Monday, February 25, 2019


hello america!!! here's your chance to finally put all of those nasty names you've been calling me a chance to come to life...

1.....congress gave the president the power to declare 'national emergencies' (national emergencies act of 1976)---
2.....they also gave themselves the power to pass a resolution striking it down---
3.....they also gave the president the power to veto that resolution---
4.....they also gave themselves the power to 'over-ride' that veto with 2/3's of the house & senate voting to 'over-ride' that veto---

those are the facts as they pertain to the law---PERIOD!!!

what in the hell is the problem??? i'm here to tell you what the problem is---the dems (& far too many repubs) don't like the trumpster's way of getting things done---he's shown the whole world that the 'old way of doing business' in washington was/is a sham---&, more importantly, he's achieving extremely positive results for the american people & that alone threatens the way they used to do business which renders them expendable...

good people, our immigration laws are outdated & have created far too many 'loop-holes' that foster continued illegal immigration---for eons we've been fighting one another on the 'rights' & 'wrongs' of who enters our country & how---all presidents (to include the trumpster) have pledged, promised, campaigned on fixing our broken border laws with several main objectives... keep americams safe know who's enter our country know why they're entering our country know there where-abouts while they're here know how long they will be here

from obama on back, they all 'talked' a good game, however, once they had time to match action to their mouth, they all faltered big-time---hell, obama went around the country telling everyone that he didn't have the 'power' to correct our southern border problems & then, he went an issued an 'exectutive order' on 'daca' & 'catch & release' in favor of 'illegal immigration' (& worse, in favor for his political party)...

look, let's keep it real---you're not going to allow homeless people to set up camp in your backyard---nor are you going to allow the down-trodden to do the same---& hey, you're definitely not going to allow those fleeing from the chicago's of our land to do so either---we have established ways for people to come to our homes wishing entry---quit being so politically correct & tell me who among those groups can illegally enter your property, set up home &, while being there illegally, demand you to provide for their every need???

let this roll around your mind for a while---under obama, why in the hell would we be advertising our food-stamps programs (etc,etc, etc)??? why were people from other countries being being given 'cards' as to what to tell the border patrol authorities what to say when caught by our border patrol people---let's go to the facts---far too many of them were told to cross illegally into our country & turn themselves in to our border authorities so as not to be deported---just think about that & hey, those are the facts...

in truth, the presidents prior to the trumpster didn't have the balls to buck a failing political system & that's the number one reason we're in the mess we're presently in---they were all 'talkers' & not 'doers'---the trumpster is a 'doer' & doesn't care about the political fallout for ruffling the feathers of those that don't/won't support common sense policies---&, he doesn't mind calling them out about it...

america, a well-constructed southern border wall will
1...greatly reduce the inflow of those trying to enter our country illegally by forcing them to find easier access crossing points where we can easily amass more border patrol agents & technology to apprehend them on the spot
2...greatly reduce the inflow of drugs & guns into our country thereby greatly helping our very own communities
3...greatly reduce the traffic of human smuggling
4...greatly reduce the chances of an american citizen being harmed
5...greatly reduce the financial strain illegal immigration places on us
6...greatly reduce the harm that those trying to illegally enter our country fall prey to
7...greatly reduce the chances of diseases crossing our border
i'm certain that you can add to the list &, i'm just as certain that you understand the benefits we all receive from a southern border wall because, in reality, there are no negatives...

the dems, rino's &, left-wing media called the trumpster out for saying, 'they are not sending us their best' &, many labels were attributed to him for that---but hey, it was/is the truth---while the majority of those illegally entering our country may seem like good people, where in the hell are the scientists, the doctors, the tech-savvy experts or engineers from these groups of people seeking entry??? we are not getting their best...

the other comment the trumpster made that was taken out of context & used against him was, 'why are we having all of these people from shit-hole countries coming here' & hey, while it may have been stated using 'nicer' words, it was the absolute truth---for far too many reasons, the countries the trumpster referred to (for the most part) are not very safe, economically secure or, very clean---they're just like our down-trodden, crime infested, drug infested, gang infested &, low-education level infected areas we have so many of right here & hey, we avoid them when we can because they're shit-hole areas---that's not a knock on the people, that's a knock on our local gov't powers not doing their best for their people &, a knock for the people continually voting & re-voting those same idiots into office---it should only take one election-cycle to know if a public official is helping you or not, PERIOD!!!

for your amusement &, to show you just how quickly rhetoric is useless, here's (former dem sen harry in 1993 SEE VIDEO HERE

&, here's pres bill clinton in 1995 CLICK HERE

&, here's obama in 2006 CLICK HERE

&, here's sen chuck shumer in 2009 CLICK HERE

so, what's changed??? the only thing that's changed is, the trumpster is the president & is all about action---those before him 'talked' about 'doing' & then, did nothing---the dems will never assist the trumpster because, when he's successful, his actions expose their faults---the other problem is, the dems are only using the southern border issues as a means to try & get the hispanic vote---they've abandoned their efforts trying to placate the black people of america until just before election time (i'm soon going to write all about that)...

good people, if building that wall would save just one person from harm or stop a shipment of drugs into our country, common sense says it's the correct thing to do regardless of your political affiliation because that next victim could be you or somebody close to you...

we inflict more than enough harm upon one another so why in the hell should we allow more of it to be imported???