Thursday, September 13, 2012


hello america!!! in reference to the deaths & continued attacks on our embassy's & consulates, the first words out of obamas mouth should have been to condemn them...after all, they are an extension of him & his vision. it's really stupid of him to attack any americans that speak out about the violence over there that is directed at america.

that said, i just very recently posted on here about obamas foreign policy & state department & then, we have these attacks which are growing...

america, your choice this november has to be the smart one...when obama allows confusion to abound in his admin, no clear message will ever be generated. the embassy says one thing, obama agrees to it & then disagrees...he say egypt is not our ally, the state department says it is...

obama is a man of contradictions:::his excuse for not visiting wisconsin during the governors recall & marching with the people was, his duties keep him busy...however, he was campaigning & fundraising & actually flew over the state...instead of him going to las vegas, he should have stayed in the whitehouse & attended his own security, read this...

& then you have this...

well, it's to my understanding that they will miss each other by a few days however, obama didn't invite him to the whitehouse &, he'll be out campaigning & will be on a talk show. plus, there are reports obamas will sit down with the leader of the muslim brotherhood...

obama lost all of his respect with the muslim nations when he openly sided with same sex marriages. you don't have to believe me, just ask obama which muslim leader still views him as the man he once was??? so, to answer an unasked question, no, we are not safer. 9/11 & obama doesn't have our middle east security on alert???


hello america!!! look, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that something is hindering employers from hiring. nor do you have to know what allows balloons to 'fly' to know that the massive layoffs have nothing to do with the weather. the new weekly jobless claims, 382,000, says it all &, the extremely sad part of all of this is: obama & company have no workable solutions to aid our jobs sector.

you know you have problems when your 'so-called leader' knows the dismal jobs numbers the night before they are publicly released &, doesn't have the 'balls' to include them in his acceptance speech the following night. obama could have spoken in a way to soften the numbers & pre-warn this country about them...only 96,000 jobs were created for the whole month of august, while 386,000 people just suddenly stopped looking for work. those numbers caught all the 'experts' by surprise &, today's numbers were also 'unexpected'. &, yes, the national unemployment rate dropped from 8.3% to 8.1% however, LET ME BE CLEAR, it dropped for the wrong reasons &, only an idiot would tout its dropping as a success because, to do so, would be admitting that you have no solutions for the people that gave up looking for work.

in truth, obama has not done what you hired him to do. almost 4 years ago, you voted obama into office on the wings of 'hope & change' &, if you honestly look at where we are today, he has failed to do his job. his stimulus has failed miserably because, if it had of succeeded, the jobs numbers would be reversed. &, for those of you that tout obamacare, just watch as it becomes even more unaffordable...

obama was suppose to champion the cause of the middle class...well, let's look at that. food & services prices have been steadily going up; the majority of jobs lost have fell on the middle class; the majority of homes lost have fell on the middle class; the number of loans not issued have fell on the middle class...honest math does not lie....&, please don't forget to include that the middle class's median income has also fell by about $4,000. &, before you get your panties in a twist, the majority of all taxes paid is by the top glad they don't pay their fair share.

other then food stamps & extended unemployment benefits, obama has done nothing except talk about what he wants to do. unfortunately, he's very good at that, along with blaming others. nothing that has negatively occurred under obamas watch is his fault---it's always somebody elses, or the weather, or the tsunami however, when it comes to receiving praise, it's all his & his alone.

obama just says what you want to hear &, he says it very forcefully. the sad thing is, you want to hear those things & you listen blindly. well, before you condemn me to hell & back, ask yourself this: where is his detailed blueprint for putting america back to work? where is his detailed blueprint for paying down our national debt? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping people in their homes? where is his detailed blueprint for uniting america as a party of one? where is his detailed blueprint to reform immigration & our entitlements programs? where is his detailed blueprint for reforming our tax code? where is his detailed blueprint for returning america to its prior 'greatness'? where is his detailed blueprint for keeping america safe & strong? where is his detailed blueprint to actually aid the private sector? where is his detailed blueprint to rid us of the gangs, drugs & violence that plague our communities & schools? where is his detailed blueprint to allow america to become self-energy sufficient? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate those living south of the national poverty line? where is his detailed blueprint to elevate the quality of education?

i am not 'slinging mud'---i'm just stating the facts. obamas vision of adding more public sector, unionized labor contracts to our system is not the answer. in honesty, it's like you losing your job, you're on the verge of filing for bankruptcy & me, as your PDA (professional data analyst), think you should put in a new underground swimming pool.

obama is wrong for this country!!!!!!!!!!!