Monday, January 5, 2009


hello america! this is going to seem like a contradiction to an earlier writing but, it's not. as much as i wish & pray for world peace, i have no problem with self-defense. so, for all those that would say that israel is wrong, please think of the following before you put your foot in your mouth.

assume you had a neighbor that was always throwing rocks at you, your family &, your house with no regard to injuries or damages to the passer-bys. let's also assume that you had reported this to the police & they did nothing; you reported it to the courts & asked for protection which was not provided; you asked the surrounding community for their help & they did nothing. well, if you did all that & nothing helped you, you would be left with just 3 choices>>>move, which is very unlikely, ignore the rock throwing, which is very unlikely or, defend yourself, family & property.

well, this is a problem that's been bothering israel since the beginning of time &, there is no end in sight. the cease-fires only last for so long. can you imagine sitting in your living room with your family under a cease fire &, out of no where comes the rocks through your window? when is enough enough? most of us would have been up the neighbors butt right after the first rock.

so, the next time you want to bash israel for what they are doing, put yourself & your family in their position & then tell me they're wrong.