Friday, February 17, 2017


hello america!!! to my people of color---when i see some of the issues that we (collectively) protest (for or against/verbally or physically) i have to wonder why we continue to allow ourselves to be blindly led to speak for everything but that which is most sacred to each & every one of us---we protest everything but the killings of our very own people---look, don't get me wrong, i support a lot of your causes, however, when i realize what's going on in our communities & realize that we don't/won't even say anything, i'm glad we have a donald trump that will (at the very least) talk about our problems, & hey, we have many...

we also have all of these various organizations (black & hispanic) that are supposed to be looking out for us but, where is their voice??? it takes the media to cover a story that they 'sensationalize' for our 'so-called' leaders to step up & speak out---the numbers speak for themselves as loudly as the silence surrounding them...

year-to-date---from just 5 communities...

chicago---436 people shot of which 81 died of which 54 were black/12 were hispanic (&, for  those of you protesting the police, the police have been involved in just 6 of those shootings, killing 4 while wounding 2)---for those that don't believe anything CLICK HERE...

baltimore---46 homicides of which 37 were black/2 were hispanic  CLICK HERE...

jacksonville---17 homicides of which 11 were black/1 was hispanic  CLICK HERE...

milwaukee---14 homicides of which 11 were black/1 was hispanic  CLICK HERE...

la county---72 homicides (police were involved in 8 of them) of which 17 were black/40 were hispanic  CLICK HERE...

130 blacks/56 hispanics murdered (& we still have 10 months of this year to go)---people of color, where is your outrage??? where are your protests??? where are your 'so-called' leaders??? where is the media??? hell, even obama was silent on all of the killings during his reign unless they involved a cop killing a person of color...

so yes, i have to question just WTF we're doing as a people---we march for abortion rights; we march for lgbt rights; we march for higher wages; we march for female equality; we march against donald trump & for hillary clinton; we march for the democrats; hell, we even march for the refugees & illegal aliens; & yet, we won't don't march for safer & better communities---HMMM???

by the way, i could have listed the stats from many other communities---just because i can, here's st louis with 24 homicides of which 22 are black & 7 of them were female  CLICK HERE...

i posted this several months back & it's still true   READ HERE...

chicago's 2016 stats

i've been writing about our senseless murders for a while so, please don't think i'm just now speaking out about them &, if it weren't for donald trump, most of you would still be in the dark because the media picks who & what they want to write about...