Monday, April 15, 2019


hello america!!! i tried to warn you about voting dems into power, however, my warnings went unheeded---you voted them into power in our house of reps & hey, i want to know exactly what did you get for your vote???

it might be simpler for you to respond to what you didn't get for your vote because what the dem-controlled house of reps are doing is, not helping us or our country progress---the dems are stuck in denial & anti-trump anything---they are not about helping us as a country---for them to do that would be against everything they stand for & that is not going to happen---they will seek total control over every aspect of our lives &, you don't have to take my word---just look at the proposals the dems are putting forth...

america, which dem has ever stepped up & ever came close to admitting that the trumpster has done a great job for our country (despite all the animosity against him)??? in TRUTH, every presidential dem candidate has denigrated all that the trumpster has done & hey, we all know their ideas sound nice, however, in reality, they all will fail---they tell us what they think we want/need to hear & fall extremely short in providing exactly how they would go about paying for their outrageous ideas...

the dem party is all about control---PERIOD!!! the easiest way for them to control you is to have you buy into their 'medicare for all bs' which we just don't have the money for & hey, i'm here to tell you that we just don't have enough 'rich people' to afford it---&, if you really want to keep it real---we couldn't even get our gov't to effectively give heathcare coverage to the estimated 48 million people that didn't have it under obama & bernie sanders & others think we can give it to approx 330 million people??? are you really that stupid??? hell, we just don't have enough doctors to handle that many people & hey, people would be showing up to emergency rooms & doctor's offices simply because they let out a smelly fart because they wouldn't have to pay for it---hell, just maybe you are that stupid!!!

good people, the dems are offering things even they know they can't deliver on but, if it will sway a vote in their favor, they're going to continue trying to shove it down your throats---unfortunately, far too many of you that like to be led will believe them & support them at the ballot box---instead of listening to them, research their political history & learn for yourselves what they are not about---& hey, it's far easier for you than you may think---here is where you can look up your politicians & see how they voted among other interests---& here is, we have

one shouldn't cast their vote simply based on political party or hear-say---one should always take the time to do their own research because an 'informed voter' is a 'powerful voter'---we should all be about the business of trying to elect people to office that will help us, our family's &, our country grow...