into something none of us saw coming (well, i did &, i tried to warn you)---the cause was 'hi-jacked' by other groups with entirely different messages & that's where we stand today---

yes, there's a 'police reform' bill in the repub senate & there's one in the dem house &, unfortunately, many communities have decided not to 'fund' their police---without seeing the final version of both bills, i'm here to tell you that neither will address the problem head-on---i'm also here to tell you that the dem bill will allocate money to various industries that have nothing to do with any of our concerns...

america, what's occurring across our country is occurring by design---when 'peaceful protests' are allowed to become violent & the police are 'unwilling bystanders' that should tell you that the order to 'stand down' came from the top---there's not a police force in america that can be over-run if the polce decide not to let that happen---the same is true of the looting, violence & burning...

before you respond, ask yourselves this---what would happen if violent protesters were approaching nancy pelosi's fortress hell-bent on destruction---i'm 100% certain that many lives would be lost in the confrontation, however, the protesters would not gain entrance---PERIOD!!! the police response would be overwhelming &, we all know that...

the above follows the same 'mind-set' of the rich & famous in hollywood---we support you but just don't bring that bs to our neighborhoods---we have our own 'armed police' plus the regular police...

good people, there were outside groups just chomping at the bits waiting for what happened to george floyd to happen & hey, look at how extremely quick they were to organize & respond---pallets of bricks strategically placed (over night), hammers & molotov cock-tails & batans just magically appearing??? paying protesters to block key intersections &, professional crowd agitation---HMMM???

what's been allowed to happen comes out of the dem playbook---it instills fear & then, they come out of the woodwork to tell you how they're the only party in america that can 'save' you &, unfortunately, you continue to swallow that bs...

wake up america!!! the dem party doesn't give one s##t about the black people withing our country (until election time) but, they'll agitate you enough into believing that they do---so, rather than argue with me, just honestly answer the following...

1...which community or city has ever been designated a 'sanctuary city' for black people???
2...which community or city has a program to issue free valid 'divers licenses' to black people???
3...which community or city has instituted programs to keep black people from being arrested on warrants???
4...which community or city has programs to help black people with housing & healthcare in addition to welfare & hud???
5...which community or city has instituted programs to keep black people from being incarcerated for minor crimes???
6...which community or city has instituted policies that enable black parents to enroll their black children in a school of their choice???
7...which community or city has ever enacted policies that black people be trained for a job by the very same people they would be replacing???
8...which community or city has ever successfully defeated black/white racism???
9...which political party has a history for fighting for the rights & freedoms of the black people???

& yes, the list is far from complete &, please feel free to add to it in the comments sections...

while america has many, many problems, racism is not at top of that list---far too many of our problems are exacerbated by our loving media & those that copy & paste their headlines without actually looking any further---& hey, those that reported on the george floyd homicide reuse to give you the actual facts of 'unarmed' blacks killed by the police to those of 'unarmed' whites killed by the police---i wonder why that is &, more importantly, i wonder why you don't question that...

i leave you with the following because all was well until it happened to her---READ HERE...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


hello america!!! on saturday-5/9/20 i updated the homicide totals from the 6 communities i've been following---at that time, i wrote the following...

611 total homicides YTD---292 of them black/122 of them hispanic/86 of them femlae/cops killed at least 13 people...

well, here it is 33 days later & the numbers are not good---hell, we were even in a 'lock-down'...

chicago---267 total homicides---179 of them black/44 of them hispanic/22 of them female/cops have killed at least 3 people---CLICK HERE

baltimore---140 total homicides---45 of them black/no hispanics/18 of them female---CLICK HERE

la county---231 total homicides---75 of them black/118 hispanic/31 of them female/cops have killed at least 19 people---CLICK HERE

jacksonville---60 total homicides---46 of them black/no hispanics/11 of them female---CLICK HERE

milwaukee---63 total homicides---10 of them black/no hispanics/13 of them female---CLICK HERE

st louis---73 total homicides---65 of them black/1 of them hispanic/12 of them female---CLICK HERE

here are the updated numbers...

834 total homicides---420 of them black/163 of them hispanic/107 of them female/cops killed at least 22 people...

