Monday, March 7, 2016


hello america!!! obama & company would have you believe that our economy has turned around & i have serious reservations about that because their own numbers belie their rhetoric...& yes, i'll be the first to tell you that you can 'slant' stats to prove your point---so, i'll just start with these...

46,331,011 people living in poverty
44,995,153 people on food stamps
72,936,630 people receiving medicaid
161,212,880 people receiving some form of gov't benefit
41,001,166 people still without health insurance
1,933,477 prison inmates
6,668,197 convicted felons
27,860,200 part time workers
7,795,489 unemployed workers
$6 trillion (plus & growing) debt held by foreign country's
$20 trillion (plus & growing) national debt
599,000 people walked away from the work force (feb 2016)
242,000 jobs added (feb 2016)
1,083,000 unemployment claims filed (feb 2016)