Monday, February 4, 2013


hello america!!! can anybody tell me how the following will stop or even slow down gun violence???
1....remove (&/or hinder buying) assault type weapons from the lawful
2....severely scrutinize those applying to purchase guns legally
3....restrict the number of rounds in a magazine to 7
4....enter all those 'deemed' to be having a 'mental problem' in a national database & deny them gun access
5....ban all citizens from legally carrying a gun on their person
6....limit the number of ammunition one can purchase at one time
7....ban all those with a criminal record from legally purchasing a gun
8....add more mandatory prison time to those convicted of illegally having or, illegally using a gun
9....restrict the number of guns one can legally own
10..ban the sale of guns at gun shows
11..mandate that all gun owners surrender their guns

we all know that something must be done to halt all of the senseless killings but, what will any of the above do to keep those hellbent on 'taking a life' from doing so? what impact would any of the above have on the following (&, this is in my neck of the woods)........,0,2801838.story,0,1541879.story,0,4015796.story?obref=obinsite,0,4382919.story

from obama on down, no one has offered anything credible to getting the guns out of the hands of those that wish to use them for everything but sport & hunting. nor has anyone come up with a plan to change their mentality of taking a life so easily..........

at this point, all the gun control proposals on the table only affect those wishing to obtain them legally or, already have them. hell, even off-duty cops have been known to go 'postal'.

just so you'll know, there's this::::

& then, there's this...


hello america!!! i ran across this article & thought i would share it with you...

obama talks about 'washington dysfunction' however, does he forget that in his first 4 years, he did everything but focus on our economy & jobs...he wants the boy scouts to allow 'gays' in &, is on record for saying if he had a son, he wouldn't want him playing football & yet, he'd readily send females into combat (does that include the front lines?)...he wants 'smart cuts' in spending---okay, in the prior 48 months, exactly what cuts has he been able to accomplish?...he proposes 'closing tax loopholes' but doesn't say which ones & yet, isn't this the same person that has created his own his own 'tax loopholes?'...

i keep telling you, i don't make this stuff up...judge obama by his actions, not his words.....he got his tax raise on the rich & now says the gov't needs more. you were told (during the campaigning) that raising taxes on the rich would not even put a dent on what we actually need & obama & company told you the exact opposite &, here we are, needing lots more....