Saturday, September 15, 2012


hello america!!! it really is mind-boggling that obama & company can't call the mid east uprisings exactly what they are:::muslim extremists rallied by muslim terrorists using the video film as an excuse to do what they  do best; harm & kill americans & our friends, timed to coincide with 9/11.

the video has been laying around for several months---where was this outrage when it first roared its ugly head? the video is a pathetic labeling to cover up obama & company failure to keep our people safe. period.

the facts that have surfaced point directly to the man at the top not taking 4 recent & separate incidents against us seriously. now, whether or not obama doesn't attend his daily intel briefings daily or doesn't fully read their notes, he dropped the ball on this one...HE'S KNOWN SINCE JUNE ABOUT THE 4 SEPARATE INCIDENTS & IF HE DIDN'T, HE'S NOT EVEN THE 'SO-CALLED LEADER' HE PORTRAYS HIMSELF TO BE........

On June 6, an IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. On June 11, the British ambassador's motorcade came under attack by a rocket propelled grenade or RPG. Two security personnel were injured. Seven days later, on June 18, armed gunmen attacked the Tunisian consulate and burned its flag. And on August 5, five weeks before the assault on the U.S. Consulate, the International Committee of the Red Cross building in Benghazi was also struck by RPGs. 

Read more:

let's call it like it is:::if the video was shown on 9/11 & has sparked all this unrest, we have either seriously underestimated the abilities of our enemy's or, we just ignored them. in any case, the american deaths tell the story that  those in power won't. the attack on our consulate was 2-pronged & somebody had to give out the location of the safehouse.

look, even if you were passing out $20 bills in times square, you couldn't get all these people together on short notice. can you honestly imagine that all those people saw the video at the same time, got offended, dropped what they were doing &, collectively & mindlessly, just happened to show up at the consulate? &, if you can imagine that, can you also imagine that the weapons just happened to show there also. then asked yourself this: what or who actually sparked them to violence? well, while you're imagining, can you imagine all this violence just happened to spread to other country's? i just can't imagine why australia got dragged into the mix.

these uprisings were well planned to coincide with 9/11 (which on its own should been a day of heightened security---&, even more so in the face of the 4 previous attacks) & the video is being used as the excuse for them.

simply put, & contrary to what obama & his mouthpieces say, these uprisings are against americans & our friends. deflecting the blame doesn't make you blameless.

america, just look across the globe & tell me exactly what has obama & our state department done!!! yes, they'll spin it to put on the good face but, in reality, we're worse overseas then we were 4 years ago. why does it take american lives to tighten security around 9/11? what possible effective foreign policy can you have & defend that leaves our diplomats with less then the security they actually need?

ok, this video was so demeaning to muslims all over the world & yet, the muslims right here are so very quiet about it. or, are we suppressing their voices?

when salman rushide published his book, muslims called for his head...when the danish cartoonist published those cartoons of the muslim prophet, they wanted the head...when our soldiers burned the quran, muslims wanted their we have them supposedly reacting violently to a video &, it's death to america.......HMMM!!!

now, if you get all of your news from msnbc, cbs, abc or c-span, you're probably comfortable in your thinking that we are were never more wrong in your life. you only see what the pro-obama biased news media wants you to see, which will not be anything negative towards obama. obama won't tell you the truth about anything &, unfortunately, hilary clinton is caught up in his mess. yes, she was dancing in laughing & dancing in africa---now ask her exactly how many lives she actually saved? better yet, i bet you can't even tell me why she was over there.....yeah, google it & it should give you a clue to just how uninformed you really are. every overseas trip she returns from is billed as a success & yet, we haven't gotten crap out of them. i've posted on here articles like this one...

as the days go forward, expect more people in the mid east to join the uprisings which can all be attributed to obamas support of the arab spring & continuing statements to overthrow the gov't of syria. so yes, it's a direct reflection on obamas foreign policy. his sending in backup security is after the fact &, last night, we lost 2 more americans in our own afghanistan compound...yeah, that group must have just seen the video.

we have 90,000 plus americans in the mid east & unfortunately, they're all at risk. ask them if obama has made us safer...hell, ask obama. bet you won't see any photo-ops with him in the mid east any time soon for any reason---that's just how safe it is.

the next time obama, & company get on tv telling you how safe they've kept us, ask them to allow obamas daughters to visit the mid east. you're not going to like your answer........



hello america!!! here it is almost 4 years since obama was elected &, he's still 'blaming' others. when will he step up & assume responsibility for our economic mess? when will he be truthful with the american people & admit his role in training the acorn demonstrators that pressured banks to make those 'sub-prime loans'? when will he tell america that he was a lawyer that sued citibank to force them to make those same 'sub-prime loans'?

while many article have been written on the subject, i like the following because they give you some background that you can actually verify... 

the main stream media has repeatedly gone out of their way to keep the above from being reported. this should have been 'front page' news back in 2008. now, while obama didn't do anything illegal, he did have a direct & active hand in our economy's downfall & he should be held accountable for his actions. he should have to explain why 'sub-prime loans' to people that can't afford to repay them is a good thing for america.

good people, if the above was all obama did & owned up to it, this writing would stop here. that said, rather then admit how our collapse really came about, he blamed pres bush for it. to show you how false that is, i'm going to the very same site that saves obamas whitehouse records &, i'm going to pull up what pres bush tried to do to keep us from an economic freefall....   a lot of you may be wondering how come you didn't know about any of the above & yet, i wrote about on this very same blog & told you to do your own homework.

on another note, just to show you what kind of 'CHARACTER' obama doesn't have: his press secretary, jay carney said, the uprisings in the middle east have nothing to do with obamas foreign policy, obamas admin or, obama. supposedly, obama had a 48 hour warning of what was going on but, as they put it: they had no actionable intelligence. hey asshole, how about a heads up to our people outside of our borders like, hey, we don't know what's going on but, with 9/11 coming, take extra precautions.

this is what obama does & he's good at it. he great at 'deflecting' blame & assigning it to others. for obama to blame the video is stupid. the video has been out there all this time & is just now coming into play. these arab uprisings were planned to occur on 9/11 & the video is really hindsight....