Thursday, April 2, 2009


hello america!. it is with great pleasure that i can tell you, we can all learn something from congress & the obamahouse.

but, before i get to it, there are a few other things i want to talk about...

obama, after all this time, is now saying that gm/chrysler would be better off in bankruptcy. this comes after him saying that they were 'too big to fail' &, giving them all that 'bailout' money. it also comes at a time when we are fed up with these bailouts not working.

those auto makers that received bailout money should have never gotten it to begin with---they should have filed for bankruptcy or did as ford is doing. but, they called in their markers (campaign contributions), got money & extended time &, are in no better a position then before. obama & the dems took care of them & the unions so, the books are squared. obama has no use for them any longer & is prepared to let nature take its course---as is congress.

aig is another prime example as is bank of america & all the other banking/lending companies. the markers are all square. the problem is, we & some of congress won't let the matter die. i need to know why some got &, some didn't get. who made the call that some were "too big to fail' & yet, others were too small to help. &, it's a fact, some of those that received money, shouldn't have gotten one penny because they are still failing.

now, back to what i opened with...congress & obama are showing us that if they can't get the various industries to comply with their wishes, they feed them to the dogs. america, if our elected officials are not complying with our wishes & needs, we should feed them to the dogs without waiting for them to complete their term of service. we should weed them out immediately. FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT &, i'll bet whoever takes their place will put our interests first.

if those in washington are not doing the job we hired them to do, let's fire them & hire somebody that will. why do we have to wait until their term of service is up?

america, we need to exercise our rights & we need to do so now. we have the power to call for the instant removal & hiring of our elected officials & we need to use it. we shape the direction we want our country to go in-NOT WASHINGTON...