Monday, April 18, 2016


hello america!!! because i refuse to support hillary clinton, i have been called a 'male chauvinist' & 'sexist'---in truth, i am willing to accept a female as my president as long as they represent my values as a mostly conservative believing individual-PERIOD!!!

i have multiple bona fide resons for not supporting hillary:::

1.....her involvement & support for the clinton crime bill that she is now trying to distance herself from READ HERE
2.....her public decrying the plight of black americans & yet, never having done anything of note on their behalf &, if you google 'what has hillary done for black people', you'll come up with THIS
3.....her portraying the female equality issue as one of her strong points & yet, there are reports that she has repeatedly underpaid her female staffers in comparison to male staffers---CLICK HERE or do your own homework on the issue to learn the truth about her
4.....her trying to now finagle her positions on our trade agreements which have caused us big problems---HERE 
5.....her support for obamacare to become law (against the will of the majority) & the 'sneaky' way she went about garnering support HERE 
6.....her stint as a sitting us senator representing ny (from 1/2001-1/2009) is filled with some good things as well as some negative ones (depends which side of the fence you're on) &, while the following is not the 'bible' of all of her actions, it's a great place to start SEE HERE 
7.....her stint as our sec of state (from 2009-2013) should go down in history as one of the worst---she has no major accomplishments for that time frame &, if anything, she helped make the world a more deadlier place---in truth, all of our world-wide-modern-day problems can be directly placed on her shoulders...russia & china are stronger while we have become weaker; north korea is still a threat; iran is still a threat; africa is a disaster; the 'arab spring' was the undoing of the middle east; she allowed isis to grow into what they now are; the jews & palestine's are still at war with one another; our so-called friends & allies trust us less; our world is less safer because of her ineffectiveness & her blind, political  support for obama---you can google any of that to find the truth was her duty to provide for the safety of our people in benghazi & she refused to do that &, instead of admitting it, she deliberately lied about why our four people were killed in blaming those deaths on a video (to save obamas bacon she willingly lied to those four american family's)---this is unforgivable
9.....her attempts to keep her emails hidden from the american people & lying to congress & us about it (also unforgivable &, i hope she goes to jail because of it)---as sec of state, she had to know & or should have known what was & wasn't classified material (regardless of markings) & she signed a voucher to that effect
10...while it hasn't been proved yet, her favorable actions (while in office) towards those that gave 'donations' to the clinton foundation is under fbi investigation &, if obama doesn't get involved, they'll end up recommending that our justice department file charges against her
11...her blatant lies, such as; she were 'flat broke' when she left office & her farce at riding a ny subway train (for 2 stops to show people she's a ny'er) just rub me the wrong way...

as a veteran (in honorable standing), i find it repulsive that in all of her years as a public servant (2001-2013) that she has not done anything of note to fix the problems at our veteran affairs agency or even delve into the problems that effect so many people of color plus, as sec of state, she was in an ideal position to stop the flow of illegal aliens into our country as well as the drugs & than, we'll always have this---THIS ONE      or, you can google her defnding a rapist for yourselves...

& we have this...READ HERE...

america, we deserve better than hillary!!!


hello america!!! so, unions are good for the american people??? you just might want to rethink that---hopefully, you can remember all the unions that were so vocal & supportive for obamacare to become law for the american people &, after it was signed into law, they filed for exemptions which were granted---it was good enough for you but not good enough for them---fast forward to this week &, here they are, supporting a $15.00 minimum wage hike & yet again, they want to be exempted from it...


that's like saying i'm in favor of gun control as long as me & mine are exempted from it...