Sunday, July 2, 2017


hello america!!! wake up & smell the coffee...

1.....they said he wouldn't run for office
2.....they said he wouldn't stay in the race
3.....they said he couldn't win the republican nomination
4.....they said he couldn't defeat hillary
5.....they said he was racist; a misogynist; & every other thing negative
6.....they said he couldn't act presidential
7.....they said he colluded with russia
8.....they said he obstructed justice
9.....they said his own tweets will do him in
10...they said he couldn't govern
11...they said world leader's wouldn't respect him
12...they said he wouldn't accomplish anything
13...they said his hair wasn't real

well, allow me to respond...

a.....he did run for office
b.....he did stay in the race
c.....he did win the republican nomination
d.....he did defeat hillary
e.....he's not all of those negative things they've called him
f.....he does act presidential
g.....he didn't collude with russia
h.....he didn't obstruct justice
i.....i can only hope he tweets even more
j.....he's governing rather well leaders do respect him
l.....he has accomplished quite a lot with & without congress
m...his hair is hanging in there

through all the negativeness directed at donald trump from the left-wing media, the democrats &, hell, even some of his own, this man continues to WIN---& now, since the dems have no other ammunition left, some of them are now calling him 'crazy'...

at some point, the elected dems must get around to helping the repubs run this country for the betterment of all americans & quit their childish ways...