Monday, July 23, 2012


hello america!!! i just wrote about the direction obama is taking our country & then i find the following::::::::::::::;

it doesn't even matter if you read all 3 articles, the message is the same &, it's not a good one for america. in hindsight, obama has 'wasted' all of our time & money since he took office. he's had ample opportunity to 'move' this country & in the right direction. in his first 2 years, he could have passed any laws he wanted to &, he didn't need any support from the repubs, as was proved with the passage of his stimulus & obamacare bills. in his first two years, with the dems controlling both houses, he squandered that time & now wants 4 more do what? oh, almost forgot...4 more years of the same.

america, obama stood before you in 2008, telling you he was the only one that could fix our problems. well, you see where we were & you can't help but see where we are now. he made promise after promise & he's just about broken every one of them.

instead of standing before you & admitting his failures, he continues to blame pres bush, the repubs in congress, the weather, the financial problems in europe, the tsunami &, the 'fat-cats on wall street. he hasn't met with either his own hand-picked cabinet or his hand-picked jobs council since january. in fact, he's rejected his jobs councils recommendations &, has chosen to go it alone. seemingly, he has given up on even trying to help our country & he's too busy to address the issues that we are having the most problems with. however, he is so quick to 'smear' gov romney & try to turn this campaign into a 'me against him' debate..He refuses to talk about his record for the last 3 1/2 years---that says it all. 3 1/2 years in office & all he can talk about is gov romney......HMMM!!!

he can't tout his stimulus because we are worse off now then before it became law... are still being lost from the public & private sectors
2...banks still aren't lending & those that are, are triple checking credit scores
3...people are still losing their homes
4...the fed deficit just keeps on climbing
...besides, you can't say your stimulus worked if you have to 'stimulate' again.........

he can't tout his obamacare because it is raising the costs of your healthcare; business's, doctors, & some states are opting out of it so you won't be able to keep the same doctor; it does have 21 new taxes in it &,
the sad thing is, it's not even fully implemented yet.

so, exactly what has obama done that warrants your vote for 4 more years? & no, promises don't count, especially when they're not kept.


hello america!!! people keep asking, why foxnews? my answer: they're a lot less pro-obama biased. well, my friend argued, they all tell their side of the story. yes, but when they go as far as msnbc goes, it crosses the could argue the pro's & con's of each media outlet however, please check out the following link...the side-by-side videos will make you wonder just how much 'TRUTH' does msnbc actually report. the breakdown on the videos is this:::msnbc is on the left & 'youtube' is on the right. msnbc edited the parts you don't see on its side & 'youtube' gives you the whole thing......

what msnbc did has to border on 'criminality'. it edited the video to portray gov mitt romney as 'out of touch' with america. how can a 'so-called, major news media outlet' be allowed to show this to the american people without any penalty's? where is the FCC? where's that guy running around the country calling for 'FAIRNESS'???

in honesty, if msnbc, abc, cbs, cnn, the ny times &, the washington post had off actually done their true jobs in 2008, obama would have never been elected. they shielded him from all the negativity that surrounded him at the time & cast everybody else as the villains. they even went out of their way to shield him from his own role in our economic downfall...please see here...

& then, when obama put all the blame on pres bush, they covered this up...please see here...

it's really hard to get the truth when the media deliberately buries it.........


hello america!!! whether you want to remember these words or not, i'm going to remind you of them: in response to some jobs numbers being posted a few weeks ago, obama said, "we are heading in the right direction", i want to bring your attention to reality &, the following link will actually show you which direction we are truly heading in....please see here....

now, if you're one of those that believe in obamas agenda, then you're all for what is happening to america:::::: bigger gov't; less jobs; less home ownerships; more gov't spending; more gov't 'hand-outs'; more obamacare; more selective bailouts; more business regulations; more public sector jobs (unionized labor); & more expansion of the fed deficit...............then obama is your man & america is not your country!!!

good people, please wake up! we are going in a direction that is so totally wrong. yes, those of of you reading this may not yet be effected by all of what obama is doing (though i bet you know somebody that is) but, what about your children & grandchildren? what kind of 'AMERICA' are you really leaving for them to grow up in when there is no 'growth'? when we are gone, it will be our children & their children that will have to face the mess that's being created today. it's very sad to know that they won't be working to live the american dream, they'll be working just to pay off our fed debt...

many of you support obamas wanting the rich to pay more however, you just might want to 'google' what they actually do pay---those are the numbers obama doesn't even want you to know about plus, even if he got his way, the little bit he could collect from them would only run our fed gov't for 8 1/2 days...what about those other 356 1/2 days? who pays for them? the answer, just borrow more money from china. simple!!!      just pass the fed debt on down the line.

america, we've come too far to slide back to the times of 1960. i was born in 1949 when the minimum wage was raised from (hold your hat on), 40 cents to 75!!! 75 cents an hour? &, you want to know something? we may not have had everything we wanted but, we had everything we needed. my dad busted his butt to make ends meet & he did it with my bed-ridden mother & 4 children. we didn't have food stamps, school busing, welfare cash, gov't housing or, gov't money for daycare centers. &, we had our own house at 8 ravine ave with a big back yard...yeah, i know, you're waiting for the part where i had to walk 20 miles to school in 3 feet of snow with only a pair of socks on-----i am so sorry to disappoint you.....hey, i didn't  know it then or even appreciate it then---however, i do now. growing up then was a time when doctors treated you at home---just call them & they came to your house. the milkman left bottled milk on your porch & the neighbors watched out for all kids & family's without being asked. when someone was sick, neighbors just showed up with homemade soups with real dumplings. &, we always got an 'allowance' which doesn't seem like crap now-in fact, most people probably have more spilled change on their car floorboards. above all else, we were taught to respect our country.....something too many of you have forgotten & something too many of you are not teaching your children today. it's also not being taught in schools like it once was....we were taught to respect & honor our flag---today, you can wear it as a headband, wear it on your ass, fly it ripped & tattered, burn it or, just let it fall to the ground...

we are losing our traditions & our ways & obama has set a course that will leave us totally lost for quite some time...

by the way, i had to walk 45 miles to school & i only had 1 sock which i changed to the other foot to walk back home...&, it was in 8 feet of snow.............


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   WOW!!! no job layoffs listed for today however, it's still early...........

do you remember obama campaigning before being elected on closing GITMO? well, he couldn't do it & says no more about fact, he's given those prisoners everything but the keys to get out &, obama won't tell you about it but, he's even giving them a $750,000 soccer field, at your expense. on top of that, he's trying to work out something with afghanistan to ship prisoners over there for them to look after. no matter how you slice it, it's but another broken promise from obamas lips to your ears.......

although there are a lot of links i could direct you to, i chose msnbc because they have, by far, been a very avid supporter of obama.....see here......

& i realize that, to some, gitmo news is old news however, nobody seems to call obama on his broken promises. obama not only has failed to keep his promise about gitmo, he has done a 180* turn on it. & then, we have:::::

i'm posting this link because in the link above, the defense secretary denied knowing about the soccer field & yet, a week or so later, here's the general in charge of it defending it...something is wrong with that however, obamas in charge so, i guess it's to be expected...
see here...