Saturday, April 25, 2009


hello america! just heard obamas radio address. after signing his spending bills into law, he now has the audacity to talk about fiscal responsibility.

okay obama, you want fiscal responsibility, return all the campaign money you received from those companies that you gave tarp money to. let's just start there. then you can influence the rest of washington to do the same. then, sit your black behind down & really read those bills you signed & have washington repeal every item in them that does not immediately help the economy. then, you take a good look at how much you've grown the federal government & start weaning out the excessive agencies you've created. then you look at your executive orders & repeal those that have us americans paying for overseas non essentials, like abortions &, giving money to pakistan, etc.

now, i can look at your bills & see where we can save big bucks but, you have to do it. you have to stop bailing out these failing companies & let corporate america fix their own problems. you can't continue to use our money to 'help' them when they continue to lay people off, throw them out of their homes &, won't lend them any money.

you dump all that money into an education system that needs to be repaired from the outside in. that is; the surrounding school areas need to be cleansed of the drugs, gangs &, violence as do the schools themselves. no amount of money you pay the teachers &, no matter how modern you make the school building, you'll never address the real problems. as a former community organizer, you should have known this better then most. we already have armed police within the schools, cameras & metal detectors & the problems still exist. &, as you very well know, most of the students & teachers won't speak out because you can't protect them. you can dump a trillion dollars in cabrini green & all you'll have done is paint rotted wood.

obama, you have the american people behind you (well, quite a few of us are not), & you have a great opportunity to do what's good for this country but, you have to lead by example. &, your starting with spending a lot & now wanting to cut back is not a good example. before you go any further, clean up the mess you have made & then go forward.

another thing, obama. you didn't inherit this economic mess, you were a part of it back in 1993 (remember) & you've been a big part of it since you were first elected to washington &, you did nothing to stem the tide then & you were in the majority.


hello america! it is with great pride that i pen the following::::FORD MOTOR COMPANY seems to be doing okay.

if you remember, they were part of the 'big three' that had requested bailout money but, didn't take a cent. &, this leads me to wonder what in the hell is my government doing?

ford didn't get any federal money, nor did they file for bankruptcy & seem to be headed in a positive direction.

meanwhile, gm & chrysler did receive federal money & seem extremely close to 'failure'.

there is something very wrong with this picture.

so, i say this to obama, keep your dirty little hands out of corporate america. everything you have touched is failing. &, while i'm at it, return the campaign money you got from the 'tarp' recipients.


hello america! obamas plan is working---here i am (again), talking about 'torture' & not the economy.

obama has the 'power' to put this whole thing to bed. he's already released 4 memos---don't tease us---release them all. he didn't care about national security then-don't let him care now. let him release all of the memos. let america decide for themselves..just publish the facts per obamas 'transparency' crap without any spin to it, & we, as a people, can figure it out. put it on the web.

FOR THE RECORD, I DO NOT CONDONE WHOLESALE TORTURE BUT, if torture will save american lives, i'm all for it. we get so caught up in the right & wrongs of war but, those we are at war with don't play by our rules.

how can you apply our rules & laws to those that send women & children into markets to detonate bombs? how can you want to investigate those that use devious methods to stop them?

america, let's get this right. if some group were to snatch my sons or grandsons, i wouldn't care what methods were used on the offenders to bring my loved ones to safety. would you?

so america, contact obama & tell him to release all the documents & memos on torture, to include what info was gleamed from the tortures-------let us decide for ourselves. i know now that if the minutues from the 2002 meeting that pelosi was in, she would be ready to throw the towel in.