Thursday, June 29, 2017


hello america!!! i've been posting about the chicago violence for several years & i've often questioned why nothing was being done to get it under control---hell, even obama did nothing & that's his home-town...

enter donald trump---he campaigned on law & order & he's said he'd send the feds in to help out---so, the following should come as no surprise (it comes from abc mind you) CLICK HERE...

what i do find surprising is, none of our elected officials or msm (main-stream-media) are standing up for trump for trying to quell all the senseless violence in chicago & elsewhere---his putting jeff sessions (attorney general) in charge of our justice system is paying dividends & hey, if it continues as is, it will make all of our communities much safer---which brings me to this...

we have elected people of color to congress that only speak out about our community violence when it makes the front pages or when a cop kills a person of color (justified or not)---for years they have refused to address the misery that occurs within all of our communities except when they need our votes &, for whatever reason, we continue to re-elect them to serve us---from obama on down they have failed us in far too many ways for us to support them any longer---in reality, the 'hope' had faded & 'change' was all we ever received---8 long years under obama (a black president) & the problems escalated for black america (job-wise; education-wise; poverty-wise; home ownership-wise; community-wise; &, violence-wise (especially among ourselves) &, what's worse is, we seem to have lost our collective voices...

look, like him or not, we finally have somebody in the white house that's ready/willing & able to tackle the gangs, drugs, violence & jobs problems that plague our communities &, good people, here's a news flash for you, donald trump is doing a hell of lot more than paying 'lip service' to those problems---unfortunately, you'd never know it because of all the negative coverage he gets from the left-wing media & your elected dems---they are all still shocked at having lost the election but hey, that's another story...

by the way, if donald trump can save just one life, he will have done more than all the politicians did collectively over the past 8 1/2 years (& that includes obama)...

america, please, the next time you go to vote, vote for somebody that will actually work for you...


hello america!!! i know our gov't shouldn't be run on a 'tit-for-tat' basis, however, that's just wishful thinking that will not prevail when it confronts reality...

the reality of american politics is run on a 'tit-for-tat' basis &, if the dems care to remember how obamacare was passed at the 11th hour (excluding any repub influence) & the promises they made about it, they should now accept their lumps & let the cards fall where they may---instead, they resort to 'fear tactics' &, unfortunately, they work...

good people, for the moment, let's look at another reality---for years, obama & company talked about how badly the va treated our vets & yet, did absolutely nothing about preventing the many deaths that actually occurred or improving the services our vets were supposed to receive---(come on sen chucky, let's see you spin that)---compare that to the short time trump has been in office & what all he's been able to do for our vets (& yes, much more remains to be done)---&, while we're at it, look at trump's round-up of gang members which in turn saves even more american lives...

the dems are all about rhetoric & short on actual performance &, if you actually took the time to look at the senate healthcare draft for yourselves, you just might be surprised at how very wrong they are...

instead of trying to instill fear in the american people, the dems should be presenting their own plans for upgrading our healthcare insurance markets but, they don't seem to have any...

by the way, i need to know (from the dems) if those americans that will not have an obamacare insurer in their area, meaning they won't be insured, like, will they DIE???

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


hello america!!! far too many of you are willfully ignorant & allow yourselves to be swayed by the 'media headlines' instead of actually doing your own homework---&, unfortunately, that ignorance is on display during our conversations...

the facts are:::the dems are doing their best to keep donald trump from having a successful presidency ---however, as i have told you, he has still been able to get a lot accomplished between signing bills into law & his use of executive power---for whatever reason, many of you refuse to accept that so, click on the following links & educate yourselves to the 'TRUTH'...

67 bills have been signed into law---READ THEM HERE

37 executive orders have been signed---READ THEM HERE


Tuesday, June 20, 2017


hello america!!! supposedly, donald trump & company colluded with the russians to win the elections & what i find conspicuously missing is...
1.....exactly what did the russians hack???
2.....exactly when did they do it???
3.....exactly how did they do it???
4.....exactly what did they do with the info they hacked???
5.....exactly which russian/s did it???
6.....exactly where did they do it from???
7.....exactly why did they do it???

those questions should have been answered a long time ago but, as of this writing, all i've heard or read about are the allegations---in fact, there have been some very prominent democrat elected leaders that have admitted that they have not seen any evidence of collusion & yet, the rumors persist...

when you have several heads of our intel department testifying under oath that they have seen no evidence of collusion, one would think that the rumors would cease, however, that's not the case---the left-wing media just won't let it go &, for whatever reason, a special counsel (robert mueller) has been appointed to continue investigating what apparently isn't there to be found which is such a waste of our tax dollars...


hello america!!! here are the homicide updates from the 6 communities i'm following this year...

chicago---305 homicides/246 black/47 hispanic/cops killed 6---CLICK HERE

baltimore---160 homicides/140 black/2 hispanic---CLICK HERE

la county---274 homicides/79 black/146 hispanic/cops killed 18---CLICK HERE

jacksonville---63 homicides/43 black/1 hispanic/cops killed 3---CLICK HERE

milwaukee---55 homicides/41 black/1 hispanic---CLICK HERE

st louis---78 homicides/72 black/0 hispanic---CLICK HERE

935 homicides/621 black/197 hispanics/cops killed 27

good people, although there are those that will argue against the following, our biggest problem isn't the police, it's ourselves---so, when i hear people demanding social justice, i'm upset because they won't/don't speak about the damage we inflict on one another...

