Friday, May 4, 2012


hello america!!! i try my best to concentrate on the facts & put my true feelings on here in regards to them. i don't make this stuff up & yet, i have to endure being called names because others don't & won't accept what i write about obama...hey good people, call me what you wish...i'm a big boy now. however, what bothers me the most is that the name calling is only coming from people of color. so be it::::let's get it on.......&, as always, i'll keep it real.

obama garnered more black & latino votes then anyone before him. you can check, but it's a fact. that said, i ask myself, why? there are several answers that come to mind & please, feel free to interrupt at any time.

here are the reasons you voted for him::::::
1.....he's a person of color with muslim & christian ties
2.....he's a very polished reader
3.....he's a very articulate speaker
4.....he's a very well developed debater
5.....he's a very charismatic person
6.....he's really not a bad looking person
7.....he's a family man
8.....he's a crowd pleaser & motivator
9.....he's an activist at heart
10...he's said all the things you needed to hear
11...he's promised you hope & change
12...he's coming from a diverse background
13...he's a good dresser
14...he's got close ties to acorn
15...he's got a good 20 year attendance record at a church he didn't know anything about
16...he's got a lot of ties to those that at one time were trying to hurt this country & still are
17...he's supposedly attended columbia & harvard
18...he's sold books
19...he's younger then sen john mc cain

here are the reasons why i didn't vote for obama::::::
1.....his record as an elected official to the state of illinios-he didn't do much there & never did anything alone
2.....his voting record in illinios---129 'present' votes
3.....his record as an activist (even at altgelt gardens)-not much to go on but what there is raises numerous
       questions about his being for america
4.....his record as an elected official to washington-mostly followed his party
5.....his voting record in washington which was mostly along party lines, when he voted
6.....his voting against banning flag desecration
7.....his record as a 'leader' anywhere in his history
8.....his ability to cross party lines---very, very few times in his political career
9.....his college records--he has them sealed
10...his record as an american to prove he can get the job done-where is it-what did he ever run
11...his past friends coming forth to praise him--you know damn well if your friend got elected, you'd be    
       telling everybody, wrting your own book & trying to figure what to wear on the tv shows
12...his past pattern of lies, distortion, deceit, deception &, divisiveness (same as is now)

so, call me what you wish, somewhere in that list of 19 is you & your vote &, i'll stand by it. yes, there may be a few more reasons we could slip in there however, the fact is, you knew more about bin laden, sarah palin, john mccain &, joe the plumber then you did obama. there is not one shred of proof in his past history you can put on the table in defense of your vote other then to say, 'knowitall, the hell with you-it's my vote to use as i want to'.

black & latino america, while you're out there thinking of what to call me next, ask yourself this, just what in the hell has obama done for you, your people or all people of this country? &, while you're pondering that, please remember that obama would rather give you food stamps & extend your unemployment benefits rather then give you a job--true facts.

america got caught up in that 'bash pres bush' hysteria & relied too heavily on the media headlines for their news. had you of done your own homework, you'd have found the same things i did & still do. obama is not good for this country & that's a fact that his rhetoric just won't wash away............


hello america!!! obama is a liar. i just wrote about his immigration promises..."you want the truth-you can't handle the truth" but i'll gladly give it to you anyway...on may 3rd, yesterday, at the whitehouse in the rose garden, obama 'celebrated' cinco de mayo & here's a youtube video of some of it....what i really want to do is draw your attention to the 4:20 minute mark of it & as you look & listen to it, you'll hear he blames those on the other side (repubs) with the failure to pass the 'dream act' in the senate.......

this isn't the first time he's lied, however, here is the actual breakdown of the senate vote......

call me what you will but it still doesn't change the fact that obamas still lying to you about it. as important as this 'dream act' vote was to him, his agenda &, his re-election, he had to know who voted & how. &, in case you didn't understand the link, here are the numbers........

dec 17, 2010, the 'dream act' needed 60 votes to pass the senate. it failed...55 for/41against/4 absent----
2 independents & 3 repubs voted for it however, 5 dems voted against it. how can you blame the repubs when 5 dems are the ones that caused its failure?

the house passed the bill dec 8, 2010---216 for/198 against with 38 dems voting against it......

so, as you see, there's something very wrong with obama telling you one thing & the facts showing another &, if this country is just going to accept it with that 'every other president lied' attitude, need i remind you of why you voted for obama<><><>CHANGE<><><>how quickly you forget!!! i wrote in my earlier blogs that change is all obama would leave you &, based on the deficit, that's all your children & grandchildren will get to spend.

america, if i can sit in front of 1 dinky, little computer & tv & find this stuff, why is it being ignored by the main street media? the next question is, do you want 4 more years of the same man continue to lie to you? when is enough enough?????


hello america!!! obama, i definitely know you never majored in 'common sense 101' so, i will take the time to educate you with a simple lesson::::::::::::::& obama, please make this class mandatory for all of those 'super-smart-idiots' you hired to help guide you........okay now, get those pencils & paper ready.......