&, guess what??? no massive protests/no massive property destruction/no massive looting/no violence/no 24/7 sensationalized media coverage/no calls for police reform & defunding/no massive police or national guard presence---in reality, 834 souls were silently stolen from their family's & friends without any fanfare...

when you tabulate all the senseless homicides that occur 24/7 all across our country, one would think that all of those that grabbed 'air-time' for the police killing of george floyd would grab 'air-time' for all the others but hey, that's not the case---they remain in their shells until the media gets fully involved & then they step all over one another to run that police brutality/racism bs down our throats...the police are not our problem---we are our biggest problem to one another...

while the murder of george floyd was an atrocity, how in the hell can you tell me it demanded more media coverage than the 4/6/2020 killing of this little 5 year old girl in jacksonville---her name is kearria addison who also is black---HERE'S THE STORY...

did you even hear about it??? the media didn't sensationalize it because it didn't fit their narrative---&, the 'fake-ass talking heads' just don't talk about 'black-on-black' homicides...

fortunately, those much-hated police did a good job & have caught all 4 people involved...

Jacksonville police: All parties involved in 5-year-old Kearria Addison’s murder have been identified

Jacksonville police: All parties involved in 5-year-old Kearria Addison’s murder have been identified

america, here's a NEWSFLASH!!! unfortunately, black lives only matter when the media gets fully involved...

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


hello america!!! for some of you, it's going to be hard to follow my thoughts but hey, in the end, we'll get there together...

if you've been following the protests you'll notice that nobody is talking about all of the murders we commit among our own---nor is anybody talking about the police brutality other races of people have to endure---but hey, let a cop kill a black person (justified or not) & our country is up in arms & taking to the streets---&, NEWSFLASH---the media controls it all...

seemingly & unfortunately, george floyd is no longer the main topic---the violence/destruction/thievery/& civil unrest is---let me put it to you this way---if all of these protests were to actually become purely peaceful, the media will not broadcast them much longer because it would be counter-productive to their agenda...

the media has all of their reporters entrenched in all of these different cities & when one of them is reporting on the 'peacefulness' of a protest they switch away to another one that has the destruction & violence---FACTS!!!

when nothing interesting is happening, they fill the time by telling you what the president should say/they tell you what america wants to hear/they tell you how the president should act more presidential---& hey, it's all negative---in truth, if msm were to write a script for the trumpster to read & he read it, they'd still find fault with it...

you've been so 'BRAIN-WASHED' into becoming 'never-trumpers' that your common sense has disappeared---& here's why i say that---after seeing mobs attack trucks & cars, which one of you wouldn't hit the gas pedal if you were caught up in that mess??? which one of you would just watch them loot your business & then, burn it to the ground & try & do nothing about it??? which one of you would just defend them for burning down your residence???

what happened to george floyd should have never been allowed to happen---&, no matter how i look at it, the manner of his death cannot be forgiven & those involved should face the heaviest penalties the law will allow---on top of all that, if (& it's a big IF) they are sent to prison, i would hope they'd be put in general population---not isolation---i said 'if' because there are those calling for 1st degree murder charges & hey, that's going to be hard to prove in spite of the video evidence---premeditation may not be proved, etc...

look, this is the part that you're going to hate---we, as a country of all races, allowed what happened to george floyd to happen---prior to george floyd, when was the last time you actually heard about 'police reform' for brutality & racism??? i would tell you to google 'list of incidents of civil unrest in the us' or, i could simply order lunch & wait for your answer from the top of your head---or i could tell you the last time was when there was a 'riot'---we get all worked up & then, when the dust settles, nothing is said or done to bring about 'police reform' until the next time---we allow that by not demanding a seat at the table because we continue to vote &/or re-elect the same worthless individuals into office that do/did nothing for us to begin with except promise us the world...

good people, can you remember freddie gray & the events that were allowed to happen in baltimore simply because the mayor gave a 'stand-down' order so as to give the 'protesters' space to vent---the mayor denied it but the video of her proved she lied??? remember the calls for 'police reform'??? can you remember anything being done to bring about those reforms??? when the media stopped covering it, we allowed it to fade away---which is what has happened every time...

