Wednesday, June 13, 2012


hello america!!! this has to make one wonder: if we 'bail' out the students with loans today, won't we have to do it again & again?.....see here......

somehow, the cost for higher learning has to be reigned in. the benefits & pay packages for the 'tenured' professors & teachers is very much the same as with unionized labor. i know that costs are going up every where & for everything however, when the salary's of the of the educator's continue to rise, whether warranted or not, it raises the tuition costs for the students.

with the amount of money our 'institutions of higher learning' are making off the students, the costs for the students should be lowered across the board......


hello america!!! i find this very pathetic.......

obama can blame 'congress' for a lot of things however, it's not the repubs holding things up there &, he hasn't been man enough to challenge the dem controlled senate to do their job...see here...  now i don't expect you to agree with all of them however, i do want you to know who's holding them up...senate majority leader, harry reid...obama is so quick to lie to you about the repubs holding everything up but now you know the truth......ask obama why these bills can't get to the senate floor? why aren't the dems demanding a vote on them? how come the media isn't even mentioning them? but according to obama, it's a 'do-nothing-congress' & now you see why----

just so you know the truth---this is why they can't get to the floor for a vote---

talk about being out of's like your house being on fire & all the fire chief cares about is the salt in the the way, reid is the same reid that denied pres bush's requests for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac...........just had to slip this in there.............  


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation.......   have you ever noticed that obama & his faithful only spout numbers that supposedly reflect jobs gained &, they never say anything about the jobs being lost daily. obamas message of, 'we still have work to do' is very weak & is something that one could say after winning the superbowl. his message does not inspire or instill hope & comes with a plan that did not work the first time he implemented it...more teacher's, more firemen &, more policemen...that's all we need to get out of this rut & put america back to work. you figure it out.

here's just another sad reason we need to fix immigration overnight.........
obama, how do you explain we knew he was here illegally; we knew he was wanted; we knew he was violent; we knew we had him locked up & we released him;;;we now know he killed 3 other people here & himself. we also now know, you've promised a lot on immigration however, like everything else, you dropped the ball.


hello america!!! i can't understand how anyone can say we are better off now then we were 3 1/2 years ago. no matter how you do the math, we are still minus 550,000 plus jobs since obama took over; people are still losing their homes; banks still aren't lending; our foreign policy is not working; our borders still aren't sealed; immigration still isn't fixed; we have big problems in the justice department, tsa, the cia, the gao, & sensitive leaks coming from someone in the whitehouse; &,we're still losing about 30,000 jobs a month...those are just some of the negatives.........................................................................

&, (ya gotta luv dis 1) obamas solution for fixing our problems is::::::::MORE TEACHER'S, MORE FIREMEN &, MORE POLICEMEN----his words/not mine.

a lot of you people forget, obama walked into the oval office & pres bush handed him $350 billion.