Thursday, June 15, 2017


hello america!!! democrats & independents, i honestly believe you will sincerely rue the day you asked for a special counsel to investigate your allegations of russian collusion & obstruction of justice regarding donald trump PERIOD!!!

any honest investigation of either allegation has to lead to the last administration & all the wrong-doing that was covered up &/or carried out by the fbi under the leadership of james comey who was under the leadership of {then ag} loretta lynch who was under the leadership of {then president} obama &, it should even extend back to as far as obamas first term which would involve william holder {then ag}, the irs, & many other nefarious scandals---the reason it has to go that far back is because the one common factor is, james comey was in charge of the fbi throughout the years involved...

but hey, i'm not here to waste your time, the facts speak for themselves---if obama could tell putin to 'knock it off' (in reference to the russian hacking before the elections---READ HERE)---look, if obama knew it then, comey also knew it as did a lot of other elected officials to include candidate hillary clinton & loretta lynch...

there's a lot to this investigation that won't pass the smell test if it only focuses on trump---it has to include the leaking of information---speaking of which, this should also be brought up & looked into READ, the death of seth rich---SEE VIDEO HERE...

what i worry about is, how much can i trust this investigation when it's leaking already???


hello america!!! the senate dems just won't give trump a break & they're steadfast in their approach to negatively attacking anybody in his admin when they're testifying before congress---look, there isn't a 'smoking gun' & all the evidence (or lack thereof) points to no collusion with the russians, PERIOD!!!

what's even worse is, the wretched treatment of 'all things trump' by the left-wing media---in a large part, they are directly responsible for deliberately misleading &/or deliberately lying to the american public &, as much as i believe in the 'free press', something has to be done to prevent them from publishing 'so-called news' that they themselves cannot verify...

the left can't prove collusion so they'll now move on to obstruction & his personal business incomes---america, the time has come for you to demand that your elected officials do the job they were hired to do & let the law take care of everything else---we need jobs; better roads & bridges; safer internet; safer communities; lower taxes; better care for our vets; more law & order; &, a much safer world...

Friday, June 9, 2017


hello america!!! when the horse you picked to win the race losses, you have to stop making excuses for the loss & move on---case in point, donald trumps alleged collusion with the russians to win the elections---look, even the top dems on all congressional investigating committees have said they have not seen any evidence linking trump to the russians & hey, former fbi director, james comey, killed that line of thought while testifying under oath---so, give it up...

the dems & left-wing media need to accept that trump is our president & move on---however, that won't happen because they're 'stuck on stupid' &, they're still hurting---now they want to focus on trump's meeting with comey while forgetting obama's meeting with the cbo director just before obamacare was scored---how quickly they deliberately forget---besides, they wanted comey out long before trump was elected & now they're praising him like he's their GOD---give me a break...

i do hope that any future investigations will discover the notes/memos that comey no longer has & yet, he never took notes on the then sitting att gen asking telling him to call the clinton investigation a 'matter'---where are his notes on the tarmac meeting with bill clinton & lorretta lynch during the very same time she was under investigation???

by the way, comey's handling of the hillary clinton investigation needs investigating because 'INTENT' is not a guideline for not bringing/recommending charges for her 'MISUSE' of classified material nor is it an excuse to not have her offer her version of what she did or didn't do under oath---plus, comey gave those other witnesses freedoms from being prosecuted...

what everybody seems to have forgotten is, the russian hacking occurred on obamas watch, not trump's & hey, who in politics or the public eye doesn't ask for 'LOYALTY' from their subordinates???

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


hello america!!! trump wisely took us out of the paris climate deal which, for us, was not a good one---hell, it wasn't even close to being one & yet, here comes the dems (& the left-wing media) telling you that the sun is about to fall out of the sky---they just love to use 'fear tactics'...

good people, with all the problems going on within our own country, climate change is not at the top of that list---nor is it at the top of the list for the rest of the world...

look, don't get me wrong, we all need clean air & water &, we definitely need to take better care of mother-earth as well as all the animals within it but, an unenforceable deal with other countries is the same as having no deal at all---besides, we have the 'epa' & other agencies right here to help us take care of ourselves &, when they have the time, they can help other underdeveloped countries &, they can do so without that $100 billion a year price tag...

i would be more in favor of countries getting together & providing water, food & proper housing to those underdeveloped counties that so desperately need that help---i was not in favor of obama giving $1 billion dollars of our money to the 'green climate fund' &, i've been waiting to hear what that money accomplished---for that matter, the media & congress should be looking into that...

to the dems & media that dislikes trump's pulling us out of the climate deal please, put the russian elections on the back burner & find out what was done with that $1 billion dollars...

Sunday, June 4, 2017


hello america!!! the muslim mayor, sadiq khan, of london said london is the safest global city in the world---so how did 3 men manage to kill 7 people & injure 48 others last night (with a van & knives) in london??? &, even though the police response time was fast, it just wasn't fast enough...

good people, we have long past the point of responding to terrorist---it's time to fully embrace 'prevention' & yes, that calls for travel bans; border rejections; better scrutiny of those entering our country; better neighborhood policing; increased computer & phone surveillance; &, a better way of messaging & following up on 'see something/say something'...

Thursday, June 1, 2017


hello america!!! JUDGE HER FOR YOURSELVES---


hello america!!! true math doesn't lie no matter who's spinning the numbers to fit their narrative---we've known for years that our entitlements programs are in dire need of a massive overhauled & we can't afford to keep kicking the can down the road---congress must act & do the right thing...

here are the facts... pop is about 326 billion---3rd in the world national debt is almost $20 trillion dollars---unsustainable
3.....41,740,202 people are on food stamps---why???
4.....56,093,467 people are on medicare---they earned it
5.....74,059,554 people are on medicaid---why???
6.....42,407,489 people live in poverty---why???
7.....31,193,647 people have no health insurance---why???
8.....120,154,973 people are taxpayers---why so few???

all data comes from