Tuesday, May 5, 2009


hello america! the pro-obama media doesn't have a clue as to what obama is up to, but, i have seen the writing on the wall & am here to inform you of what's up...

you've heard that old adage about keeping your enemies close---obama has taken it to heart & is keeping his within arms reach. he's very slick &, i truely feel sorry for all those that have been duped into thinking he was giving 'jobs' to his adversaries because he was 'truely reaching out'.

take a look at those that ran against him in the 2008 presidential campaign & where they are now...then you will understand me when i say that obama has stacked the democratic deck for his run in 2012.
joe biden/vice president/if obama fails-biden fails/obama has biden by the short hairs & biden will not be able to mount a strong enough run to challenge obama.
hilary clinton/sec of state/if obama fails-clinton fails/obama has clinton by the short hairs & will not be able to mount a strong enough run to challenge obama.
bill richardson/obama nominee for commerce sec/richardson withdrew from nomination due to federal investigation into 'pay-for-play' scam/richardson cannot mount a serious challenge in 2012 because of this.
john edwards/withdrew from the presidential campaign because of sexual scandal with videographer.
dennis kucinich/a strong democrat/supports obamas bills & if obama falls, he falls/does not have strong enough personality to mount a serious threat against obama.
chris dodd/extremely strong democrat/fought pres bush on all levels regarding stronger financial market regulatory reforms/is finished as a politician in his home state.

so, as you can see, obama has no strong democratic contenders for 2012. they have either done themseleves in or he's hired them without them knowing what he was planning---very, very slick &, it proves, he's not to be trusted. &, if you push the arguement to me, i can pull up the statements where biden & clinton said he was not ready to lead america.