Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hello america! let me make my position on obama very clear. i like him; i respect him as a person; i think he's articulate & very charming; i know he is a fighter:::::my problem with him is trust. i didn't trust him when he was campaigning & since becoming president, he has enforced that feeling. i blogged about this before &, will probably have to do so again.

i would like nothing better then to jump on the obama bandwagon & support him as my president but, i can't because i do my homework & i do it very diligently. i research the research before i type one letter.

now, for you obamaholics that feel obama can do no wrong, stop here...this is for the rest of america.

obama lied to us about transparency. he lied to us about his administration being held to high standards & ethics. he lied to us about reaching across the isle & working with the republicans. he lied to us about why the 787 billion dollar bill had to be passed by mid- february. he lied to us about his bill not having any 'earmarks' in it. he lied to us about how we got into this economic mess. he lied to us about the federal government not going to own any banks. he lied to us about changing 'business-as-usual' in washington. he lied to us about helping small businesses.

now you can be petty & tell me that other presidents have lied & i'd be forced to agree with you. however, no other president set the bar so high for himself & then went right out there & broke it. &, because he broke it, i question his judgement---he himself has said on several different occasions "i used bad judgement".

yes, all these lies in his first thirty days. so, yes, i have a problem with the president of my country & i will use these platform to delve into those & any other lies.

what's so sad about this is-i'm not telling you any lies about the man.


hello america! just finished a telephone conversation with a dear black female friend of mine who was a staunch supporter of obama during his campaigning. it was more of a debate then a regular conversation. she had all these high hopes that obama would be the one to help black america rise up out of the 'hood'. i told her back then the same that i just told her---obama never mentioned the plight of black americans living in the 'hood'. NOT THEN & NOT NOW...

obama won't help his 1/2 brother living in kenya &, he won't help his aunt living in boston. i wonder if she's been deported yet-i'll follow up on that. he didn't help the people of chi-town or illinios. how can blacks in america expect him to do something for them now?

let's be real...obama became president because of the people behind him & his wife is not in this group. the credit for his success goes to those that opened the door for him to attend harvard; sent him to chi-town to get involved in acorn; the woods foundation; the college foundation; & then, politics. &, no where along the line did he man-up for the plight of black america.

obama is a puppet & his job is to keep you where you are. between the bills & executive orders he's signed there's nothing in it for black america---NOTHING---

prove me wrong america-please prove me wrong. & don't get it twisted---i am extremely proud that america has opened her arms & elected a person of color but, it should have been anyone but obama.