america, the majority of the violence/destruction/looting has occurred in dem controlled cities---look it up if you don't believe me---this chaos was allowed to happen---none of the mayors seemed prepared for it & yet, they all have the resources to have prevented it from the very beginning---who didn't know that agitators would try & hi-jack the protests??? while you're trying to answer that, please answer this---how in the hell can pallets of bricks just show up in strategic areas (where they had no business being) to be used for smashing windows & throwing at the cops??? i have the videos...

those same dem controlled cities arrested people for all kinds of violations of their 'stay-at-home' orders & yet, can't seem to get a grip on the mayhem---it actually took the trumpster to call them out just to beef up their police forces with national guardsmen to try & protect people & property...

just so you know---those very same cities suddenly don't care about the spread of covid-19---HMMM??? &, more importantly, the media has stopped all its coverage of the virus---HMMM???

when the trumpster had said 'there were some good people out there on both sides' & caught pure hell for it, he was 100% correct & now, there are many good people out there that just got caught up in the chaos---they're just out there with good intentions among other people that have sinister intentions...

while i can understand & appreciate the frustrations that many, many people rightly have because of the manner of george floyd's unnecessary death, i can't (& don't) accept all the negativeness it's brought about---common sense says the police will never respect us if we continue to attack them &, neither will our own communities support us if we continue to destroy them---we need to 'turn in' those wishing to incite us to violence/destruction/& looting so that we can continue peacefully to try & achieve that which has been so elusive...

when my extremely dear & beautiful friend (D.H.) tells me she doesn't feel safe, we have to right the ship before we sink with it...

may my LIVING GOD keep you safe!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2020


hello america!!! i already know i'm about to piss some people off but, the TRUTH is the TRUTH regardless of whether or not you accept it...

as a country, we missed another 'golden opportunity' to effectively address 'police brutality' & 'racism' by 'allowing' insider (as well as outsider) agitators to influence the direction of the george floyd protests---&, here's why...

the mass protests seemingly sprang up overnight which tells me that they were organized from the very beginning---&, far too many of those wishing to have their voices heard peacefully were galvanized into negative actions (violence/destruction/thievery) &, right there we lost the power for a true dialog with the 'powers that be' for true police reform, etc---instead, those truly wishing & hoping for a peaceful outcome can now only negotiate from a weakened platform---simply put, we blew an opportunity to 'force' the 'powers that be' to address our needs & concerns---can you imagine thousands of americans (all across our country) peacefully showing up at our city halls & demanding that we be heard??? our elected officials would have no choice but to hear us out...

well, here it is sunday & all we can do now is 'defend' our peaceful intentions against the senseless mayhem that was caused---&, the true narrative will be lost in that defense...

yes, the vast majority of the protests started off peacefully & then, something snapped & all hell broke lose---&, it was well orchestrated to turn the 'peacefulness' into 'chaos' &, it worked...

it worked so well that the media was going ape-shit in trying to cover all the mayhem &, unfortunately, as soon as things revert back to a normalcy we can live with, all will be forgotten because the media will have moved on to other 'news' until the next time---our media doesn't like to cover 'good news'...

good people, we all need to get together & formulate a plan (s) to combat police brutality & racism because there is no one solution that fits all problems---we need to elect responsible spokes-people/leaders to represent us & hey, the al sharptons are not the answer---we need to sit down with our elected officials & police forces to effectively address our problems/concerns...

& most importantly---
1...we need to quit listening to the media until they report the TRUTH
2...we need to quit being led like sheep
3...we need to stop killing one another
4...we need to work with the police to police our own neighborhoods
5...we need to elect people that will honestly fight for our rights (REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY)
6...we need to all work together as one

i leave you with this...

Saturday, May 30, 2020


hello america!!! before i continue, allow me to state the following for the record---no life taken unjustly by anybody is acceptable---NOT ONE!!!

while what happened to george floyd by the police that were involved is a travesty, his death---check that, the manner of his death is what everybody is responding to---WHY??? the left's narrative is that all cops are bad/hostile/& racist &, make no mistake about this---the left-wing media drives those points home continuously...

st paul has had approx 11/12 homicides this year alone & you haven't heard of any of them except for george floyd's---hell, you probably didn't even hear about the other person being killed (in st paul) during the wednesday night 'protests' CLICK HERE---nor did you hear a lot about the man killed in the 'detroit protests' after shots were fired into a crowd of protesters on friday CLICK HERE---unfortunately, there will probably be more before everybody comes to their senses...

