Monday, January 12, 2009


hello america! i was not planning on saying anything until tomorrow but, i just left the corner store &, what i heard, upsets me greatly.

i was behind a hispanic lady with 3 kids & she was having a problem with the owner. she wanted to use 'foreign' currency to pay for her groceries---the owner wanted american dollars. a big argument ensued & the bottom line is, the lady told the owner (who i know) to learn spanish. this is where i have a problem.

if i go to a foreign country & i don't know their language, should i demand that they learn mine?

english is taught & spoken in more countries then i care to mention---not spanish; not russian; not german; not french; not latin---

when you enter america, learn to speak english, learn to read english &, don't demand that we learn your language. that is an option to us that we don't have to entertain.


hello america! if you've gotten this far, all i ask is that you leave a comment-good, bad, or, indifferent. if you have a request for something to be done in your area, i will do my best to diligently research it & i will publish my findings on this site.



hello america! 1st, i am a DENVER BRONCO fanatic. after them, i really don't care. they let me down this season but, there's always next year.

i spent this weekend watching the games &, i have my opinions about who won, who lost &, who gave up.

ravens won, cardinals won, chargers lost, giants gave up. reasons being:::ravens defense, cardinals defense, chargers lack of offense &, giants no nothing.

out of all the games, i was most impressed with the giants lack of intensity. the giants coach cost them that game when they didn't go for their 1st 4th & whatever. that set the tone & by the time they were in a position to go for it again, it was too late. they should have taken the week off getting ready for next seasons practice. & they won the superbowl! all that being said, i hate to admit the eagles deserved the win. they played with more intensity on both sides of the ball. however, i feel they are a whole team short of a championship team.

ravens defense was just too much for the titans. if the ravens can't score better, this weekend will be their last this season.

cardinals surprised me on both sides of the ball---when did you ever hear about them having a defense that could stop anything? me neither. if that defense shows up with their offense-it's lights out for the eagles.

the steelers have a very good & offense---it's just big ben can't be sitting back there for 8 seconds trying to get rid of the ball. but, i think they have enough to beat the ravens.

my picks are:::::::::::::::::::STEELERS V CARDINALS IN THE SUPER BOWL.

in BB, i'm picking cleveland v suns/ knicks suck;

in the other bb, i'm picking the NEW YORK YANKEES to win it all.

in hockey, the NEW YORK RANGERS

in golf, MR. TIGER WOODS

hey, y'all in allentown, pa---ckeck out that allen high varsity basketball team. do we have to have a football team?

america, have a great day!


hello america! many of you think that i am a pessimist. well, you're entitled to your opinion &, i respect you for sharing it with me. however, you're so not right. i see the glass as being 1/2 full &, in truth, i am a realist. yes, from across the street even i see the grass is greener but, i know that when i cross that street, the grass is just like the grass i left, or worse.

that being said, bush is on his way out & obama is on his way in &, the majority of you seem to think the grass will be greener with obama. well, as usual, i'm here to give you some truth on that subject.

i've said it before but, for you faithful obamaholics, i'll say it person can not "change" washington nor can they "change" how washington conducts its business. every politician in office owes something to someone for helping them get there &, that includes obama.

obama ran on a platform of "change" &, you ate it up & want more. SO-BE-IT...if you spent a little more time in doing your own research & less time praising obama, you'd come to the stark realization that obama cannot bring about "change" nor does he have enough influence to do it.

as usual, you won't beleive me but, take the time to research the following article: fox news by brit hume, tuesday, 12/16/08 house rules---basically, it's house speaker nancy pelosi 'telling' white house chief of staff rahn emanuel the way it will be. that's power & obama doesn't have it.

not enough for yet? research another article: by david a. patten, 1/9/09 john fund blasting speaker pelosi on reform---check out what she's doing & has done & then tell yourself that obama can bring about change.

pelosi has power that obama can only dream about & he can't "change" crap until he "changes" that.

research barney franks & all he has done to allow the collaspe of the housing & financial markets. he has power & is still calling shots.

research harry reid & all he done to allow the the collaspe of the housing & finacial markets. he has power & is still calling shots

not enough? research chris dodd & all he has done to allow the collaspe of the housing & financial markets. he has power & is still calling shots.

all four should be investigated by america for not doing their jobs. they have hurt us deeply &, together present an obsticle obama can't climb. they have already clashed & will clash again. no matter who supports obama, he will get nothing done without them. with them there, anything he wants has to go through them.

i've said it before & i'll say it again, obama is not a stand up, take charge guy. he never has been. how can you expect him to stand up to the 'big 4' when he lacks the power to do so?

the president cannot get a bill into law without congress but, congress can get a bill into law without the president &, the 'big 4' have the power to do so.

"CHANGE"---i don't think so! america, the first 6 years under bush were pretty good for us. look at what happened in his last 2 years to us after you put the democrats in charge.

the wheels of the bus go 'round & 'round but, if you don't put the lug nuts on, they're going to fall off. the wheels are congress & obama is not the lug nut!

sorry america---it will remain "business as usual" with no "change" in sight.