Thursday, April 26, 2012


hello america!!! allow me to post some personal facts on here.

i was born in 1949, in yonkers ny & lived at 8 ravine ave. i attended ps #6, longfellow jr hs &, charles e gorton hs. i have an older brother (deceased), an older sister (deceased) &, a younger brother. my dear mother was a stay-at-home mom who battled bone cancer for many years & eventually succumbed to it. my father (deceased) worked for the postal service & as a bonded courier for chase manhattan bank &, in his spare time, he taught piano lessons. my mother was often bed-ridden & she had her own hospital bed at home. we owned the house, had plenty of room &, every summer, we'd jump in the car & my dad would take us to playland in rye ny. we were always visiting family or friends, regardless of my mothers condition or, they would visit us....i was the wayward one---always in trouble or causing trouble---the police & courts systems knew me very well. the whole neighborhood knew me...&, i could fight & did. i thought i was born for adventure & following the rules was far from adventurous. us kids had chores which had to done, we ate at a dinner table as a family, we prayed & we attended sunday school & church. were we well off??? not by a long shot but, we had everything we needed. neighbors (regardless of color) looked after all the children...they didn't have to know you to put that "EAR LOCK" on you & make you take them to where you lived which was always followed with a beating. this was a time when the milkman left bottled milk on your porch; the breadman left bread & rolls in front of the stores; if you got sick, call your doctor & they came to your house & treated you. we had a black & white tv & would watch cowboys, ed sullivan ect. this was a time where we took care of one another...get sick tonight & neighbors showed up the next day with homemade soups, pies, cakes & breads. this was a time when the churches & schools would beat your ass when you acted up. this was a time of no drugs, no gangs no knives or guns...if we had a beef with someone, we settled it man-to-man. there were no drive-by's or child molestations or kidnappings...we followed adam clayton powell (1st black american  elected to congress); our school systems had plenty of money as did our city, county &, state; as did our country.oh, by the way, we had plenty of fun & no, girls weren't getting pregnant at 14/15 years old.

the above is just for my 1st 13 years......the rest comes later..........

here it is 63 short years later & things have changed drastically for the worse. so, yes, i have reason to gripe. i do not like the direction we are presently heading & something has to be done to stop it. the leader is not leading & i hope & pray that he is not re-elected.


hello america!!! the following link is just what i was talking about yesterday...& is a prime example of why unions are not all they're cracked up to be...

the school boards 1st reaction to the abuse was to fire the teacher however, they turned around & rehired her because she has 'tenure'.

because this 'tenure' crap is something the unions cooked up & the schools/states agreed to, this teacher is allowed to retain her job. she, & those in the background talking about how much they drank the night before in the presence of the children, should have been at the very least, suspended without pay & made to attend 'behavior' classes before being reinstated.

however, they are allowed to remain teaching our children without any punishment all because they are unionized.