Friday, July 8, 2011


hello america!!! let's talk obama tax increases & how that should cause you great concern.....only an idiot would tell you that raising the taxes on the wealthy & businesses won't affect the middleclass. unfortunately, we have many of those very same idiots running this country.

let's run through a few scenarios::::::if you are accustomed to living a certain lifestyle, own a business &, the federal government, state, city or county, raise your taxes, your profit will be deplenished &, that means those luxury trips & lavish dinners will have to come out of your pocket, & there's no way you can have that.
so, you raise the price of your goods or services to combat that raise &, guess who has to pay those higher prices? that's right!!! all the people that use those goods or services & that includes the middleclass.

here's another one:::::if you own an apartment building & the government raises the taxes, don't you raise the rent on the residents?

think about this::::if certain goods are made in cali & the tax is raised on them & they have to be delivered to new york, will you still pay the same price as before the raise?

america, the free market is in business to make money (regardless of the business) & when they have to pay more, we have to pay's always been that way & will always be that way. if you start a painting company, you expect to make a profit &, when the government starts eating into your profit, you charge your customers more to compensate...........this is business 101. the problem with this is, you can only raise your prices so much until your customers decide you're no longer affordable, & bam! you're out of business.

look at your banks......when they have to pay more, you have to pay more.....if you're overdrawn they charge about $35 for paying the overcharge, $10 for the 'paperless' work &, $5 a day while you're overdrawn. the fees are ridiculous......

when gas prices go up, the food costs go up as well as everything else that travels on gas.

america, please don't let obama fool you-----he's already snuck several tax increases on us that do affect the middleclass & the pro-obama media won't tell you about them....obamas chips program raised the price of all tobacco & related products; he's caused us to pay more for our alcohol beverages; obamacare has already raised the cost of healthcare (please google it yourself).

we cannot afford four more years of obama-----because of his lack of leadership & his failed policies, he's failed to help those living 'paycheck-to-paycheck'. actually, he's done just the opposite of helping them.

obama, let's be for real:::::you looked america in the eye & said your obamacare mandate was not a tax & yet, you argued before the appelate court that it is a tax.

raising the tax on the rich & closing the 'loopholes' jet owners is a bad move......they will find a way to keep their lifestyle &, we'll be the ones that will suffer because of it.