Saturday, November 30, 2019


hello america!!! it's thanksgiving day, however, that doesn't stop the anti-trumpster train from rolling on---neither will it stop the pro-trumpster supporters (like me) from telling you the TRUTH & hey, the TRUTH is right (even when you don't want to hear it)...

when i look at the dem presidential candidates (to include those that haven't announced yet), i see one consistent fact:::not a one of them have a workable plan for bettering america & hey, that's the bottom line...

they all seem to be stuck in never-never land---where are their plans to even attempt to improve on the trumpsters pro-job growth strategy??? where are their plans to undo & update our trades deals to our benefit??? where are their plans to upgrade our school systems & provide all american families with 'school choice'??? where are their plans to stand up to china, russia & north korea??? where are their plans to allow more american workers to retain even more of their hard-earned dollars??? where are their plans to take even better care of our veterans??? where are their plans to continue to make our military the greatest in the world??? where are their plans to unwaveringly support our first responders??? where are their plans to help rid our communities from the drugs, gangs & violence??? where are their plans to continue to make america's interests first when dealing with other country's??? where are their plans to hold our media outlets accountable for 'wrongful news'??? where are their plans to nominate judges that will uphold the constitution & rule of law??? where are their 'concrete' plans to correct our southern border problems??? where are their plans to fix our 'daca' problems??? where are their plans to solving our 'lock-em-up-&-throw-away-the-key' problems??? where are their plans to help our farmers & businesses thrive overseas??? where are their plans to help our 401k's & stock-markets continue to thrive??? where are their plans for improving our opportunity zones??? where are their plans to improve urban revitalization??? where are their plans to even attempt to defeat the terrorists??? where are their plans to fortify our 'soft target zones'??? where are their plans to actually support our number one ally (israel)??? where are their plans to unite america instead of calling everything they disagree with racist???

the questions are endless &, i'm certain that you have your own to add to the list...

good people, the more they talk, the more they prove that they're not saying anything---look at their message to america---free this/free that/relaxed border control/tax the 1%er's more/allow illegal aliens to vote/&, perhaps worst of all, grant illegal aliens the same rights that you & i have...

america, nov 2020 will be upon us sooner than we think, however, a vote for the dems is a vote to reverse what the repubs & the trumpster have accomplished...

vote the dems out of office by casting your vote for responsible repubs...

Sunday, November 24, 2019


hello america!!! regardless of how badly you may want the trumpster out of office, i want you to focus on the following...

if you are under investigation (for anything---in any realm of life) &, the dem controlled house of reps impeachment rules were applied to you as they are applied to the trumpster, you're screwed---you can't have your own lawyers present;;; you can't call your own witnesses;;; &, those that are present in your defense are restricted to what all they can ask or say;;;plus, the dem chairman stops witnesses from answering questions that don't coincide with their claims---bear in mind that those doing the investigation have already proclaimed you 'guilty' so, fairness, justice &, the presumption of innocence are non-existent...

couple all of the above with this one consistent & undeniable fact---not one witness has testified to actually knowing you committed what you're charged with---it's all about---i presumed you did it; i heard you did it; i was told you did it; i believe you did it; i feel you did it; i think you did it; &, that was my understanding of it---not one of them has testified to actually seeing or hearing you do it...

hell, charles manson & jeffrey dahmer got fairer treatment in the courts than what's being given the trumpster---i know it; you know it; &, unfortunately, the dems know it...

what's extremely troublesome is, the media also knows it---let cnn of msnbc (or any other media outlet) have to go into a court of law to defend themselves with the dems impeachment rules on the table---can you imagine how much they'd be crying???

good people, i'm a strong supporter of the trumpster, however, if congress thinks he violated his 'oath of office' & can prove it, let the chips fall wherever they may---just treat him fairly because, after all, this is america & hey, in this country, you're presumed innocent until proven guilty...

in TRUTH, i honestly hope that the dems proceed with this ridiculous charade & that it does go to the senate for the trial because once there, the swamp will have to answer questions they really don't want to &, they'll be under oath while doing it---that trial will expose the dems for what they really are which is, a group of people that want control at all costs...

besides, can you imagine adam schiff & nancy pelosi having to testify under oath to the senate??? along with all of the witnesses that didn't actually 'witness' any 'wrong-doing'???

good people, the bottom line is:::the president of ukraine (volodymyr zelensky) has said there was no pressure or quid-pro-quo during any of his inter-actions with the trumpster &, right there, the dems should have folded up their tents & issued america's people a big apology for wasting their time...

for those hoping that the dems have the goods to take down the trumpster based on what we have all seen or heard, i say to you---the next time the repubs have control of both chambers of congress with a dem president, please remember that hope because congress is excellent at 'tit-for-tat'---that could be your elected dem president facing impeachment charges based on feelings, thoughts & presumptions with no actual proof that he or she actually did anything wrong...

&, depending on your source for news, you're confused because the left-wing media is already telling you that the trumpster will be removed from office while the right-wing media is telling you just the opposite---however, if you watched the hearings, you already know that impeaching the trumpster based on what all has been presented is not going to happen...

from what all i'm personally hearing on the streets, the dems are actually handing the trumpster the 2020 elections, however, that's not something we should take for granted---much work still has to be done to put that in concrete but, these foolish impeachment hearings are a big boost...

when you have dems like dem (illinois) rep mike quigley saying that 'hearsay can be much better than direct evidence' or dem (ca) adam schiff 'seeing ample evidence of collusion in plain sight' & yet never sharing that with any of those investigating the trumpster, you know we've crossed over from the world of reality...

please vote the dems out of office so that our country can go about its business of growing...