look, i'm in no way trying to downplay the senseless death of george floyd nor will i ever defend the wrongful actions of those in involved in that death---they should all be held accountable by the highest level of justice we can impose upon them---however, we shouldn't condemn all cops because of the bad actions of a few nor should we go about destroying property & looting businesses in the name of protests...

when it comes to what the trumpster said about looting & shooting, he's 100% correct & yet, far too many of you found a problem with it but hey, 'peaceful protests' usually end 'peacefully'---'violent protests' usually result in 'more violence'---those are the facts you are so quickly overlooking---be real, if a peaceful protest is happening on your block, all is ok---but, when that protest turns to burning & looting you're screaming for the 'hated' police to do all they can to protect you, yours & your property---unfortunately, 'innocent people' get caught up in the mix---how much did you hear about this CLICK HERE

america, i'm here to tell you that nobody 'wins' from 'violent protests'---nobody &, while there are those that say 'burn it down' think about this---you can't go to work if your work-site is burned down/you can't live in a building that's burned down/you can't drive your vehicle that's been set afire/your kids & the elderly can't navigate the streets with all the leftover debris/you can't shop the stores that are burned down/& still, you expect the cops & other first responders to respond to your emergencies---etc; etc; etc...

black people, please take heed---while george floyd's death should have never occurred, exactly why is it any different than the other 611 total homicides/292 black/122 hispanic/86 female---as of saturday/5-9-2020 from the 6 communities i've been following??? & yes, the cops killed at least 13 people CLICK HERE

good people, just think how much good we would be doing if we could galvanize & mobilize the peaceful protesters to walk the streets with the police in the areas of our communities that need them the most??? crime rates (to include homicides) would drop overnight...

a tremendous amount of good could be gleaned from the final outcome of the present protests if we can channel it in the right direction & hey, burning & looting isn't the way...

FYI---1965 i was 16 years young
          1985 i was 36 years young
          1991 i was 42 years young
i said all that to say i speak from personal experience...

Saturday, May 9, 2020


hello america!!! this is an update since my last post

please, bear in mind that i'm only following 6 communities...

chicago---178 total homicides---116 of them black/33 of them hispanic/16 of them female/cops killed at least 3 people---CLICK HERE

baltimore---104 total homicides---31 of them black/no hispanics/13 of them female---CLICK HERE

la county---171 total homicides---53 of them black/88 of them hispanic/26 of them female/cops killed at least 10 people---CLICK HERE

jacksonville---53 total homicides---42 of them black/no hispanics/10 of them female---CLICK HERE

milwaukee---55 total homicides---10 of them black/no hispanics/12 of them female---CLICK HERE

st louis---50 total homicides---40 of them black/1 hispanic/9 of them female---CLICK HERE

611 total homicides YTD---292 of them black/122 of them hispanic/86 of them femlae/cops killed at least 13 people...

& somehow, far too many of you were led to believe that the police were our biggest problem while refusing to accept the TRUTH...

there is...
no media coverage---no 'so-called' civil rights groups---no protests &/or country-wide demonstrations---no united religious organizations---no congressional black caucus---no black panthers---no black lives matter---no female groups---no sports groups---no celebrities---no unions---no lgbtq groups---no hispanics groups---no politicians (the trumpster offered to send in the feds to help rid us of the drugs, gangs & violence which you rejected)---the list of silent voices goes on, & on, & on---however, don't forget to demand that 'social injustice' be corrected while we go about killing one another...

couple this years homicides with all the other communities i didn't mention & hey, we have a very big problem that we continually address by electing &/or re-electing the very same politicians that only pay lip-service to our needs...

good people, wake the hell on up---it's way past time for you to vote smartly---repubs, if your community is a pos, vote dem & hey, to you dems, if your community is a pos, vote repub...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


hello america!!! it's one thing to post an article you read & leave it alone---it's another thing for you to elaborate on it without all the facts being known---one action makes you appear smart while the other action makes you, well, not so smart...

simple case in point---the 6-week old baby that connecticut gov ned lamont said died because of the coronavirus---he even went on to say that it may have been the youngest death anywhere because of that virus---&, far too many of you ran with what he said as GOSPEL...