lesson person (collecting or not collecting unemployment compensation)
             just take one person, male, female, or other &, if they are unemployed, they hurt the growth of this nation regardless of how much you give them in food stamps & public assistance (it's a fact that you seem to have missed at harvard) &, the reasons being:::::the government (local, state &, federal) won't be able to collect taxes from them; they will spend less because they will have less; rent & necessities will be their top priorities; stores & services suffer from them not being able to patronize them as often as before; stores & services can't pay taxes on what they don't sell.
             when the government (at any level) collects less in taxes, this has a direct effect on the services they provide &, may in turn, cause them to have to suspend some of the services &/or layoff employees; & the chain reaction continues to the stores & services as well.
             any questions yet????? no, good, hope you are getting this..........
             this one person has several options::::continue living as they presently are; try to get a loan (or increase their present loan); file for public assistance; find a job.....
             the same apply's to the government---local borrows from the city, city borrows from the state, state borrows from the federal, federal just borrows & doesn't care from who or how.
lesson person (working a legitimate job regardless of the pay scale)
              just take one person, male, female, or other & if they are gainfully employed, they contribute to the growth of this nation &, the reasons being:::::the government (local, state &, federal) will be able to collect taxes from them; they will have more income to patronize the stores & services in their area & some will do it on a regular basis; stores & services will be able to pay taxes on their goods.
              when the government ( at any level) collect more taxes, they should be able to pay their own bills...

obama, is there any part of this that you don't understand? thank you, i think i'm a good teacher to. wait a minute, sec of treasury, tim geithner, asks what does the government do with all the money it collects. that comes in 'common sense 102...however, i need you to clear your desktops & take this test on today's lesson::::::::::here we go::::::::

1......are jobs essential for growth?---y/n
2......are company's being burdened with regulations that stifle growth?---y/n
3......are the uncertainties with taxes causing employers not to hire?---y/n
4......are job friendly states good for job growth?---y/n
5......are the uncertainties surrounding our national deficit hurting our growth?---y/n
6......are business's going overseas because it's cheaper for them there then here?---y/n
7......are our importing & exporting goods on equal footing?---y/n
8......are plans in the making for creating job growth?---y/n
9......are you going to share them with the rest of the country?---y/n
10....are bailouts really good for this nation?---y/n

pencils down & pass your papers 'forward' however, i'll collect them from the back of the room.

obama, i'm sorry to say, you answered all of the questions with IDN. IDK is not acceptable & therefore, i have no choice but to fail you & your think-tank of 'super-smart-idiots'. i would love to say, 'stick around' & i'll give you another chance but we have a 'zero' policy here for received one term, screwed it up &, based on your grades, you don't deserve another term. as a matter of fact, if i could get around the school board, i'd expel you right now!!!!


hello america!!! this is why those bailouts were wrong for unionized labor...the benefits packages are hurting all businesses & when the company's can no longer afford to pay them out, what happens to all of those that were/are counting on them for when they retire?
i am not saying they can't recover from the bankruptcy but, obama bailed out goldman sachs & the deals made with union remained intact which is now back to haunt them.

didn't america recently say how obamas stimulus was helping the city & state turn around?


union benefits are 'killing' us & those at the top (obama & the dems) refuse to admit it because they need those votes. obama & the dems were all for those massive demonstrations when gov walker overhauled the state workers benefits packages in wisconsin. the ny times blasted the gov & the repubs for their actions...oh, look here, the ny times has its own unionized labor problems.....
HOW COME THIS ISN'T FRONT PAGE NEWS & WHERE IS THE REST OF THE MEDIA ON IT? incidentally, the times also wants the workers to work 40 hour weeks instead of the 35 they now have amongst other demands....where's obama on this? how can it be wrong for one to overhaul union contracts & right for another??? obama, do you have an answer?????

obama, if you have an honest answer to the above, what is your answer to the following???
& this is your home state? how can you allow them (& this time, it's the dems in control) to do what gov walker & the repubs did in wisconsin that you were so against? please, explain this to me because, i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth & neither have i ever had one offered to me so, i never got to attend harvard & come out dumber & a liar.

obama, thought i'd just throw this in for fun so you'll know how we didn't get paid back, because this makes me wonder how you were able to count 'every penny' you loaned them....please explain.......

