Sunday, December 15, 2019


hello america!!! to all of the dems & independents that support, are supporting &, will continue to support the impeachment process against the trumpster, i ask this---if & when it gets to the repub controlled senate, would it be ok with you if the repubs run the senate 'impeachment trial' exactly like the house dems did & are doing???

the following are facts from the house of reps dem controlled impeachment process...

1.....although there was nothing reaching the levels of 'classified', far too many hearings were held in total secrecy where the repubs were 'forbidden' to disclose the details of them & yet, the dems were allowed to selectively 'leak' info that favored their narrative...
2.....those that were there representing the repub side weren't allowed to call their own witnesses
3.....lawyers for the accused were not allowed to be present
4.....the dem committee chairman forbid those he had called as witnesses from answering certain questions
5.....hold press conferences acknowledging the trumpsters guilt long before all the 'so-called-evidence' was gathered or revealed
6.....never allow the 'so-called whistle-blower' to testify
7.....allow witnesses to testify that had no direct knowledge
8.....never call witnesses that had direct knowledge
9.....never have anybody testify that an actual crime was committed

because you haven't bitched about how the dems ran the process, i ask you once again, would it be ok if the repubs ran their process the same way???

america, before you answer my question, please remember that it is better to remain quiet & appear 'stupid', than to actually open your mouth & prove you are...