this is my problem with you---the baby died at st francis hospital in hartford, ct on thurs-3/26/20 & yet, here it is tues-4/7/20 (12/13 days later) & the coroner has yet to have determined the 'true' cause of death---HMMM???

after being challenged, the gov has 'walked back' his comments &, the 'cause-of-death' is still 'UNKNOWN', however, the damage he caused cannot & will not be undone---what the gov did is akin to running into a crowded airport terminal & yelling 'BOMB'...

good people, before you comment on the 'headlines', you owe it to yourselves & those you're trying to reach to diligently do your own homework &, while you're doing that homework, you'll probably come across these heavily glossed over facts...

1   "covid-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death"   

2   "in cases where a definite diagnosis of covid-19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report covid-19 on a death certificate as 'probable' or 'presumed.' "   

please, think about this, with almost every death now being attributed to the virus, we hear a lot about 'under-lying causes' & yet, these are not listed as 'the cause of death' which makes me wonder--- why not??? the numbers are just not right...

maybe it's me (yeah, like never) but i'm not hearing about fatal heart disease deaths or any deaths because of breathing disorders---seems to me that if somebody is rushed to the hospital with 7 bullets in their brain & dies, the diagnosis is now death because of covid-19 because they came from an area heavily exposed to the virus & are therefore they're suspected of having the virus ---&, NO, IT'S NOT ME!!! it seems like this virus has wiped out people dying from other fatal issues...

if you go to the race-track to bet on a horse, don't ask the jockey about their chances of winning, ask the horse & hey, the following is from the horse...



Saturday, April 4, 2020


hello america!!! this is an update to the homicides i've been following from the same 6 communities i started with...

chicago---105 homicides---69 of them black/27 of them hispanic/8 of them female/police have killed 3---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor was william h thompson (1927-1931)

baltimore---72 homicides---25 of them black/no hispanics/9 of them female---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor was theodore mckeldin (1963-1967)

la county---125 homicides---42 of them black/64 of them hispanic/22 of them female/police killed 7---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor richard j riordan (1993-2001)

jacksonville---35 homicides---30 of them black/no hispanics/7 of them female---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor lenny curry (2015-present)

milwaukee---32 homicides---10 of them black/no hispanics/9 of them female---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor gerhard a bading (1912-1916)

st louis---33 homicides---26 of them black/no hispanics/4 of them female---CLICK HERE---last repub mayor aloys p kaufmann (1943-1949)

YTD totals---402 homicides---202 of them black/91 of them hispanic/59 of them female/police killed at least 10 people...

good people, i posted this on 3/3/20 & here it is just 31 days later & we've had:::
131 more homicides---& of them---64 were black/35 were hispanic/20 were female/police killed at least 4 more people (yeah, please tell me again how the police are our biggest problem)...

once again, the silence from the media/the politicians/the civil rights groups (male, female & other)/the religious organizations/&, the communities themselves is ASTOUNDINGLY DEAFENING!!!

we continue to kill one another without any remorse & yet, we continue to demand our gov't fix the social injustice problems we face---what a joke!!!

i will say this every time i get an opportunity to---black people, between abortions & killing our own, we are doing the work of the kkk for free...

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


hello america!!! imagine my surprise to find out that the trumpster sneaked into wuhan china/contracted the wuhan virus/sneaked into all of those other country's to infect the people there with it/sneaked back into our country & infected all of our own people/sneaked into all of our hospitals & stole all of their supplies that would help combat the virus/& hey, he did all of that without a single person knowing he did it---SHAME ON HIM!!!

good people, keep on listening to the dem-controlled media & the dem-elected politicians & hey, if they tell you something, it's overwhelmingly oblivious that the opposite of what they report is true...

look, not a single one of us (to include our 'over-glorified' media) was talking about the 'wuhan virus' in december or january---more than christmas & taxes, it seemed like all we were concerned with was the trumpster's impeachment---bear in mind that the first case in china (depending on who you listen to) was somewhere between 11/27/19 & 12/10/19 &, it wasn't until 12/31/19 that the chinese cdc sent their 'experts' to wuhan to investigate & control the situation...

on 12/31/19 china notified the who (world health organization) of cases of pneumonia with unknown causes...

