Sunday, March 8, 2009


hello america! happy sunday to you! it's about 55* here & raining. i've got my windows wide open & am enjoying the breeze. i am drinking a molson ice &, if i don't spill any on the keyboard, i'll get around to writing about what's on my mind.

most of my friends are obamaholics & last night during a spades game, there was a very heated debate about what all he has accomplished. well, you know me, i was agreeing with them on one hand & beating the crap out of them on the other.

as strange as this may sound, (none of them wanted to pay for foreign abortions, they didn't want to support those living beyond their means, they didn't want to continue to pay for the bailouts to the industries & markets, they are very skepticle about closing gitmo, they all are pissed about obama sneaking a tax increase on their cigarettes, they can't understand how the wealthy & businesses are going to be the only ones to pay for obamas healthcare package) they sounded like me. i don't think i made them feel any better when i told them they should have voted for anybody other then obama. homegirl turned on her puter & i directed them to look up different things in support of both sides of the was more then fair & balanced & i feel really good that i could help open their eyes.....there was so much they didn't know.

they promised to get in contact with our elected officials & give them a piece of their mond---out of the 11 of us, i know of 5 that will really follow through with that.

now, if only i could open the eyes of the rest of america as easily.