Wednesday, August 10, 2016


POVERTY---obama once told us, 'middle-class is a state of mind' so, i can only wonder what he thinks of those living on or below our federal poverty level which is approximately 12%-15% of our entire population made up with approximately 47 million people of color plus---so, as i refer back to my original request, i have to look at both sides of our political party's & somewhere in between the answers lies the truth of which party has helped better the lives of people of color, however, before i get in to it, i would like you to remember just one never-changing fact; if it doesn't help america, it helps people of color even less---& hey, i never thought i would be able to say a white person could sum it as well as a person of color but, i was wrong---

our 2016 financial poverty level is set at---$11,770 for a single person & up to $40,890 for a family of 8 &, good people, that's before any taxes, rent, groceries, utility bills or other bills are paid---for whatever reason, our politicians don't talk about our people living in poverty just like they don't talk about our homeless unless something drastic happens or it's election time---even though all of the numbers fluctuate yearly, they have remained in the same ball-park for years---in fact, with the middle-class shrinking & now struggling, our economy is hurting people of color even more---i'm here to tell you that poverty is directly related to jobs & i'll get back to that in a moment or two...

the poverty rate for black people is 26%-31%---for our male youth (18 & under) it's 38.1%---for our female (18 & under) it's 38.8%---black females with no spouse is 37% &, with children under 18 is 46.1%---black males with no spouse is 23.7% &, with children under 18 is 31.2%---all of these numbers have pretty much remained the same for years which tells me that the programs that people give the democrats credit for aren't helping the people of color a whole hell of a lot PERIOD!!! here's 2 sites for you to examine so you'll know where my numbers came from--- which is much like this one--- matter how you slice it, black people are hurting a hell of a lot more than our gov't is telling us &, unfortunately, the media doesn't deem our status as 'newsworthy' to cover...

 hey, it's really freaking simple, if you're honestly out there every day working to make ends meet & you're still struggling to do it, something is not working & i don't give two craps who tells you that they did something to benefit people of color---yes, there's ss & ssd, food stamps, welfare, medicare, medicaid, housing, day care, food banks, soup kitchens, free clothing, free busing, educational assistance, rent rebates, obama phones, utility assistance &, there are churches & other organizations that can/will help you &, they were all designed to help somebody on a temporary basis until they could get back on their own feet & hey, you're still struggling---somebody's been peeing on you & calling it rain & instead of you questioning them about the taste of it, you added sugar & swallowed it...

now back to that job issue---far too many people of color are on the bottom rung of the ladder of life when it comes to good-paying jobs & it has nothing to do with skin color or laziness---you simply can't be a chef if you can't cook which should tell all of us that if you're not qualified for a job, you probably won't get it & hey, i'm here to tell you that i am against affirmative actions---i don't want anybody giving me crap because i'm black-that's an insult---let me earn it &, if i have to take a second job, sobeit...

most people of color are not qualified for a lot of the good-paying jobs when (& if) they graduate high school &, we can blame that on our sorry education system &, before you hang me, allow me to point out the proof of that seemingly ridiculous statement---i live in allentown pa in the allentown school district & i'm about 2 1/2 blocks from william allen high school & yet, the average allen hs grad has not taken the same classes/material as somebody from parkland hs or central catholic hs & that's because the 'standards' are different---& hey, the dems are all about taking credit for trying to keep our educational system up-to-date but, they have nothing to say about our youth graduating without the knowledge that they should have & unfortunately, the parants don't make a lot of noise so, it's allowed to continue unchecked (just how dumb are we???)---for the most part, poor neighborhood schools graduate 12th graders that are really on a 9th or 10th grade level & they do it with consistency---how in the hell can anybody expect these kids to rise above the poverty level when we allow them to be 'dumbed down' in school??? the education problems & jobs problem are co-related but what do i know---after all, the obama & company have said that they put america back to work which is another example of that 'rain water'...just so you know i don't make this stuff up, the allentown city school district ranks 491 out of the 577 pennsylvania school districts & here's the proof---

good people, we need jobs PERIOD!!! obama promised jobs & those 'shovel ready jobs' ended up not being so 'shovel ready'---besides, not a whole hell of a lot of people of color got them nor will they---the unions will see to that because they have invested in our gov't at all levels...

here's two more articles for you to read---
& he wrote this the following day---

so, while you are so willing (for which i thank you) to tell me what all the democrats have done to better the plight of people of color (& more specifically black people) simply because they pushed a bill through congress & into law, allow me to ask this;;;if black people are suffering as much today as they were were 50, 60 years ago, are you still willing to stand by your comments??? &, before you respond, think of this---if you break your leg & i give you a crutch & that's all i give you, have i really helped you or hurt you???

with all of the success that the democrats get for helping the people of color, why aren't their lives improving???