on 1/3/20, hhs secretary (alex azar) was notified that cdc director (robert redfield) had had discussions with chinese doctors about the virus...

on 1/7/20, the us cdc announced travel warnings to wahan, hubei provence because of the unknown causes of the virus &, it wasn't until 1/22/20 that china imposed a quarantine on the greater wuhan with no traffic being allowed in or out...

on 1/21/20 the us announced it's first case of the virus in the state of washington from a person returning from wuhan...

on 1/29/20, the trumpster announced the formation of his wuhan virus task force although they had been meeting since 1/27/20...

on 1/31/20 the us declared a public health emergency because of the virus & the trumpster issued restrictions on travel from china...

the rest is history---&, before i continue, china has not been as forthright with us (& the rest of the world) as they should have been & hey, that has cost lives that possibly could have been saved & they should be held accountable---& yet, our extremely dishonest media sides with china because that pits them against the trumpster---they will never give him any positive credit for anything he's accomplished &/or attempts to accomplish...

america, regardless of who you support &/or don't support, please ask yourselves this---why in the hell are our states/city's/& local communities so desperately short of the very things they need to combat this virus???

furthermore, how in the hell can they 'realistically' blame the trumpster for their shortages???

in honesty, after the h1n1 virus hit us in 2009-2010, we never bothered to resupply (both biden & obama should be able to tell you that with firsthand knowledge)---&, over the years, we've become far too complacent to even bother---NOBODY SAW THIS COMING & now, we have to expect the worse while hoping for the best...

while the trumpster is doing all he can to keep us as safe as possible, the dems are denigrating every effort he undertakes to do so---when i hear the senate minority leader & the dem presidential front-runner calling the early actions of the trumpster to restrict travel from china to america 'racist' & 'xenophobic', i have to ask about their 'real-state-of-mind' because both are apparently infected with 'STUPIDITY'---when i hear the speaker of the house say the trumpster is 'fiddling while lives are being lost', i realize that the aforementioned 'stupidity' is contagious---NO MATTER WHAT THE TRUMPSTER DOES OR SAYS, THE DEMS WILL NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HE DID ANYTHING POSITIVE---& hey, you can take that to any bank & cash it in...

during all of this time, the trumpster was pre-occupied with his impeahcment which was from 12/18/20-2/5/20 &, he continued to RUN OUR COUNTRY during all of it...

america, all of you  (EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) should be calling your dem elected officials to find out why the senate relief bill was held hostage by nancy pelosi & chuck schumer---why were things included in the final bill that had no relationship to the NEED of the bill---& yet, the bill was a 'big-assed quid pro quo'---WHO SHOULD BE IMPEACHED FOR THAT???

look, i'll take the word of the trumpster & his wuhan virus task force over the word of my own doctor---they have the facts & the info that is pertinent to my trying to remain virus free---not the word of those wishing him & america to fail...

hey, think about this---if the dems were just half as serious as they want you to believe they are, they would have postponed the 'impeachment process' & vacations to seriously address the issue---THEY DIDN'T---need i say more???

if you care to know that the trumpster said he had directed the us navy ship (the comfort) to go to ny & hey, he kept his word---the navy ship (the usns comfort) docked in ny on monday-3/30/20 ahead of the dems schedule for it to be there as is evidenced by this 'ding-bat' from msnbc/CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO---of course there will be no apology or correction...

good people, please allow me to post just one more video---&, please, CLICK HERE...

after seeing the above videos & posting all that i have posted, if the trumpster is guilty of the things i said in my opening paragraph, he's one bad-ass mama-jama & hey, i support him for that because, if those claims are true, he's better than SUPERMAN!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


hello america!!! i'm going to try & post the homicide totals from the 6 communities i've been following every 2 months...

from 1/1/20 to the present...

chicago---79 homicides---50 of them black/21 of them hispanic/5 of them female/police have killed 3---CLICK HERE

baltimore---52 homicides---19 of them black/no hispanics/7 of them female---CLICK HERE

la county---70 homicides---25 of them black/35 of them hispanic/12 of them female/police killed 3---CLICK HERE

jacksonville---21 homicides---16 of them black/no hispanics/4 of them female---CLICK HERE

milwaukee---26 homicides---10 of them black/no hispanics/9 of them female---CLICK HERE

st louis---23 homicides---18 of them black/no hispanics/2 of them female---CLICK HERE

this year alone we've had 271 homicides---138 of them black/56 of them hispanic/39 of them female/police killed at least 6 people...

