Saturday, March 7, 2009


hello america! obama wants to prove that his stimulus bill is working &, the best he can come up with is 25 cadets hired in columbus ohio? true, the stimulus money may have been needed for the city to hire them but, there's a lot more here that's not being said &, i'm here to say it.

first, what did the city not do that led to them not being hired in the first place? then you have, what did the city do that led to their have to being hired with federal funds? &, i am trying to get the answers as best i can but, some officials don't like to answer questions when being put on the spot.

we all know that the cities spend our money as they see fit. they try to::: bring in businesses at our expense; build ballparks at our expense; buy property at our expense &, a host of other things at our a face lift on the courthouse, etc.....

all of our cities have budgets & very few live within them. so, you cannot convince me that these 25 could not have been hired without the stimulus. we both know that somewhere in this cities system they could have cut some un-needed services or raised the money through taxes to hire those 25. in truth, i believe the stimulus was a bonus to the city &, in a year the money for those 25 runs out &, then the mayor opens his mouth:::::

he said the city will be able to retain those 25 after the stimulus money runs out. that tells me that he knows what must be done to retain them. &, if one is to believe him, then he knew what should have been done to hire them without the use of the stimulus money in the first place.

as much as my city, allentown pa, may need 25 additional cops, i hope they don't use stimulus money to hire them. the city has spent a fortune on crap we didn't & don't need &, i can't wait to cast my vote against them. we had over-head weather protection on hamilton street that they took down. they re-did several parks. they re-did the front of the courthouse. some of the city projects we could have done without which would have freed the money up for those things the city actually needs. oh, did i tell you they also helped build coca-cola park?


hello america! this is for all of you that do back-flips every time obama farts.

when obama announced his "spreading the wealth" crap last october, you guys were so happy that the rich were going to pay your way. i told you then & i'm telling you now---it ain"t gonna happen...not in this lifetime or the next. &, this is why...

...would you bust your butt to get ahead & when you get there, allow somebody to take a bigger share away from you just because you were successfull? i know i wouldn't. & on top of taking a bigger share from you, they take even less from those that get your share?

now, we can stop with all that democrat/republican crap----this is socialism no matter what party your with---&, it ain't america.

what obama is about to cause can best be understood by the following: please go to............... Opinion: Miami Dolphins Owner Wants To Sell Team Before Obama Tax Hike
By Johnny Simpson.
Published Oct 27, 2008 by Johnny Simpson

this isn't the only site that carried this story but, the pro-obama biased media downplayed it & gave it very little coverage &, the sad part of this is, it's going to happen more & more. the wealthy are going to sell their company, fold up their company or, move their company out of the states.

athletes & entertainers are going to take a direct hit on this. look at all the charites they support. when you start taking more from them, they will support them less. they do commercials about hunger & the poverty-stricken; they feed families throughout the year; they help build sports parks; they host functions to raise money for others in need. &, they do it because they want to. what do you think will happen when you force them to do it?

by now, most of america has heard of the jimmy v foundation named after jimmy v who coined the phrase "don't ever give up-don't ever give up" while battling a disease that took his life---thus, the foundation. when you start taking from the supporters of this, it's going to fall &, the cancer research the money presently helps will be lost.

another case in point::::when i was in the service (1974-1984), we didn't have a choice in which 'charity' we helped. we got in the pay line, got our pay & then had to stop at all the stations to 'donate' our money to the various charities the army lined up---it wasn't a choice thing & i resented it but, back then, i was compelled to do it. besides, i couldn't beat the 1st sgt or sgt major who patroled the lines. always thought that system was wrong because the only charity i wanted to give money to was, cancer research---my mom died from cancer of the bone. if that had of been a regular 9 to 5 job, i would have quit. don't force me to pay for what you want paid for::::allow me the respect of chosing who gets my money.

so, to obama i say, you went to harvard & i don't know what all they teach there but, if your "spreading the wealth" is one of the subjects------you should have gone to another school in another land because it is not american!