Friday, October 26, 2012


hello america!!! i've found 3 articles that i really find bothersome & hope that obama & company will (just for once) be honest with us & tell us the truth & not the 'spin'...however, it's an election year &, if it's going to 'play' negative towards obama, we'll have to rely on those in the media that are not pro-obama-biased to provide us with the 'news'...

obama, if this is true (&, i honestly believe it is), you should be fired on the spot! i can only imagine that the requests were turned down so as not to make it a bigger issue then it was because obama has told us bin laden is dead & al qaeda is on the run...

from that to this: you know, that issue obama has all of those plans for & has yet to produce even one of them & yet, everybody's elses plans are no good...what obama won't tell you is that when these people do start collecting, they very seldom will return to the workforce & hey, since he doesn't have a plan to fix any of the problems, how are we going to continue to pay these people & at what cost? i am a realist & 2018 is right around the corner. when the money dries up, we will have to borrow more money against our future &, the sad part of all of this is, less people working=less revenue being collected. obama has had 4 years to address this issue & here we are...

with all of the past problems obama has had with our money, this does not surprise me. for somebody to blame it on china is wrong. if you're getting a defective product from china, don't you cancel your orders?

i'll sum it up to say, the media gives obama a pass for his failures exactly like they do when joe biden has his gaffe moments saying, it's just that should make it all better.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    according to obama, he has a plan to put america back to work if he's know, use the money from the savings when the wars totally end to restart infrastructure jobs & hire more teachers. what a novel idea! you should vote 3 times for this man that is calling you stupid if you believe that. good people, we 'borrow' the money to pay for the wars & when the wars stop, the borrowing stops. on the other hand, obama may be saying he's going to do another 'stimulus' & that seems more like it because he said he wants to 'help out other manufacturing business's'.

obamas been in office for 4 years & his stimulus did not work. his plans for another 4 years are more of the same. he has no new ideas to bring to the table & castigates anybody that does bring forth a plan. hell, he won't even listen to his own self-appointed jobs council &, he blew off the debt commission.

our economy cannot afford 4 more years of the same &, obama said, 'you can't fix washington from the inside' &, if he had of done the work that we actually needed during his 1st 2 years, the dems would still be in power & this election would have already been over. in truth, obama has failed us & he knows it.

washington is broke & we need somebody in there that can fix it &, obama is not the one.....


hello america!!! obama is quick to use the word 'truth' but, is extremely hesitant to practice what he preaches. honesty is not in obamas DNA. he's rather tell a lie then the truth...&, if you follow me, i'll show you the pure, un-spun truth...

this is was 2 days ago...

number 1...the auto bailout was not as successful as obama would have you believe. they should have been allowed to file for bankruptcy just as the ford motor company did. so, they took our money & this is where we stand...    another thing obama doesn't tell you is gm is still making risky, sub-prime loans to sell its cars & for the obama-hype about the chevy volt, it's a 'dud'. by the way, it also comes with a warning that using anything but premium gasoline may hurt the engine. &, why has it taken 4 years for obama to now want to try & bring business's back to our shores?

number 2...hiring more teachers is not the answer. the communities & school environments have to be cleaned up---drugs, sex, gangs & violence have breached the walls of all of our schools. teacher tenure has to go & only the best teachers need to be retained or hired. if the students flunk, the teacher flunks....costs of higher education is ever increasing regardless of what obama says &, they will continue to do. college is a business for those that run them.

number 3...obama has had 4 years to allow his actions to speak for themselves. he does not support a 'all of the above' approach to our energy needs. he's invested too much of our money in 'failed' energy company's & to continue to do more of the same borders on stupidity. we are producing more however, that's on private lands, not the lands & waters obama has control of.

number 4...when obama talks about cutting the deficit, you have to laugh because he's done everything but that. he likes spending money he doesn't have to account for. he had a 'debt commission' & he blew their suggestions off. he can't even get his own party to agree with him when it comes to a budget. when he talks about 'tax fairness' he just wants those making $200,000 or more to pay a higher tax rate which will not even dent our deficit. on the same hand, he doesn't even mention that we have professional sports leagues that pay no federal taxes...i.e; the NFL, which made $9 billion last year is tax exempt, as are others. another thing is, obama is always talking about closing 'loopholes' & yet, he continues to create them. i.e; the $7,500 tax credit for the chevy volt, etc...

good people, do not be fooled. when the wars are ended, there will be no pile of money to use for infrastructure fixing or building---this is a blatant lie. we are borrowing the money for the wars & when they end, the borrowing ends. obama knows this but, it sounds so good to say it. just like what he says about creating jobs & our economic growth...obama only counts jobs growth from the last 30 months claiming he's created 5 million plus however, what he doesn't tell you is, he's been in office for 45 months & we lost 4 million jobs over that time-span which means, in 4 longs years, he's really only created 175,000-300,000 jobs. & yes, our economy suffers because of it.

&, just so you know, obama blames the repubs for the failure of his 'Dream Act' to pass through the senate. he lies about this because the bill needed 60 yes votes; recieved only 55; &, 5 dems voted against it. if you listen to obama, your math skills are probably like his<><>55+5=60 but, we won't say anything about those 5 dem 'no' votes & blame it on the repubs....

just had to add this...