Friday, June 1, 2012


hello america!!! sorry for the delay in posting this---anyhow, here's your daily jobs situation &, coupled with the news of our unemployment problems, it's not good.      no matter where you click on the page, there just isn't any good news---

one does not need to have attended harvard or columbia to look at our pathetic economical situation to know we are having very bad problems...with the national unemployment level ticking up to 8.2%, however, one should look at those in charge of the country that did attend those prestigious 'higher learning' schools. &, one should take a very hard look at them.

from obama on down, these people with all that 'higher learning' are moron's. do you mean to tell me that after 3 1/2 years, these people can't see that their policy's did not work? are you going to argue with me & say that obama shouldn't stand in front of the american people & say, 'look folks, we tried & it failed. however, we are now going to try this'???????

one day obamas telling you that his stimulus did exactly as it was intended to do & the next day he's telling you that things aren't moving as fast as he'd like....if you support & accept that kind of reasoning then, you have other problems that we won't talk about on here...

america, please wake up---if we can only add 69,000 for may 2012, think about this:::isn't this the time frame when all of those seasonal job hiring's kick in? isn't this the season when all of those amusement parks open? &, all we can muster is 69,000 new jobs???? something is very, very wrong &, the people in charge, have no answers or ideas on how to get us out of this rut.

good people, no matter how you slice it, when you try to do something & it doesn't work, you failed. &, if you try it again & again it doesn't work, again you failed. failure is not a bad thing if you learn from it...for whatever reason, obama & his people not only refuse to admit failure they also refuse to learn from them...

for all of you that believe in obama-great<><><>for all of you that believe that his economic policy's for our country worked---you need help. obama has no clue as to get us back on track. his own business record since being elected is a total bust. his plans for our future are the same as his past plans that didn't work---investing in teachers, policemen, firemen, unionized labor &, 'green jobs'---to sum it all up, if you're one of the mentioned, vote for obama-if not, you know who to vote for.........& remember, obamas jobless bug can effect you tomorrow...