Saturday, July 2, 2016


hello america!!! please, don't think i'm suddenly writing about the following because i've been posting about the chicago violence for several years on here...

70 or 71---that's the number & you haven't heard crap about it---not from the media; not from the politicians; not from the civil rights groups; &, not much from the communities...

for the month of june, there were 70/71 homicides in the city of chicago alone & all you heard about was the orlando, fla shootings on june 12th---WHY IS THAT??? how can we, as an american people of one, continually allow this to occur in our neighborhoods??? have we become so desensitized to violence that we silently accept it as a 'part of life'??? &, when we do get to air our thoughts about it, we make asinine statements like 'the cops need to do a better job' or 'the cops aren't doing their job'---FIRST & FOREMOST, I DON'T BLAME THE COPS ONE IOTA!!! (i'll get back to this because it bothers me a lot)...

chicago has had 325-333 homicides this year &, for the most part, they've gone unpublicized by the media & those that can't wait to grab camera-time & incite---you know, those 'so-called leaders' that are extremely quick to respond to a cop killing a person of color---they're all over tv & the media loses it's mind covering them...where's obamas voice??? why isn't representative elijah cummings marching locked arm-in-arm during the protests of all of those homicides??? where's al sharpton??? where are all the 'so-called' civil rights groups??? where's the 'collective voice' of the victims family & friends??? where's the community's voice??? where's america's voice??? oh, i'm sorry, i forgot that the chicago homicides don't fit the biased media's 'sensationalizing standards' & aren't deemed worthy enough to 'earn coverage'---my bad!!!

senseless violence isn't just limited to chicago, it's all over the country &, although i agree that semi & automatic weapons shouldn't be on our streets, the solution isn't more 'gun-control' rhetoric (that political narrative is played out)---approximately 8,401 homicides have been committed within our borders for 2016 &, approximately 5,748 of them were by gunshot---however, you should know that most of the guns used were 'street guns' & the only way to stop that is to ban all guns from being made in our country &/or brought in---hell, don't forget, obama & company lost 2,000 guns on their own...

now, back to the cop issue---yes, we have some that are over-zealous in their duties but, that's a small number compared to the rest of them that perform their duties with honor---we denigrate them; we place all of their actions under a microscope; &, we vow to punish them even before all the facts are out---so yes, we risk them not doing their job as diligently as they could/should---who among us would??? when you have split seconds to react to 'your going home or being put in a body-bag', your choice is evident...we need our cops & their lives are just as important as any other lives...

info for this post comes from:::