Friday, May 4, 2012


hello america!!! obama, i definitely know you never majored in 'common sense 101' so, i will take the time to educate you with a simple lesson::::::::::::::& obama, please make this class mandatory for all of those 'super-smart-idiots' you hired to help guide you........okay now, get those pencils & paper ready.......

lesson person (collecting or not collecting unemployment compensation)
             just take one person, male, female, or other &, if they are unemployed, they hurt the growth of this nation regardless of how much you give them in food stamps & public assistance (it's a fact that you seem to have missed at harvard) &, the reasons being:::::the government (local, state &, federal) won't be able to collect taxes from them; they will spend less because they will have less; rent & necessities will be their top priorities; stores & services suffer from them not being able to patronize them as often as before; stores & services can't pay taxes on what they don't sell.
             when the government (at any level) collects less in taxes, this has a direct effect on the services they provide &, may in turn, cause them to have to suspend some of the services &/or layoff employees; & the chain reaction continues to the stores & services as well.
             any questions yet????? no, good, hope you are getting this..........
             this one person has several options::::continue living as they presently are; try to get a loan (or increase their present loan); file for public assistance; find a job.....
             the same apply's to the government---local borrows from the city, city borrows from the state, state borrows from the federal, federal just borrows & doesn't care from who or how.
lesson person (working a legitimate job regardless of the pay scale)
              just take one person, male, female, or other & if they are gainfully employed, they contribute to the growth of this nation &, the reasons being:::::the government (local, state &, federal) will be able to collect taxes from them; they will have more income to patronize the stores & services in their area & some will do it on a regular basis; stores & services will be able to pay taxes on their goods.
              when the government ( at any level) collect more taxes, they should be able to pay their own bills...

obama, is there any part of this that you don't understand? thank you, i think i'm a good teacher to. wait a minute, sec of treasury, tim geithner, asks what does the government do with all the money it collects. that comes in 'common sense 102...however, i need you to clear your desktops & take this test on today's lesson::::::::::here we go::::::::

1......are jobs essential for growth?---y/n
2......are company's being burdened with regulations that stifle growth?---y/n
3......are the uncertainties with taxes causing employers not to hire?---y/n
4......are job friendly states good for job growth?---y/n
5......are the uncertainties surrounding our national deficit hurting our growth?---y/n
6......are business's going overseas because it's cheaper for them there then here?---y/n
7......are our importing & exporting goods on equal footing?---y/n
8......are plans in the making for creating job growth?---y/n
9......are you going to share them with the rest of the country?---y/n
10....are bailouts really good for this nation?---y/n

pencils down & pass your papers 'forward' however, i'll collect them from the back of the room.

obama, i'm sorry to say, you answered all of the questions with IDN. IDK is not acceptable & therefore, i have no choice but to fail you & your think-tank of 'super-smart-idiots'. i would love to say, 'stick around' & i'll give you another chance but we have a 'zero' policy here for received one term, screwed it up &, based on your grades, you don't deserve another term. as a matter of fact, if i could get around the school board, i'd expel you right now!!!!

1 comment:

  1. In regards to lesson 1. If the govt doesn't have enough money, they can always borrow from China to keep welfare going for 6 more months. Balanced budget? Let's keep raising the debt limit. Reminds me of the fool who says "I can't be out of money. I still have blank checks.
