Tuesday, November 14, 2017


hello america!!! allentown pa has had 17 homicides (YTD) & the police are responsible for only 1 of them (the person they killed was in a car ramming their cars & trying to run them over) which, by true math, leaves 16 homicides that we just don't talk about---just so you know, we don't talk about the senseless carnage we inflict on one another but hey, let a cop kill one of us (justified or not) & we bug out...

we have become desensitized to 'us' killing 'us' &, other than trump, extremely few of our 'so-called leaders' even discuss it---blm, the media, 'big-named' affluent people &, other groups fail to talk about what we are doing to one another, however, they all find time to show up when a cop does the killing---hell, even then, we react/vent the wrong way by burning our own communities down which is the same twisted logic as 'i'm mad at you so i'll hurt myself'...

what 'good' has been accomplished since the death of freddie gray in baltimore??? all that destruction & hate---for what??? baltimore has had 304 homicides (YTD) of which 263 were black & 3 hispanic but, you don't hear crap about them---the media & 'big-shots' focused on freddie gray & they sensationalized it to boost their false narrative about massive police brutality within our communities---hey, i can even remember congressman elijah cummings marching down the streets of baltimore, arm-in-arm, during the freddie gray uprisings & hey, i haven't seen or heard from him since (guess we have to wait for another cop killing another of ours)...

good people, please, don't get me wrong---we do have cops that exercise their authority much more aggressively than they should (for many reasons) & they should be held accountable for whatever 'wrong-doing' they do PERIOD---the flip-side of that is, we can't (& shouldn't) condemn all of them based on the negative actions of a few---if you do, you're filled with that same 'stinkin-thinkin' that if a few black people do negative things, than all black people do them & hey, we've been fighting against that sick logic for far too long---whether you agree or not, we need our cops &, the vast majority of them do a superb job of policing our communities...

what we should be talking about is what we are doing to one another & no amount of pro-athletes kneeling will ever change that---whoops, they're kneeling in protest but not for that---they're protesting police brutality against people of color which, in reality, is not as big a problem as we're led to believe & the numbers back that up (fyi---606 chicago homicides 'YTD' of which 468 of them were black & 105 of them hispanic---the cops have killed 10 people & wounded 10 people) & hey, those numbers are re-played out all over our country...

we, as a people of color, are our worst enemy---we've allowed the gangs, drugs & guns to excessively infiltrate our communities &, unfortunately, we willfully remain silent whenever something bad occurs (which is 24/7) (& then, we ask, where were/are the police???)...

another thing we do is, we continue to vote for democrat mayors to run our communities that promise us the world &, once elected, they ignore our needs until the next election---think what you will but, other than trump, when was the last time a president sent in the feds to try & clean up the gang & drug problems??? just think on this---the last time chicago had a repub mayor was 1923 &, the last time detroit had a repub mayor was 1963---look at where the 'windy city' & 'motor city' are now & cops killing people of color is far from their major concerns (unless you listen to the media, etc...)---perhaps this may be easier for you to follow; if any part of white america is suffering, people of color in those same parts will suffer even more...

good people, we allow ourselves to be incited by the media that fan the flames of hatred & racism &, by following their lead, we are further dividing ourselves from one another & hey, nobody seems to have the time or patience to look beyond the headlines---on that note, not a one of the 6 police officers charged for the death of freddie gray has been found guilty---some were actually found 'not guilty' of all charges & others had their charges 'dropped'---that also is something that's been repeating itself all across our nation, i.e; former st louis police officer, jason stockley was also found 'not guilty' of all charges stemming from the death of anthony smith---we're quick to condemn & react but slow to the ways of justice...

just so you'll know, please check this out from chicago, illinois...

2012---514 homicides/392 black-70 hispanic---police killed 8/wounded 49
2013---455 homicides/357 black-83 hispanic---police killed 13/wounded 30
2014---464 homicides/353 black-67 hispanic---police killed 17/wounded 28
2015---510 homicides/401 black-81 hispanic---police killed 9/wounded 16
2016---807 homicides/626 black-133 hispanic---police killed 11/wounded 14
2017---606 homicides/468 black-105 hispanic---police killed 10/wounded 10

6 years under a dem mayor (rahm emanuel, 2011-present)---3,356 total homicides---2,597 of them black---539 hispanic---police killed 69 people/wounded 147 & our problem is with the police??? are you really that daft??? you all can send 'prayers up' for others but not your own??? where is the outrage for the atrocities we inflict on ourselves??? where's the media, blm, the women's group, etc, etc??? in 8 years under obama, he didn't even bring to light the problems we create for one another, however, he was so quick to point out that the cops 'acted stupidly' when they arrested his friend in massachusetts (the start of our national hatred towards cops)---other 'FAKE' politicians have since jumped on that same 'band wagon' & we're shooting cops at an alarming rate...

while just 1 unjustified killing of anybody is unacceptable, the police actions pale in the face of what we are doing to one another---true math will never lie but, there are those that will purposely distort the facts to suit their agendas & hey, those are the ones that wish you no good...

while our 'pro-players' have the right to kneel during the playing of our national anthem, that doesn't make their actions right---& no, we don't address their reasons for 'kneeling', we're too caught up in the 'respect/disrespect' angle of their actions & that's all the media focuses on---i must admit that when i am at home & hear our anthem, i do not stand up but i do when i am in public & yes, i do remove my hat & cross my heart---i do know that our pro-sports squads serve a lot of our community needs but, i just think we would be better served by them if they actually went to our communities where we're so willing to take the life of another---

before i close, will anybody question the following:::
1...just how are all these guns magically appearing in our down-trodden communities???
2...just why won't the authorities stop it????

&, i'm sure, you have your own questions but hey, when it's easier for a kid to buy a street gun than it is for him/her to graduate, our problems aren't with the police...

