Monday, October 10, 2011


hello america!!! when i listen to people of color attack herman cain's view on poverty in this country, i'm struck by several things::::

firstly, the people on tv talking about poverty (as it exists today) are not living at or near the poverty level--- they all seem to have rose above it &, they seem out of touch with it.

secondly, although public welfare is a necessity for too many family's, it has to be overhauled. far to many that receive it don't need it &, for others, once they get it, they stop being productive citizens.

thirdly, why doesn't the media actually interview & fully investigate someone living in poverty & then put them & their story on tv & radio?

the poor can't speak for the rich & the rich can't speak for the poor. look at it this way---a man can't fully explain the feelings of being pregnant no more then a woman can explain the feelings of a penis being caught in a zipper.