Thursday, June 15, 2017


hello america!!! democrats & independents, i honestly believe you will sincerely rue the day you asked for a special counsel to investigate your allegations of russian collusion & obstruction of justice regarding donald trump PERIOD!!!

any honest investigation of either allegation has to lead to the last administration & all the wrong-doing that was covered up &/or carried out by the fbi under the leadership of james comey who was under the leadership of {then ag} loretta lynch who was under the leadership of {then president} obama &, it should even extend back to as far as obamas first term which would involve william holder {then ag}, the irs, & many other nefarious scandals---the reason it has to go that far back is because the one common factor is, james comey was in charge of the fbi throughout the years involved...

but hey, i'm not here to waste your time, the facts speak for themselves---if obama could tell putin to 'knock it off' (in reference to the russian hacking before the elections---READ HERE)---look, if obama knew it then, comey also knew it as did a lot of other elected officials to include candidate hillary clinton & loretta lynch...

there's a lot to this investigation that won't pass the smell test if it only focuses on trump---it has to include the leaking of information---speaking of which, this should also be brought up & looked into READ, the death of seth rich---SEE VIDEO HERE...

what i worry about is, how much can i trust this investigation when it's leaking already???


hello america!!! the senate dems just won't give trump a break & they're steadfast in their approach to negatively attacking anybody in his admin when they're testifying before congress---look, there isn't a 'smoking gun' & all the evidence (or lack thereof) points to no collusion with the russians, PERIOD!!!

what's even worse is, the wretched treatment of 'all things trump' by the left-wing media---in a large part, they are directly responsible for deliberately misleading &/or deliberately lying to the american public &, as much as i believe in the 'free press', something has to be done to prevent them from publishing 'so-called news' that they themselves cannot verify...

the left can't prove collusion so they'll now move on to obstruction & his personal business incomes---america, the time has come for you to demand that your elected officials do the job they were hired to do & let the law take care of everything else---we need jobs; better roads & bridges; safer internet; safer communities; lower taxes; better care for our vets; more law & order; &, a much safer world...