Sunday, July 6, 2014


hello america!!! the following comes from the ny post (6 july)...CLICK HERE...what this country doesn't need is another obama-type person anywhere in our gov't...


hello america!!! according to a july 3rd article by the ny times, 52,000 unaccompioned children have illegally entered our country since this past april &, if that doesn't upset you, this should---240,000 adults also joined us illegally &, there's no way that they qualify as 'the brightest & best'......this should make you stop & question everything you hear from our gov't (who have proved that they cannot be trusted)---supposedly, we have 'delivered' most of the children to family members (at our expense) without checking to find out if they themselves are here illegally...a vast majority will be allowed to remain here which is a big contradiction to obama recently saying they will be deported........

what this means for every-day americans is loss of jobs as well as higher welfare & food stamp rolls...

here's the...NY TIMES ARTICLE...