Saturday, May 2, 2009


hello america! let me start by 'pissing' some of you off---america got fat (under pres bush & a republican controlled washington) much to easy &, much to fast. the few safeguards that were in place to prevent the present economic problems of today---EVEN WITH PRES BUSH & HIS ADMIN CALLING FOR TIGHTER REGULATORY MEASURES---were ignored by politicians for their own political & personal gain. the dems & the repubs both continued to turn a blind eye to stronger regulation of the housing & financial markets so as, to allow those markets to continue to fill their campaign war chests. &, because our government didn't want to do their job, companies 'cooked' the books & you now know the results of that.

before i continue, i challenge you to click on the following link &, after you read it, do your homework on it. then you will know the truth for what it is & not for what obama wants you to believe it is...

the above is all part of the record that obama does not want you to see or hear. this way he can continue to feed your 'dislike' of pres bush for his own political gains by continuing to tell you how he 'inherited' this economic mess from pres bush. &, by doing so, he keeps his own 'dirty little secrets' out of the spotlight. he is so quick to blame pres bush for all of our troubles & never gives him 'good' credit for anything. under the first 6 years of pres bush, america grew at an alarming rate---that's a fact the majority of americans can attest to.

for obama to blame pres bush for our present troubles is pure crap. obama was as much a part of citigroup & the others failing as was the rest of washington...actually, he was a major player in their failing. however, our 'main-stream' media doesn't play fair & will poison us to believe what they want us to believe. in lieu of what obama has been blaming pres bush for, is it too much to ask that the other side of the coin be revealed? how come msnbc, fox, cnn & others don't ask obama about the on the link below & you'll know the truth...

some of you call me an obama hater---call me what you will. but, let me make this perfectly clear to you. i don't get paid for these blogs. i (at this time) don't even have adds on them. i do this to put the truth out there &, i receive no form other of compensation other then the personal satisfaction of educating the ignorant. &, judging from the support america gave & is giving
obama, there are plenty of you out there that are still very ignorant about him.

but, before you condemn me all to hell, ask yourself this: why is it that certain companies get 'tarp' funds & others don't? however, before you prove your ignorance, think about this: those companies that received the most---gave the most........fannie & freddie, citigroup, gm & chrysler, bank of america &, the list goes on...check it out on for yourself. &, one more thing...obama talks about the greed on wall street & the ceo's bonuses but, have you ever heard him say one sentence (with or without the teleprompter) about returning any of the money he received from those companies that received 'tarp' funds? just give some thought to obama telling you that there is too much greed at the corporate level & that those companies receiving 'tarp' funds can't pay out the bonuses & yet, he can't, hasn't, & won't tell you he is returning the money they contributed to his campaign. yet, he is spending our money to keep them afloat?

i don't care how ignorant you were prior to reading this but, if you read it all the way through & went to the links provided, i applaud you, regardless of how you now think of obama, because you now know the truth, regardless of what you do with it. &, i don't know about the truth setting you free but, i do know the truth is right.