Friday, April 10, 2015


hello america!!! obama wants to bypass our congress & take his iran deal to the united nations---this is the same united nations that did THIS...seems counterintuitive to me but, what do i know???

we have obama & company saying one thing while iran is saying another &, on top of all that, iran is making 'demands' HERE...

look, i am not a war-monger & i honestly hope we can live a very long time without another one (& then, reality sets in)...since we continue to balk at putting our foot in somebody's butt, we are going to have one (or more) & sooner rather than later...we have allowed to many groups (& they all hate us) to build up because of our lack of forcible actions---words just won't get us to be where we need to be...

obama & company say we are safer not then before he took office but, an honest look around the world should convince you that they are lying to you---hell, you don't even have to go around the world to prove that, russia has ships HERE in our own backyard & they've been flexing their air-power muscle HERE...

when you sum up all the problems around the globe & judge our responses, you can't help but wonder how we became so weak...north korea ignores us; iran defies us; russia & china laugh at us; seemingly, we have lost the middle east & africa; we've thrown israel to the wolves; we've turned our backs on canada---& through it all, the obama admin puts up a good front---


hello america!!! this is just a follow-up to my last post & it's issued by our own state dep't---

just so you know...


hello america!!! with so much going on within our own country, it's hard to figure out how i have time to find out what's happening beyond our borders---but, try as i might to stick to one subject, other issues keep forcing themselves into my purview---case-in-point, THIS...

obama & company have been all over the networks talking about 'no man left behind' so, i can only surmise that american civilians don't qualify for that category...look, obama has blindly portrayed yemen as a success story but, it's just the opposite, however, you don't have to take my word for it READ THIS...just how low have we sunk when we have to tell our own people (abroad) to get help from other countries to get to safety???

we tucked tail & ran away from yemen (benghazi, iraq, syria, ukraine, egypt, central african republic, north africa---hell, there are more but, hopefully, you got the point)  & yet, while we have the most powerful army in the world we also have an extremely weak, non-military man in obama at the helm---