seemingly, killing our own & abortions aren't worthy of the news---&, our elected leaders never mention them---also amazingly silent are the voices & power from our congressional black caucus members of which, all 55 of them are dems---where is the voice of our other so-called 'civil rights' advocates??? when was the last time you even heard of (or from) 'black lives matter'??? by the way, 247 females killed last year & 39 killed this year & hey, i haven't seen or heard crap from any of those female protest groups---what's even worse is the deafening silence from within our own communities...seemingly, we have become so desensitized that all we do is bitch about all the senseless killings, light some candles & then, carry on as if nothing ever occurred---hell, many of the homicides go unreported by the media & that has to end...

good people, we need to elect people that will fight to rid our communities of all the gangs, drugs & violence that is plaguing them & hey, the trumpster has been true to his word about aiding us in our efforts & yet, we reject him---that's called 'stinkin thinkin'...

america, i'm only following the homicides from the above mentioned 6 communities, however, know that the homicide totals would be staggering if i, you, the media &/or politicians were to include all the totals from all 50 states---& then, when you have that total, add all of our abortions to it & then break it down by race---people of color are going to be shocked because they'd realize that we are doing the work of the kkk for free---WE'RE KILLING OUR OWN & the dems won't lift a finger to intercede...

WAKE UP!!! all of you are re-electing the same party to control your communities simply because they promise to address our problems & yet, once you've given them your vote, they forget you ever existed (UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION)---you don't have to believe me, just google joe biden & tell me what in the hell has he ever done that helped south carolina (&, even more specifically, the people of color there)---& yet, they voted for him---WHY??????

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


hello america!!! the following are the 2019 homicide totals from the 6 communities i've been following---&, the numbers are even more staggering in the face of all the silence the media gives them...

chicago---517 homicides/415 of them black/73 of them hispanic/62 of them female/police killed 6 people while wounding 6 others...CLICK HERE

baltimore---348 homicides/167 of them black/5 of them hispanic/38 of them female...CLICK HERE

la county---531 homicides/180 of them black/266 of them hispanic/62 of them female/police killed 34 people...CLICK HERE

jacksonville---129 homicides/97 of them black/22 of them female...CLICK HERE

milwaukee---111 homicides/81 of them black/13 of them hispanic/25 of them female...CLICK HERE

st louis---194 homicides/145 of them black/4 of them were hispanic/38 of them female...CLICK HERE

1,830 homicides/1,085 of them black/361 of them hispanic/247 of them female/police killed at least 40 people while wounding at least 6 others...

good people, that's 1,830 families directly separated from their loves ones (FOREVER) & the 'dem-controlled' media don't/won't tell you crap---neither will those dems (tearing each other apart) that are vying for the presidential nomination---however, they'll raise hell when a cop kills a person of color (justified or not)...

look, let's keep it real---i'm not an expert but, at least 90% of these homicides are drug &/or gang related & hey, for the record, there's only one prominent politician (the trumpster) that has promised our communities help in ridding them of the gangs, drugs & violence, however, he is met with staunch resistance at every turn...& yet, where he has sent the feds into our communities, they had have amazing results...

we just don't talk about all the senseless violence we inflict on one another &, unfortunately, we do even less to combat it---what we will do is support somebody railing against 'social injustice' with no plan to address it & then, self us out to the highest bidder---& hey, our history is ripe with them...

america, we need to elect our leaders based on what they have or haven't done to help rid our communities of the gangs, drugs & violence---PERIOD!!! we need our media to present the truth to us &, more importantly, we need to be truthful with & to ourselves...

the dems would have you believe that stricter gun control is the answer to all of our problems & hey, you know in your heart that law abiding citizens could turn their guns in, however, the criminals won't & that would leave you defenseless & at the mercy of those very same criminals & those very same cops you express hatred towards---good luck with...

what's so sad about the above homicides is, there is no boundary criminals won't cross---it's long past time where we must stand up (with the police) & take back our communities...