Friday, November 10, 2017


hello america!!! the dems are full of crap---bush (in 8 years) put $5 trillion on our national debt & obama called him 'un-american/un-patriotic'---obama (in 8 years) put $10 trillion on our national debt & the dems were/are silent about it---& now (since repubs control all 3 branches) they want to pretend that they are the party that cares about out national debt---all of a sudden they portray themselves to be the responsible fiscal party---what a crock of smelly crap...

regulations, taxes & obamacare stifled our nations growth for 8 long years under obama & company &, the dems know it---they just chose to remain silent about it because they adhere to that old slogan, 'never eat your own, no matter what'---

whether you like trump or not, he does have our country heading in the right direction economically &, when america grows, so do her people (ALL OF HER PEOPLE)---look, true math never lies---obama took over in 2009 with a gdp of 2.8% &, in all of his following years, never reached that number again---by contrast, trump has been in office since jan 2017 & has already hit 3% & 3.2% (a feat he talked about accomplishing when he was campaigning & all the 'so-called experts' scoffed at him for thinking like that---'never' they said)...

our national unemployment rate is 4.1% (it was 4.8% when trump took over)---the black unemployment rate is 7.5% (it was 7.7% when trump took over)---1,477,000 jobs have been created since trump took office---companies are remaining within our borders &, many overseas companies are bringing 'the trump promised jobs' to our nation---the stock market is steadily climbing; manufacturing is up; the housing market is up; & hey, you gave obama credit for all of the above so it's only right to award the same to trump...

the dems just don't want any parts of anything that trump proposes because, if he's successful, that will just high-light their failures during the obama & company reign---they didn't like his budget proposal; his healthcare proposal; nor his tax proposal & yet, they're extraordinarily quick to get in front of a camera & lie about willing to work with the repubs while at the same time lying to you about how badly trump's proposals are for our country---hell, they go about negatively talking about proposals & bills before they even see them &, they don't mind instilling fear in you or playing the 'race-card'...

look, trump won the election because of his message about 'making america great' & how he'd do it---&, he's living up to his words...

i don't care what side of the isle you're on but, do yourself a favor & ask your sitting dem elected politician exactly what have they done for the american people during the past 8 plus years---&, please, remember, they did give you {affordable/keep your doctor/keep your health plan/not a tax} healthcare coverage better known as obamacare which is everything but what they told you it would be...

by the way, every time a dem gets in front of the cameras to denounce trump & company's proposals or bills, have you ever noticed what they don't have with them??? they never have their own proposals or bills to present to you---you owe it to yourselves to ask them why that is...

&, just so you know, the dems are 100% against repealing obamacare & yet, their solution for 'fixing' it is to pay the insurer's (with more of your money) to remain in the market to make up for their losses---yeah, you should be happy with... 

Thursday, November 9, 2017


hello america!!! 'gun control'---regardless of which side of this issue you're on, GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE---PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!!

before you even think to respond to the above, follow this...
1.....guns are either obtained legally or illegally PERIOD
2.....guns have to be picked up & loaded PERIOD
3.....guns have to be aimed/pointed at somebody or some thing PERIOD
4.....guns have to have the safety off (those that have them) before they can be fired PERIOD
5.....guns have to have somebody or something press the trigger to fire them PERIOD

whether you're legally shooting a deer or illegally shooting another person, withdraw any sequence from the above & the gun is rendered harmless PERIOD...

good people, chicago's (YTD) stats are---2,647 people were shot of which 559 of them died---eliminate any one of the above sequences & the stats would read 'ZERO SHOT'---somebody had to run through those sequences to effectively fire those guns because the guns damn sure won't fire themselves...

every time there's a shooting, the dems & left-wing media cry out for stricter 'gun control' & then ignore the facts---i.e; the recent deadly mass-shooting in texas---there are laws on the books that should have prohibited the shooter from legally obtaining a gun (s) however, the air force dropped the ball by not entering his information into the national data-base---unfortunately, 26 innocent people paid with their lives for that colossal screw-up but, the dems & left-wing media are not going after the air force...

america, chicago reportedly has some of the strictest gun laws on the books & yet, they have our nations highest totals concerning gun-violence---if you can figure the 'why' of that out, please let me know---look, we have all of these laws & regulations in place but, we have far too many different agencies &, they don't always coordinate with one another in a timely fashion (that's why 9/11 & several other atrocities have occurred)---somehow, we have to fix that...

what we really should be talking about is how to 'identify & fix' the people so willing to take the lives of others because that is the very root of our gun-problem---people that want to kill others will always find a way to do so regardless of what laws we put on the books to prevent that &, just so you know, simply threatening criminals with extended jail time is not a deterrent---most people that do 'anything' illegal know that it's wrong long before they do it &, that runs from jay-walking to renting a truck to mow people down---it's like you being late for work & yet you try to make up that time by speeding (all the while knowing you're wrong & yet, hoping you don't get caught)---in 100% honesty, it's the actions of people that cause the deaths of other people regardless of the 'tool' they utilize to do it---&, if you disagree with that, answer me this---when was the last time a knife in your kitchen draw magically appeared in the street & cut somebody's throat??? or, when was the last time a truck (without a driver) turned itself on & mowed down some people far from where it was parked???

&, another thing---there is no such thing as 'bad people'---nobody was born 'bad'---we have people that (for whatever reason) do very 'bad deeds'...

the next time you hear a person yelling for more gun control ask them this---if you were to get caught in the middle of 2 gangs gun-fighting, would you rather have whoever was attempting to rescue you show up with or without guns???

the dems & media sound like they want the firemen to show up to a burning house without water--(DAMN, CAN I JUST DROP THE MIC & WALK AWAY NOW???)