&, just when i thought you might have learned your lessons about bailouts, i run into this........
when does it stop? where does it stop? why doesn't oregon overhaul its public worker's contracts & save money in other ares & pay for this themselves......

obama, america has been getting too many mixed messages from you & should have reached that point where they can no longer believe in you or trust you.......


hello america!!! this is a follow up to my very last post...

the 'dream act' (immigration reform) passed the house of reps (dec 2010/216 to 198) but, failed in the senate (dec 2010/55 for/41 against/4 absent)...what's important for you to know is, obama blamed the repubs for its passage failure however, let the truth be told.......

when you read the above, you should wonder how those that could have applied, could have afforded the upfront $525.00 & the additional $2,000 after 5 years....please bear in mind, for the latinos living around our mexican border, 'forcing' them to obtain a valid photo id card would create an undo 'hardship' on them. obama & his admin are the ones purporting it would create an undo hardship for these people to travel whatever the distance is to a gov't center & to pay for the id card.......based on their words, what would change? not a damn thing...they would still have to travel however, they would have to come up with $525.00-------yeah, figure this  one out.....these people would have to travel the same distance & the only difference is $25.00 & documentation for their id cards compared to $525.00 & documentation for their 'citizenship'. something is very wrong here.

good people, obama 'KNOWINGLY' lied to you about the repubs defeating this bill. yeah, i know, i'm always hating on obama---i can accept that but, will you please take the time to look at the actual senate vote on the dream act (which only needed 60 votes) & tell me how i got it wrong....please do that & i'll shut up. so here, get to reading so you can say, knowitall, you don't know it all........

do you mean to stand, sit, lay or squat there & defend obamas lie? he had to know the make-up of the vote before the press did &, you know this vote was very important to him.

2 independents & 3 repubs voted for the bill; 5 dems voted against the bill; 3 repubs & 1 dem didn't vote at all. those 5 dems caused this bill to fail inspite of what the repubs did or didn't do. however, obama is not man enough to tell you the truth about it---nor is senate majority leader, harry reid---see here & please scroll to the bottom to the 3rd  & 2nd paragraghs from the last.

another 'lie' obama continues to tell you is, we have a 'do nothing' congress...the fact is, it's not all of congress that's doing nothing (see the link below)---it's the dem controlled senate that is actual doing nothing...msnbc, abc, cbs, foxnews & cnn should all be asking & demanding harry reid to account for why these bills are stalled in the senate. they should be applying pressure to get these bills voted on, not just sitting there which allows obama to say what he says.

america, obama has lied too many times &, he knows he's lying to you. he says it's all pres bush's & the repubs fault but, when you have 69 dems siding with the repubs on a house passed bill that obama says he will veto, you start to get the real picture of who's really screwing this country---this comes from the ny times which has always sided with obama, & still does......

good people, if we live under the same leaky roof & share all the expenses, we'll have to come up with a plan to get our roof repaired. you (the house) may opt to take the money out of our mortgage payments while i (the senate---with more power to stall your choice) opt to take it from our gas & food costs &, while we are debating on the plans, nothing gets truth, this is much like our congress. eventually, they come together & the roof gets fixed. however, the true owner has the power to accept or reject which plans he likes or doesn't likes---that's obama---& yet, the owner never really drafts his own plan & submits it to us. our children, relatives & friends (they're JOHN Q PUBLIC) have to live with the results......

america, please do your own homework & vote for who is better for this country & doesn't lie to us all the time.....& based on all that i've uncovered about obama, he is not good for this country...


hello america!!! the more obama opens his mouth, the more lies he tells.......& then has the audacity to blame others for his it is election time & he needs the latino vote & this come after his vsit to latin america & his promise to them for our dollars.....

on the face of it, all seems smooth however, who can forget his promise to tackle immigration reform in his first year????????? &, if i'm not mistaken (i'm not), he promised the latino congress members to tackle it in lieu of their vote for his obamacare...........rep lois gutierrez comes to mind for one, & i really don't care to look up the others. neither promise has been kept & won't be....we'll get to this in a minute.........

under obama, deportations are way up there however, his pro-obama media keep this on the back pages, if they report it, i've taken the liberty to provide a link to a whole page where you can choose which story you want to read about it......i don't make this stuff up.......,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5fd8887cc3ebdf49&biw=1280&bih=699

back to those promises...obama had every opportunity to reform immigration in his first two years & he chose to ignore it & lieu of passing his stimulus & obamacare. he put it on the back-burner &, one does not have to be a latino to know that his efforts to obtain immigration reformation were at the very best, feeble.

in truth & contrary to all the rhetoric, obama doesn't care about latinos or blacks however, it's nearing election time & he's throwing you a small bone (& i mean small) because he needs your votes. so, he's now put off immigration reform until after he's re-elected (&, i hope not). however, be prepared (between now & november 5th) to hear obama tell you how much he cares for you what his plans are for you in his next term &, that he didn't fail you, the repubs in congress you can't name 3 dem congress members yelling for immigration reform either...........

this is back in 2010........

this is an article about how obama 'downplays' his failures........

america, regardless of white, latino, black or, others, obama will continue to do nothing & yet, he will promise you everything. he's had 3 1/2 years to pass immigration reform &, more so in his first two years when he had a completely dem controlled congress...please don't allow yourselves to be 'duped' by his words, grade him on his actions, which (once again) brings me to this:::::

what has obama done for latino & black america???? if your answer is nothing, you know who not to vote for; if your answer is something, you just might want to re-research your mind, the newspapers, the radio &, the computer to refresh your laspe in the way, be prepared for a long & exhausting search...................&, i'm not being nasty here but, food stamps & public welfare don't count.......

&, just so you'll know, i wrote the following  several weeks ago...........