Friday, February 15, 2019


hello america!!! the following link shows exactly what is wrong with the dem party (CLICK HERE)---simply put, they don't want you working because they would lose control over you...

do you think that this far-left, socialist dem, congress female ever gave thought to how much those 25,000 potential jobs would mean to those filling those positions??? since she's supposed to be for those that can't help themselves &/or are struggling to do so, i can only assume that she thought the extreme rich would be the only job-fillers---hell, in reality, the down-trodden would have sought employment there & hey, many of them probably would have been hired (even at minimum wage)---what in the hell is wrong with that???

plus, the city, state & fed gov't missed out on the taxes the workers would have paid---&, think of all the businesses that won't get to offer their goods to those that would have been employed---the effects are far more reaching & deadly than just objecting &/or prohibiting a corporation to come in & set up shop---

america, this should prove to you (once & for all) that the dems will do &/or say anything to keep you unemployed---they would prefer you were dependent upon them for some sort of gov't handout---&, you don't have to believe me but hey, had dem obama done what the trumpster did, millions of people would have never been unemployed & our welfare rolls would have never exploded...

facts are facts, however, the dem 'super-smart idiots' will all always argue against them---look at all the support they gave obama for his job-killing regulations/policies & now crucify the trumpster for eliminating them---the trumpsters actions & policies are working so well that obama & company now want to take credit for the economic success the trumpster has caused but, you'll never hear that from the dem-controlled media...

look, you may think whatever you wish to, however, you just have to stop ignoring the truth---just look at what the above female (aoc) has proposed with her 'geen new deal' resolution---you can read the whole 14 pages of it HERE---please bear in mind that some 2020 dem presidential candidates (as well as other dems) have already endorsed that resolution---here's the kicker, they think so highly of this resolution & yet, the senate majority leader wants to put it on the floor for a vote & yes, it's the dems objecting to it because their vote would be on the record---go figure that one out...

free college??? free healthcare??? a gov't paycheck for those that don't even want to work??? & your expecting only the very rich to pay for it is just plain stupid thinking---oh wait, they're talking about making a law to penalize the wealthy for trying to leave our country with their wealth (BUT TRUMP WAS CRAZY FOR SAYING THE SAME THING ABOUT OUR BUSINESSES LEAVING)...

history has proved that anytime the rich are forced to pay more, those below them are forced to pay more---those charges are passed down in higher prices for goods & services---&, for you that want to gloss over that fact, it's the poor people that will be negatively effected the most---it's a fact that many, many rich people do many good things on their own for those less fortunate & when you force them to do more, they actually do less...

regardless of how you may think, the dems are actually leaning 'socialist' more than ever & hey, that's not something this country should ever allow to occur---it just doesn't work & moreso because of our vast population...

when i think of this new green deal, i think of obamas 'greening' of america & hey, i'm here to tell you that that was a disaster---&, since you won't/don't believe me, i challenge you to educate me to his success with it---hell, i actually remember him trying to help promote the chevy volt & saying that he would get one one when he left office---here is a list of his 'green failures'---CLICK HERE---&, not to leave you with just that, there's this READ HERE...

america just won't be forced into 'greening'---it wasn't then & won't be now, however, if it's left up to the dems, that is exactly what they will do---force you into 'greenery' which will be a new way of controlling you...

don't get me wrong, we all want clean air & water, however, we want it on our terms & based on our needs---not what the gov't wants to force-feed us...

america, the writing is on the walls for all to see & hey, after seeing it, we're that fly on the wall &, if you believe in the future of this country, your vote, come 2020, will never be more important---& hey, i'm here to tell you the truth about that vote---your vote will only be for one of the following...'ll vote for them to control you
                          or'll vote to control your own country

IT'S THAT SIMPLE no matter who else says differently...