Tuesday, February 10, 2009


hello america! another subject i'm tired of hearing smoothed over is obamas honesty with the american public. some media outlets still cover up his lies & then represent them to us as mistakes. if you care to remember, they did this throughout obamas campaigning:::rev wright; tony rezko; william ayers; bernadine dohrn; alexi giannoulias; madeline talbert; khalid al-mansour; rod blagojevich; acorn; islam: odinga. time & time again they either kept it suppressed or they put the focus on something else.

let me break it down this way::::::::::
1...obama didn't hear or didn't understand the sermons of hate yet he attended that church for
20 years.
2...obama didn't know rezko that well but he ended up with an extra sweet house deal from him.
3...obama didn't know the history of ayers & dorhn & yet he was on the board with ayers & they
hosted his coming out party.
4...obama didn't know this man very well & yet they raised money for each others campaign.
5...obama hasn't said much about talbert but he worked for her, issued grants to her, & he
trained the 'troops' for her---by the way, talbert is acorn.
6...obama sent islam under the bus by his denial of them yet he was raised as a muslim.
7...most of the media has remained silent concerning obama & odinga but, google him & you'll
know for yourself. obama went over there to campaign for him.
8...khalid al-mansour asked percy sutton to write a letter for obama to get him into harvard.
this issue is very mysterious. google this for your own take on it.
9...obama denied any wrong-doing with rod blagojevich. it will come out in time.

all these denials & the distancing of himself from the shady characters that he did associate with should prove to you that he lied to us then & this was before he was elected. his lies since being elected are:
1...tranparency: the closed doors sessions involving clinton, holder, geithner, & other obama
nominations with the senate confirmation hearing committee. clinton has conflict of
interests problems, holder was involved in 2 questionable clemency issues & was a lobbyist,
geithner had tax problems. what's strange about all of this is they were nominated &
confirmed to the very areas they were having problems in. please, google all three of them
for yourself.
2...open & honest administration: not this admin. obama will only let out what he needs out & he
runs a very tight ship. there is not an honest bone in obamas body. for me to believe in his
honesty, he would first have to set the record straight about several issues. he would have
to admit that he lied about bush's economic policies & that he was a main player in 'forcing'
banks/lending institutions into making risky loans (buycks-roberson v. citibank fed sav
bank 162. F.R.D. 322 N.D. ill.1995). look it up & you'll see how honest this man has not been
with you.
3...ethics: not this admin. i will make a list of some of the people obama has either hired & list
their problems at the end of this writing. you be the judge.
4...bipartisan: not this admin. if obama really had wanted bipartisan support for this crappy bill
he would have invited the majority & minority leaders of both parties from the house & the
senate to his office with a camera crew present, gave them each a list of his 'wants' for a bill
& settled all debates right there. not obama. he called them to his office as serparate parties
at separate times. a big joke on you if you think he is really reaching across the isle.
5...hiring lobbyists: i wrote an article 1/30/09 tittled "i'm obama & i'll decide what rules to
follow" on this site listing 12 lobbyist obama has hired. so much for honesty.
6...business as usual: you can bet on it. look at how many 'insiders' obama has 'hired' &, it all
started with joe biden. now you can build a brand new horserace track, put new clothing on
the horses &, bring in new jockys' but, when you run the race with the same old tired ass
horses you get the same old tired ass results.

HERE IS YOUR LIST---but don't take my word, google them all & know for yourself that obama
has stacked the deck with people you don't want there...

1...hilary clinton as sec of state---conflict of interest issuses with her husband & his foundation.
there are plenty of articles out there concerning this conflict of interest & you should just
google it. obama & company settled this behind closed doors but the issue is far from
resolved. obama tells us she is the best choice for this position-yeah, right.
2...timothy geithner as sec of treasury---tax problem issues & this also was settled behind closed
doors. & obama tells you that he is the only one that can help us (out of 305 million
americans) out of this mess-yeah, right.
3...hilda solis as sec of labor---tax problem issues (not hers-her husbands). how can she take
charge of the labor dep't when she can't take care of her own house but, obama tells us she is
the best person for the job-yeah, right.
4...tom daschle as sec of health & human services---big tax problem issues/conflict if interest
issues-a.his wife linda is one of washingtons top lobbyist & represents companies in front of
the executive & legislative branch regularly.
b.daschle was a special public policy adviser at the law firm of alston & bird-not a
c.daschle was obamas early mentor & even sent his own top people to work for obama
during obamas campaigning.
this was obama repaying daschle/not business as usual & obama had to tell us daschle was the
best man for the job-yeah, right...DASCHLE WITHDREW
5...nancy killefer as 1st chief performance officer---tax problem issues-didn't pay her
housekeepers unemployment compensation taxes but she was obamas best pick for the job- yeah, right---KILLEFER WITHDREW
6...bill richardson as sec of commerce---ongoing federal investigation---richardson is being
investigated for a 'pay-for-play' thing. his donors ended up with a very lucrative contract
awarded by richardsons state but obama says he's the best man for the job-yeah, right
7...william lynn as deputy defense sec---conflict of interest issues---lynn was a registered
lobbyist for raytheon until july 08 but obama says he's the best man for the job-yeah, right.

obama broke his word to you & will continue to do so until the media & you get involved in holding him to it. &, he broke his word to you about his bill. he has to tell you that it will create or preserve 2-4 million jobs but, when the media ask the democrats a how many jobs it will create
they don't answer or switch the subject. google it up the bill for yourself, stop taking other peoples answers & go get your own. this way, the next time obama tells you a lie, you'll know it firsthand.


hello america! no matter how you look at it, this bill is going to do more harm then good &, my reasoning is this:

people need help today---2 or 3 years down the road won't help america now. for that matter, no one is certain it will even help us then to include obamas economic team. in other words, obama wants to force a bill on us that has no guarantee of accomplishing crap---in truth, it may work/it may not work. none of the 'experts' know!

america, we need to put pressure on our elected officials to do the right thing & this bill ain't it. the republicans are complaining about the cost of the bill, the democrats counter that with george bushs not vetoing any appropriations bills &, it goes back & forth with obama leading the democratic charge &, every chance he gets, he tells us about the era of george bushs failed economic policies & tells us that is what caused this mess. well, i'm tired of it.

in truth, the first 6 years under george bush were pretty good for our economy---companies grew, people had more money to spend, the stock markets soared, americans were traveling & vacationing &, for the most part, we as a nation were pretty content & seemingly safe. yes, there were problems-the iraq war, the hurricanes & wild fires, expensive gasoline &, global warming-& then, all hell broke loose: the media started broadcasting the negativeness of the war; they broadcast the negativeness of the hurricanes & wild fires; they broadcast the negativeness of the price of gasoline; they broadcast the negativeness of global warming & the democrats jumped all over it & it became a daily all day george bush bashing party.

if you care to remember, the democrats ran on a platform to stop the war & bring the troops home. & america elected democrats to a majority in the house & senate. &, you have to know that the democrats did nothing for us since. they will do nothing for us now. you want proof?

just look at the bill (H.R.1) the democrats passed in the house without any republicans voting for it &, more importantly, 11 democrats didn't vote for it either. i'm not going to disect it again, you can do that. but really take a good look at it & then tell me the democrats are looking out for us. nancy pelosi is already unhappy with the cuts in the senate bill & a fight looms in the very near future between the repubs & dems over the spending in this bill.

america, if you truely want this bill to help us now, flood your elected officials with your wishes---they need your vote for 2010-if they don't listen to you, vote them out of office.