Friday, July 6, 2012


hello america!!! for all of you that like obamacare, you just might to read up on it a little more

just goes to show that you can't even trust the man in charge because some of these taxes will hit the middle-class & the truly poor.


hello america!!! the following example is but one of many reasons obama needs to rethink his 'regulations' on business's.

this is like you owning a 2 story house & the gov't charges you tax on it to include a tax/fine for a 3rd story you don't even have. however, say what you will, this particular regulation is not only wrong, it's stupid & whoever thought it up in the obama admin is just as stupid....


hello america!!! obama is on the campaign trail telling lies already. after the 80,000 jobs number came out, obama took it upon himself to add 4000 jobs to that number...whether it was a slip of the tongue or a misread of the teleprompter, it was wrong........80,000 is the number, not 84,000.

speaking of numbers, please look at these.....

look, you can like obama but, be honest with yourself about him & what he promised you. he said he was the only one that could turn our economy around (not mccain & palin) &, he offered you hope & it is 3 1/2 years later & the above article says it all. we are not growing as a nation & yet, obama just said we are heading in the right direction. if you happen to be one of those 23.4 million americans out of work or soon will be, i ask you this::::what direction is obama talking about?

come on people; obamas policy's for america have failed & the proof is in the numbers. he does not seem to have a grasp of what america is all about or how america works. summer time is the time for all of those 'good weather' jobs & most are three month long jobs---june, july & august & then it's back to school---then america rehires for thanksgiving & no, don't get your hopes up on what he says. what you should do (as i am) is try to find out how many of those 80,000 jobs went to the 'summer seasonal market' because at the end of this season, they won't have those jobs.......

what's happening all across our country is proof that obamas stimulus didn't work. are you going to just sit there & agree that the states should continually get federal bailouts to survive? they have been bailed out &, now that that money has run out, they are right back where they started from before the bailout. they never fixed their own problems---just took the money & ran while the public unionized sector continues to demand that they honor their contracts.......if they all have to do what wisconsin did, so be it. & just to be fair about this; obama & the unions (that he didn't put those soft shoes on to march with) raised all that hell because of what the dems did in wisconsin & you haven't heard a lot about the democrats (that control illinios) wanting to do the same thing...wonder why that is? in short, each state must do what they have to do to keep their public sector workers; not rely on fed bailouts.

we don't need to pile any more bills on our children or our unborn children to have to deal with. if america isn't working, we're going backwards, not 'forwards'......


hello america!!! 80,000 jobs added for june---WOW!!! obama will spin it to his favor by blaming everybody & everything but himself. so we're stuck at a national unemployment rate of 8.2%. this is very sad news for a country so rich in diversity & inventiveness. with so many americans available to work &, with so many business's not hiring, something other then the green on the tree leaves has to be restricting the jobs markets. &, one doesn't have to look hard for the culprit---just go to 1600 pennslyvania avenue/washington dc, ring the doorbell & ask for obama---by the way, valid id is mandatory---unless you just happen to be an undocumented resident here & vote for the dems...what a hypocrite...

then you can drop by the senate & visit sen majority leader, harry reid, & ask him why he won't act on those 27-30 house passed jobs related bills sitting in his 'do not bother' box on his desk...

because of the two of them, we suffer. the very sad part of it all is: obama promises four more years of the same & harry will back him up.....
even msnbc couldn't ignore it or bury in on page 26 of their 25 page newspaper like usual......

manufacturing down; consumer confidence down; bank loans down; employment down; economic growth down::::::::::the upside is: unemployment up; home foreclosures up; national unemployment rate up; food stamps up; public assistance recipients up; apartment rentals up::::::::::& obamas plan for fixing our problems if he's re-elected is; four more years of the same......good people, please put on your 'best day of your life thinking hat' & ask yourselves these questions:::::::how does putting more teachers, firemen &, police solve our employment problems? how does investing our money in green technology instill consumer confidence? how does job training get you off of food stamps if you can't get a job? do you really want four more years of the same? does this country deserve it?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....    this is what america's all about...JOBS!!! without them, we as a whole are nothing. & yes, it circles back to obama. when you strip away all the distractions, distortions, divisiveness, & name calling, it all boils down to who can put america back to work..........

obama had his chance & misused it. he spent too much time on doing the things he wanted to do & not enough time on doing the things america actually needed him to do. has he done enough to deserve four more years? NO.

his supporters say he needs more time & i ask, time for what? his first two years were spent on his stimulus & obamacare. had he devoted that time to opening up our jobs markets by being more receptive to their needs for job creation instead of piling more regulations on them, we'd be well past the recovery point.

ceo after ceo are all saying the same thing so, there has to be some truth in what they're saying. regulations, tax uncertainty, obamacare, the national debt ceiling, washington gridlock, pro union support, lack of skilled workers, less demand for products & services, non-friendly job states, fed red tape, banks not lending &, job friendly overseas country's are all factors that hinder their decisions to provide the jobs we so desperately need. if i can sit here by myself, with a single laptop, & see the problem, do you mean to tell me that in all this time, obama & his think-tank of 'super smart idiots' couldn't figure this out? didn't obama tell us that these people he was putting in his admin were 'some of the smartest people on the planet' & this is as far as we've gotten with all of their combined brain-power? & obama is offering four more years of the same? i think not!!!

on the other hand, we have gov mitt romney...will he be able to do what is needed to put america back to work? i say yes. he has that 'business sense' that obama & company lack. obama may attack his business record & his governing mass &, that is only proving that the man has 'know how'---that's the very same thing that obama doesn't have, even after four years experience. &, even though you may deny it, obama himself has said he's offering you four more years of the same. so much for hope & change!!! in truth, i do have my reservations about gov romney, such as: can he separate his religion from his politics? &, will he be consistent? what are his plans for the problems that plague our black & latino community's? so no, i am not blindly 'accepting' him but, i do think he has what is needed for us to grow as a nation.........

while many of you may focus on immigration, obamacare & same-sex marriages, the most important issue for us is jobs. a lot of you are still defending obama but you already konw when just one member of your household gets laid off, it creates a strain on the rest of your household to cover that loss. THAT IS WHERE AMERICA IS NOW AT!!! it's really simple (something obama just can't figure out)---one less american working effects the whole ball of wax...less revenue taking in by the gov't/less support for the stores & their goods & services=less productivity to our growth as a country & yet, we rely on certain services from our gov't regardless of what case you also failed 'common sense 101', let me put it this way::::::::::if our gov't can't collect enough taxes, they cannot perform certain functions & when that happens, all they can do is::::::file for bankruptcy, close their doors, print more worthless dollars or borrow more more money from china.....&, if things get really get bad enough, another country could give us a 'bailout'..........

there's those of you that argue that obama is but one man & i strongly agree...what i don't agree with is how this one man got it so wrong......