Thursday, February 19, 2009


hello america! have you ever noticed that, in the past, states & cities have all cried "broke" & yet, they fixed their own problems without federal assistance? no matter how you address the issues-it all boils down to simple math. if you spend more then you make, you're going to have financial problems---we all learned that at an early age---that's why we had to deliver newspapers from our red wagons, baby sit, moe grass, clean windows &, collect golf balls from the waters. now maybe this is "old school" but, it hasn't changed one little bit. the mechanics are still in place. if you spent more then your 'allowance', you went out there & found ways to cover your wants. back in the day, we would do things for the neighbors that would give us an extra 'income'---&, then there were people like me that found it easier to 'take' (even by force) from somebody else. i had a simple motto---if i didn't have enough-you had too much.

over the years &, after getting my ass beat too many times for my devious actions, i've come to accept the american way...which is, if you can't afford to pay cash-charge it & the hell with the payments. besides, it's a lot easier then fighting face to face. that being said, most of todays homeowners can't afford to pay their mortgage (for whatever reason), because of their "other" debts. it's not the mortgage that is hurting them so much as it is the other 'stuff' they think they have to have...such as two or three cars, that brand new tv & stereo system, 2,000 dollar plus boom box speakers in their rides, name brand clothing, all the latest cd's even when they listen to old school only, hosting elaborate cook-outs & parties, attending sporting events, getting their hair, nails &, feet done weekly, going out every weekend to the 'clubs' to party &, leasing that fab ride you can't afford. oh, & did i mention the maintenance of their animals? on top of all that, you have the cost of children & wives &/or girlfriends. gotta eat & drink. gotta tell time & you can't tell time on a cheap $10.00 watch, can you? &, all the while, you just have to have the bling-bling &, it has to be better then anyone else''s called 'living above your means' & it's why this country &, damn near everyone living in it, is in debt. it's the american way-always has been/always will be.

well, the people that become politicians are just like us & most of them grew up just like us. &, sadly, they run our government just like we run our homes. america, you can bitch & gripe all you want &, call me all those 'not-so-nice' names but, after you read this, you'll come to admit it's the truth & "THE TRUTH IS RIGHT" as always.

no matter what level of government you look at, you can compare it to your home. so, let's start with county/city government. they all start with a yearly budget-they know what they have coming in & they know much they have going out. the problem arises because somebody on the city council wants brand new computers or new police cars but, it wasn't included in the budget so, they just borrow the 'extra' money from their state (UNLIKE OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT WILL VOTE THEIR BILLS THROUGH WITHOUT EVEN CONSULTING US AT OUR EXPENSE)---well now they have a debt that wasn't funded & now they have to figure out a way to fund it. they are 'buying' things they can't afford & they don't stop there. they have to put up some extra stop signs & lights that weren't in the budget plus, they need to put a new face on their city hall building. oh, don't forget those 10 extra firemen they want to hire. they spend above their means.

well america, we do the same:::we have that mortgage payment that is close to 40% of our income (pretty much the same with those that rent homes &/or apartments) &, we have those credit card bills that just won't go away. but, we need a new washer & dryer, or stove, or refridgerator &, we have that insurance payment, tv-cable-phone payment, car gas & maintenence payment, &, we can't send our kids to school in crappy gear &, they must have their i-pods & cell phones, &, somebody in the family isn't happy waiting to get on the computer so they have to have a lap-top, & i, being the head-of-the-house just have to have all those expensive tools to do those 'do-it-yourself' home projects I never have time for, & football season's just starting & i have to get that nfl package so i can invite all my buddies over-for that matter, i got to get 2 more tv's.

america, you know i'm right &, i didn't even mention a lot of things we 'can't' do without like magazine subscriptions & QVS & the food bill. we live above our means & we only try to correct this problem when it's too late. oh, what about that roof that just started leaking & the only thing you know about the roof is where it is? or that transmission that won't go into reverse? or that relative that just passed away & you have to travel from ny to cali & your boss is giving you crap for having to take off during his busy season? &, one of the worst ones is, how many times do we have food in the house & yet we order out?

the only difference between us & the government is, they can make us pay for their wants---we don't have that option-they'll come & repo our homes/or evict us, they'll repo our car/s or stereo systems or washer & dryers & we still have to make the make the payments.

so, come on, america, tell me how wrong i'm not. men of america, as a man it almost pains me to say this but, any down-to-earth-female can run our budgets better then we can. they have a knack for it. we will spend ourselves crazy & then blame everybody but ourselves---it's a fact. most families argue over money/debt-&, if we men were not as proud as we like to think we are, we would give the women the checkbook & paychecks & allow her to run the finances of the home.

so, when i say the running of government is very simular to the way we run our own homes, what arguement do you have to tell me i'm wrong?


hello america! this roland burris thing is a joke but, the illinios apple does not fall far from the illinios tree. but, i'm the guy that sees things that are not there to be seen. illinios has always been a hotbed for 'dirty' politicians &, will remain so. however, that's not to say that there aren't some good ones from there---i just know of any.

anyhow, although the system gave burris a hard time to get in the senate, that same system welcomed him with open arms because it gave the democrats another seat. &, they needed it because without him, they would not have passed obamas non-stimulus bill.

if the fbi has burris on audio, which is slowly being revealed now, they had him on audio before he was sworn in but, somehow, this little tidbit was hidden until now. it's all politics people-politics 2009. &, burris is an idiot---the more he talks after saying he won't, the more he sinks himself & the system. it was either him or franken &, franken may not make it. the dems would have dug up bettsy ross to fill that seat & then reburied her.

america, it has reached that point where trust is not the bigger issue---it boils down to who can you distrust the most. case in point::::obama::::he had big plans for middleclass america & infrastructure jobs during his campaigning & now that he's the president, look at just how little he's doing for infrastructure jobs & the middleclass. i don't make this stuff up. another pledge of his was to help small businesses---what does his 'cure all' bill do for them?

my nation of people, it seems like you have to lie to get anywhere in this country. if you can lie, cheat or, screw the people, you will be rewarded. don't believe me-just look at obama & his administration. in the case of burris, the reward will be short-lived. he needs to go.

can't wait until the next election to see who votes for the one that lies the best.