Friday, November 13, 2015


hello america!!! i just write about what all i have problems with (believe me, there's plenty to occupy my time)  & most of it is related to some form of politics or political agenda...

we are at an extremely dangerous point in our country because our 'so-called leader' (obama, the community activist) has declared war on our police---rather then single out the 1% of cops doing wrong, he's lumped them altogether & it's us that will have to pay for that unjust branding because our police will be more hesitant to do their jobs in fear of being found doing it overly aggressively (yeah, i know, but that's my english)...good people, when the cops don't respond or act fast enough because of their apprehensiveness, our problems escalate & our communities become even more crime-ridden---those are the facts...

look, it's easier for a young person to get an illegal gun than get a high school diploma &, unfortunately, that's the way it is & no amount of stricter gun control will change it one iota...the criminals aren't going to turn their guns in & there's nothing prohibiting them for obtaining more---hell, it's harder for a law abiding citizen to get a legal gun than a criminal obtaining an illegal one---WAKE UP!!!

yes, some police are over-zealous & they should be held accountable for it but, the vast majority of them do their jobs by the book & should be rewarded & applauded for that---hell, some of them even go out of their way to make things just a little bit more bearable for those living in the hood & other crime-infested areas, however, good acts by our police don't make for good media headlines---if an off-duty white cop helps deliver a black baby in a super market, that's a 15-20 seconds sound-bite but, let a white cop kill a black person pointing a gun at him, well, that's all day've got it twisted & what's worse, you know it but you allow yourselves to get caught up in the moment---when we physically confront the police, we are putting ourselves in a 'no-win-situation'---there's no way in hell we will ever out gun or out man them---sure, we could hurt a few or even kill a few, however, when the crap hits the fan, you can expect to see the police backed up by our national guard (etc)---a war on the streets we live on is something none of us should ever want or condone...

which brings me to this:::did you ever notice, somebody has to be footing the bill for all of the 'don't live in the area' agitators to show up & incite the crowds & yet, you never question it, but you blindly follow them to destroying your own neighborhoods---&, the 'don't live in the area' agitators quietly fade away until the next uprising while leaving you to pick up the pieces of your own self-inflicted destruction in your own communities...there's something terribly wrong when a horse with blinders has better peripheral vision than you do with 20/20---

ask yourself this:::why would a white man (for that matter, any person with billions of dollars) fund black organizations designed to incite violence & physically confront armed cops &, while doing it, restrict where that violence takes place??? whether you believe it or not, there are predetermined boundaries in place which will let allow you to destroy your own & even the money-man won't cross them---nor will the puppets (regardless of race) allow you to cross them---hell, the mayor of baltimore told you that herself CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO & later tried to deny she said they gave space to those wishing to destroy---none of those demonstrators would have been allowed to get near her gated community & that's a fact---hell, the cops even said they were told to stand down while the mob was destroying it's own hood...

the next time you start to get riled up & want to join a mob hell-bent on destroying our own, please, ask yourself this---who prospers from it??? &, while you're trying to answer that, google this:::who funds 'black lives matter' & some of the other black organizations that incite chaos & violence within our communities...

as a people, we tend to get upset when a person of another color kills one of our own, especially if it's caused by the police & yet, we are so immune to black-on-black killings...we are killing our own at a much higher rate & age doesn't factor into it...another thing that doesn't factor into it is, the unbearable silence of our 'so-called leaders'---here's chicago 2015 & you don't hear crap about all the senseless homicides READ IT HERE...

approx 443 homicides in chicago this year & the vast majority of the victims were black as well as the assailants---CLICK HERE

FYI---chicago has one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation proving that what obama & company are saying 'has been/is/will always be' crap...